Thomas Cochrane
Associate Professor Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education (Education; Other education not elsewhere classified; Higher education; Creative arts and writing; Information and computing sciences)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- TheNewNormal Webinar Episode 6: Reimagining dual delivery for a place-based university
- Collaborative Online Professional Development Design
- #DataCreativities
- A framework for re thinking the pedagogy of studio-based design classrooms
- Enhancing Health Care Education and Practice Post COVID
- CO-llaborative VI-rtual D-esign: A Collaborative Autoethnography on Conducting Exclusively Online, Data-Led Collaborations in the Creative Industries
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 4
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 2.3
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 2.1
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 3.3
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 1.3
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 1.1
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 2.2
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 1.2
- #DataCreativities 2020 Workshop: Session 3.1 and 3.2
- Digital Methods for research led T&L practices in the COVID new normal: a workshop exploring findings from a MDAP Collaboration between MGSE, SCIP, FFAM, and CSHE during ‘lockdown’
- Using educational design research to develop authentic learning for graduate entry nursing students in New Zealand
- Enhancing Immersiveness in Paramedicine Education XR Simulation Design
- Enhancing student learning through trans-disciplinary project-based assessment in bioengineering
- Preparing For The Future: Rethinking The Education Delivery Model
- Collaborative Online Professional Development Design
- The new normal: Dialogues and ways forward
- Reimagining the performance experience through the establishment of a virtual performance hall
- Designing Authentic Learning through Enhanced Immersive Reality - bridging the virtual and physical learning environments
- Designing authentic online collaboration
- TheNewNormal Webinar Episode 7: The impact and best case principles of dual-delivery for face-to-face Universities
- Design principles for immersive reality to enhance creativity and performance through transdisciplinary collaboration
- Improving student outcomes through trans-disciplinary curriculum design in biomedical engineering
- Prototyping a transdisciplinary bioengineering curriculum development project
- Post Pandemic Socially Constructed Blended Synchronous Learning: Vignettes from the Mobile Learning SIG
- TheNewNormal Webinar Episode 8: The COVID19 student experience
- The New Normal Webinar Episode 9: Lost in Space: finding our way in virtual and physical learning environments
- Symposium: Reimagining Performance with Immersive Reality Technologies
- Exploring opportunities for musician’s health and performance enhancement using VR simulation training
- ‘Mixed-tape Methods’ for Data in Post-digital Times of Disease
- Nurturing Collaborative Networks of Mobile Learning Researchers and Practitioners
- #Datacreativities Twitterstream archive August/September2020
- Design principles for heutagogical learning: Implementing student-determined learning with mobile and social media tools
- Special collection on mobile mixed reality 2019 update
- Augmenting visual design: Designing the changing classroom
- CMAlt CMOOC: Developing a scalable lecturer professional development framework
- Designing an authentic professional development cMOOC
- Design principles for heutagogical learning: Implementing student-determined learning with mobile and social media tools
- Designing Immersive Mobile Mixed Reality for Paramedic Education
- A framework for mixed reality free-choice, self-determined learning
- Integrating Educational Design Research and Design Thinking to Enable Creative Pedagogies
- Mobile Video Production
- An Introduction to Immersive Reality
- A Model for Designing Authentic Learning
- A Model for Developing a SOTEL Research Cluster
- Introducing Immersive Reality into the Journalism Curriculum
- Episode Four: Student engagement: Meeting current needs and developing sustainable approaches
- COVID-19 Mobile EOR padlet: A co-curated selection of mobile tools (An Ecology Of Resources or EOR) that have enabled remote learning and collaboration during the COVID-19 crisis
- Designing authentic online collaboration
- Hybrid Teaching Strategies COVID-19: Designing practice-based learning environments to facilitate distributed learning communities
- Episode Five: Student Engagement Online Part 2: Surface vs Deep
- Altmetrics and Social Media: Amplifying research impact
- The New Normal Webinar Series: Episode One Online examinations: Challenges, assumptions and best practices
- Episode Two. From emergency to emergent practice: What we’ve learned about interaction and engagement
- Episode Three: Myth-busting: Debunking the myths of online learning
- Creating a consolidated open online research profile: ORCID Workshop
- #Datacreativities Twitterstream archive August/September2020
- #Datacreativities Twitter TAGSExplorer replay
- #Datacreativities Twitter TAGSExplorer replay
- Data Creativities Collab Mashup Take 2
- The Creative Industries in Days of Isolation – A Fast Pace Shift to Making, Learning and Living in a Crisis
- #ASCILITEMLSIG webinar 6 November 2020 #DataCreativities
- Supporting technology enhanced learning, professional development. and accreditation: rebooting the CMALT cMOOC network
- The New Normal Engaged teaching and learning webinar series Episode Four Student engagement: Meeting current needs and developing sustainable approaches
- The New Normal: Engaged teaching and learning webinar series: Episode Two From emergency to emergent practice: What we’ve learned about interaction and engagement
- Seminar 8: Strategies for designing hybrid teaching environments
- Designing an authentic professional development cMOOC
- A mobile ecology of resources for Covid-19 learning
- Roundtable 1: On the challenges of supporting extraordinary change. Opening up to voices around our institution
- Course delivery: Lessons for the future
- Immersive reality enhanced simulation in health higher education: MESH360
- Roundtable 2: After the leap, how can we build on positive changes for the future
- Developing a mobile immersive reality framework for enhanced simulation training: Mesh360
- Developing a DBR Model for Designing Authentic Healthcare Solutions: Mobile and Wearable Technologies
- Collaborative Mobile Video Production Workshop
- Beyond the classroom borders: a human-based transdisciplinary collaboration enabled by technologies
- Mobile learning special interest group symposium: revisiting mobile mixed reality
- Developing virtual collaborative health team educational environments
- CMAlt CMOOC: Developing a scalable lecturer professional development framework
- Mixed Reality in Health Education, Potential of
- Technology Enhanced Learning, Research Impact and Open Scholarship
- A DBR framework for designing mobile virtual reality learning environments
- Special Issue on Mobile AR & VR: Integrating SOTEL in Learning Design
- A Framework for Designing Transformative Mobile Learning
- Nurturing Collaborative Networks of Mobile Learning Researchers and Practitioners
- Mainstreaming mobile learning in journalism education
- Mobile VR in education: From the fringe to the mainstream
- Designing a virtual health faculty hub
- Developing a design-based research methodology for designing MR technologies for mountain safety
- Designing for learning with mobile and social media tools—A pragmatic approach
- Developing the scholarship of technology enhanced learning (SOTEL)
- #NPF14LMD learners and mobile devices: Sharing practice
- Developing virtual collaborative health team educational environments
- Authentic interprofessional health education scenarios using mobile VR
- Exploring mobile mixed reality in healthcare higher education: A systematic review
- Embodied reports in paramedicine mixed reality learning
- Special issue on mobile mixed reality
- An Agile and Scalable Professional Development Strategy: The CMALT cMOOC Project
- Developing a scalable lecturer professional development framework
- Mapping Professional Accreditation Pathways in HE: Triangulating the UCISA Surveys with a Systematic Review and Analysis [A-037]
- Augmented Reality: Connecting the classroom and the community
- Mobile Video Production Workshop: Exploring a BYOD development framework and toolkit
- Immersive Journalism: Playing with Virtual Reality
- Vignette 8.2: How should we design for authentic mobile learning?
- Designing a virtual health faculty hub
- Mainstreaming Mobile Learning in Journalism Education
- Mobile VR in education: From the fringe to the mainstream
- Developing a design-based research methodology for designing MR technologies for mountain safety
- An overview of AJET publication and review processes
- Transdisciplinary curriculum co-creation: new perspectives for learning enabled by technologies
- Designing ‘phygital’ spaces: Integrating mobile social media in health education
- The Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning: Reimagining SOTL for the Social Network Age
- Reimagining Professional Development for Next Generation Higher Education: Mapping Professional Accreditation Pathways
- Technology-enhanced free-choice learning in marine conservation education
- NMIT Music Curriculum Redesign
- Developing A Mobile Immersive Reality Framework For Enhanced Simulation Training: MESH360
- A Social Media Research Network Framework for Open Social Scholarship
- Designing the changing classroom
- Evaluating the CMALT cMOOC: An Agile and Scalable Professional Development Framework
- Critical perspectives on Mobile Mixed Reality from the ASCILITE Mobile Learning SIG
- Mobile VR Workshop
- How AUT is Designing Authentic Student Learning Experiences with Immersive Reality
- Reflections on CMALT accreditation
- Developing a DBR Model for Designing Authentic Healthcare Solutions: Mobile and Wearable Technologies
- Developing the scholarship of technology enhanced learning (SOTEL)
- #NPF14LMD learners and mobile devices: Sharing practice
- Designing for learning with mobile and social media tools—A pragmatic approach
- Designing a cMOOC for Lecturer Professional Development in the 21st Century
- Developing students' professional digital identity
- Mobilizing learning: transforming pedagogy with mobile web 2.0
- Designing creative learning environments
- Designing a cMOOC for lecturer professional development in the 21st century
- Mobile VR in education: From the fringe to the mainstream
- MLearning and creative practices: A public challenge?
- Designing a cMOOC for lecturer professional development in the 21st century
- Mobile Social Media: Redefining Professional Development and Collaborative Scholarship
- Nurturing global collaboration and networked learning in higher education
- Designing Creative Learning Environments.
- Journalism and Law 2.0
- Designing a cMOOC for lecturer professional development in the 21st century
- A framework for designing collaborative learning environments using mobile AR
- Exploring Collaborative Projects using Mobile Social Media
- Design considerations for mobile learning
- Key themes in mobile learning: Prospects for learner-generated learning through AR and VR
- Developing students' professional digital identity
- Designing a cMOOC for lecturer professional development in the 21st century
- Designing virtual reality environments for paramedic education: MeSh360
- Evaluating a professional development CMOOC: Mosomelt
- Beyond Pokémon Go: Mobile AR & VR in education
- Designing Collaborative Learning Environments Using Mobile AR
- 360 Video and mobile VR workshop
- Designing a cMOOC for lecturer professional development in the 21st century
- Designing a cMOOC for Lecturer Professional Development in the 21st Century
- Designing transformative learning environments
- A framework for designing collaborative learning environments using mobile AR
- Mobile learning in sustainability education: What, When, Why and How?
- Authentic Mobile Learning: Beyond Pokemon Go
- Nurturing Collaborative Networks Of Practice
- Get to Know the ASCILITE SIGS (Special Interest Groups)
- Carte blanche to MINA Festival: #MINA & Sound Projects
- #NPF14LMD AUT University Case Studies
- Mobile Learning, Altmetrics, and SOTEL
- Mobile learning technologies for sustainability education
- Communities of practice: positive peer and student-teacher relationships
- #NPF14LMD Learners and Mobile Devices: Symposium
- Four voices on Learners and Mobile Devices in Teacher Education
- EDR and Design Thinking: Enabling Creative Pedagogies
- Modelling Open Practices in Professional Development: Creating a culture of open social scholarship
- Exploring Mobile360: Immersive user-generated mobile images and video
- Mobile VR in Education Workshop
- Designing virtual reality environments for paramedic education: MeSh360
- Mobile Virtual Reality Workshop
- Evaluating a professional development CMOOC: Mosomelt
- Developing a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies
- Developing students' professional digital identity
- Beyond Pokémon Go: Mobile AR & VR in education
- Principles of Modeling CoPs for Pedagogical Change: Lessons Learnt from Practice 2006 to 2014
- Designing transformative learning environments
- A summary and critique of mlearning research and practice
- Cultivating Creative Approaches to Learning
- Designing transformative learning environments
- Mobile Web 2.0 integration
- Emerging technologies in New Zealand: A pedagogical framework for mobile social media
- Mobile social media as a catalyst for collaborative curriculum redesign
- Handbook of Mobile Learning
- An mLearning Journey
- Mobile Web 2.0 Integration
- Implementing a mobile social media framework for designing creative pedagogies
- A mobile Web 2.0 framework: Reconceptualising teaching and learning
- iArchi[tech]ture: Developing a mobile social media framework for pedagogical transformation
- Redesigning professional development: Reconceptualising teaching using social learning technologies
- Developing a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies
- Post-web 2.0 pedagogy: From student-generated content to international co-production enabled by mobile social media
- Rethinking e-learning support strategies
- Critical success factors for transforming pedagogy with mobile Web 2.0
- iArchi[tech]ture: Developing a mobile social media framework for pedagogical transformation
- Post-web 2.0 pedagogy: From student-generated content to international co-production enabled by mobile social media
- IPadagogy: Appropriating the iPad within pedagogical contexts
- Journalism 2.0: Exploring the impact of mobile and social media on journalism education
- Social implications of mobile learning in global learning environments
- Building global learning communities
- Riding the wave of BYOD: Developing a framework for creative pedagogies
- A mobile learning community of practice: Facilitating conceptual shifts in pedagogy
- Do 21st century students dream of electric sheep? a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies
- Do 21st century students dream of electric sheep? a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies
- Modelling Technology: Tack, Skal, Ikea
- Collaboration unplugged: Herding a flock of MOAs
- Mobile Social Media as a Catalyst For Creative Pedagogy
- Mobile Social Media – Productivity and presentation tools for the 21st century teacher
- Mobile social media as a catalyst for pedagogical change
- Augmenting the design thinking studio
- Education in a Post Web 2.0 World: Mobile Learning in a Global Context
- Mobilising Learning and Teaching
- A Mobile Augmented Reality Movie Primer
- Nurturing Global Collaboration
- A mobile learning community of practice: Facilitating conceptual shifts in pedagogy
- Augmenting mobile movie production
- Mobilizing Journalism Education
- Design thinking for mlearning: Herding a flock of MOAs
- Mobile Social Media - Productivity and presentation tools for the 21st century teacher
- Mobile Social Media as a Catalyst for Pedagogical Change
- Presenting without Powerpoint
- Cultivating Creative Approaches to Learning
- Heutagogial approaches to mlearning: From student-generated content to international co-production
- Exploring mobile augmented reality
- Reflections on 4 Years of mLearning Implementation (2007-2010)
- Secrets of mlearning failures: Confronting reality
- Cyber Behavior
- Beyond the Yellow Brick Road: mobile Web 2.0 informing a new institutional e-learning strategy
- Transforming Pedagogy Using Mobile Web 2.0
- Exploring the Pedagogical Affordances of Mobile Web 2.0
- Beyond the yellow brick road: Mobile web 2.0 informing a new institutional e-learning strategy
- Mlearning: Why? What? Where? How?
- Mobile Web 2.0 integration
- Journalism 2.0: Exploring the impact of mobile and social media on Journalism education
- Mobile cloud services as catalysts for pedagogical change
- Augmenting the design thinking studio
- DeFrosting professional development: Reconceptualising teaching using social learning technologies
- Equipping lecturers for the iRevolution
- Heutagogy and mobile social media: Post Web 2.0 pedagogy
- Exploring mobile augmented reality
- Heutagogial approaches to mlearning: From student-generated content to international co-production
- M-learning 2.0: The potential and challenges of collaborative mobile learnig in participatory curriculum development
- Post Web 2.0 Pedagogy: Mobile social media
- A Mobile Learning Journey: Or "A tale of two academics pedagogical partnership"
- Twitter tales: Facilitating international collaboration with mobile web 2.0
- New global learning cultures: Interdisciplinarity through networked learning
- Contemporary Music Students and Mobile Technology
- Post Web 2.0 Pedagogy: Mobile social media
- Beyond the yellow brick road: Mobile web 2.0 informing a new institutional e-learning strategy
- Secrets of mlearning failures: Confronting reality
- Moving Beyond “No Significant Difference” Mobile Learning as a Catalyst for Pedagogical Change
- M-Learning: a Catalyst for Pedagogical Change
- An mlearning Journey: Mobile Web 2.0 Critical Success Factors
- Dialogue Paper; Bridging Contexts; Preparing the institution for emerging technologies
- Making the 'Case' for the iPad
- Moving Beyond "No Significant Difference": Mobile learning as a catalyst for pedagogical change
- MLearning Praxis: A Pragmatic Guide to Implementing Mobile Learning
- DeFrosting Professional Development: Reconceptualising Teaching Using Social Learning Technologies
- iArchi[tech]ture: Heutagogical Approaches to Education Facilitated by Mlearning Integration
- Heutagogy and Technology Stewardship; Theory, Practice and Mobile Social Media
- iPadagogy: Appropriating the iPad within Pedagogical Contexts
- Beyond No Significant Difference: Designing mlearning as a catalyst for pedagogical change
- Mobile social media on student owned devices for bridging the digital divide
- Global mobile social media reporters
- Reflections on 3 years of mlearning implementation (2007-2009)
- Mobilizing learning: transforming pedagogy with mobile web 2.0
- Journalism 2.0: Exploring the impact of mobile and social media on Journalism education
- Equipping lecturers for the iRevolution
- Mlearning: Why? What? Where? How?
- M-learning 2.0: The potential and challenges of collaborative mobile learnig in participatory curriculum development
- Mobile Web 2.0 integration
- Heutagogy and mobile social media: Post Web 2.0 pedagogy
- Two-Stage Amplification of Receptors Using a Multilevel Orthogonal/Simultaneous Dynamic Combinatorial Library
- Mobilising learning: intentional disruption - harnessing the potential of social software tools in higher education using wireless mobile devices
- Exploring mobile learning success factors
- Mobile Web 2.0
- Mobilising learning: A primer for utilising wireless palm devices to facilitate a collaborative learning environment
- Reflections on 3 years of mlearning implementation (2007-2009)
- Beyond the yellow brick road: Mobile web 2.0 informing a new institutional e-learning strategy
- Twitter tales: Facilitating international collaboration with mobile web 2.0
- Smartphones give you wings: Pedagogical affordances of mobile Web 2.0
- Mobile web 2.0: The new frontier
- Learning with wireless mobile devices and social software
- Learning with wireless mobile devices and social software
- Smartphones give you wings: Pedagogical affordances of mobile Web 2.0
- Transforming Pedagogy Using Mobile web 2.0
- Smartphones give you wings: Pedagogical affordances of mobile web 2.0
- Beyond the Yellow Brick road: Mobile Web 2.0 informing a new institutional e-learning strategy
- Developing interactive multimedia Learning Objects using QuickTime
- Transforming pedagogy using mobile web 2.0
- Contemporary music students and mobile technology
- Engaging Students with Mobile Web2.0
- Moving beyond the LMS - Getting Flock'd: A hub for social software tools
- Mobile Blogging
- Going for gold: a moblogging case study
- Using Smartphones and Mobile Web 2.0 to Create a Mobile Computing Platform for Tertiary Education
- Facilitating Social Constructivist Learning Environments for Product Design Students Using Social Software (Web2) and Wireless Mobile Devices
- Interactive QuickTime: Developing and evaluating multimedia Learning Objects.
- Mobile web 2.0: The new frontier
- Mobile Blogging
- Moving Mobile Mainstream: Using Communities of Practice to Develop Educational Technology Literacy in Tertiary Academics
- Interactive QuickTime: Developing and evaluating multimedia learning objects to enhance both face to face and distance e-learning environments
- Integrating Multimedia In Moodle Courses
- Dummies2Delight: Using Communities of Practice to develop educational technology literacy in tertiary academics
- Dummies2Delight: Using Communities of Practice to develop educational technology literacy in tertiary academics.
- Mobilzing Learning: A Primer for Utilizing Wireless Palm Devices to Facilitate a Collaborative Learning Environment
- Interactive QuickTime: Developing and evaluating multimedia learning objects
- Designing Mobile Learning Environments: Mobile trials at Unitec 2008
- Mobile Web2 Pedagogies
- mLearning Journeys: Redesigning Teaching for mLearning
- mLearning Journey
- Mobile Blogging: A Guide for Educators
- Engaging Students with Mobile Web2.0
- Integrating Mobile Web 2.0 within Tertiary Education
- Mobile Web 2.0: from Pilots to the Mainstream
- Mobilizing Learning: Mobile Web 2.0 Scenarios in Tertiary Education
- Facilitating Social Constructivist Learning Environments for Product Design Students Using Social Software (Web2) and Wireless Mobile Devices
- An MLearning Journey: Critical Incidents in Transforming Pedagogy
- Strategies for mlearning Integration: Evaluating a Case Study of Staging and Scaffolding mlearning Integration Across a Three-Year Bachelor's Degree
- Integrating Mobile Web 2.0 within Tertiary Education
- Mobilising learning: A primer for utilising wireless palm devices to facilitate a collaborative learning environment
- Transforming pedagogy using mobile web 2.0
- MESH360: a framework for designing MMR-enhanced clinical simulations
- “Context matters”: The challenges and opportunities of designing tertiary public and environmental health education in South Auckland
- A collaborative design model to support hybrid learning environments during COVID19
- Building global learning communities
- Creating an e-learning environment for a polytechnic course
- Mobile learning and socially constructed blended learning through the lens of Activity Theory
- PJTEL Editorial 2019-2021
- The Higher Education Teaching Research Nexus Webinar Episode#1: Altmetrics for amplifying research impact
- Do 21st century students dream of electric sheep? a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies
- Beyond Pokémon Go: Mobile AR & VR in education
- Beyond Pokémon Go: Mobile AR & VR in education
- Designing a cMOOC for lecturer professional development in the 21st century
- Designing a cMOOC for lecturer professional development in the 21st century
- Do 21st century students dream of electric sheep? a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies
- Nils Rosén von Rosenstein and His Textbook of Pædiatrics
- STUDIO602: A Model for Designing Real World Collaborations Between Higher Education and Industry
- An Agile Framework for Designing Authentic Mobile Learning: The Authentic Mobile Learning Triangle
- Analysing mobile learning designs: A framework for transforming learning post-COVID
- Design principles for immersive reality to enhance creativity and performance through transdisciplinary collaboration.
- Exploring opportunities for musician’s health and performance enhancement using VR simulation training.
- Reimagining the performance experience through the establishment of a virtual performance hall.
- A Framework for Amplifying the Teaching-Research Nexus Impact: Leveraging Altmetrics via Figshare
- A Cultural Mapping of the Design for Transformative Mobile Learning Framework to Facilitate Learner Agency
- Professional Accreditation Pathways in Higher Education: Enabler or Block to Technology-Enhanced Learning Professional Development?
- The affordances of clinical simulation immersive technology within healthcare education: a scoping review
- Improving student outcomes through transdisciplinary curriculum design in biomedical engineering
- Transforming Energy and Pedagogy
- Designing authentic learning environments to scaffold students towards self-determined learning
- Professional development and professional accreditation in teaching: Needs, opportunities, and pathways
- Back to the Future: Enabling Authentic Hybrid Learning through Mobile Devices
- Using the Design for Transformative Mobile Learning Framework to facilitate learner agency
- GPT3 + AI: What is the human value in light of AI developments?
- Speculating on Higher Education in 2041—Earthworms and Liminalities
- Traversing Learning and Leading Collaboration: Stepping Towards New Power Values During Turbulent and In-Between Times
- MLSIG Discussion 12 May 2023 Audio Recording
- MLSIG Discussion 12th May 2023 Audio Recording
- Keeping it human: Learning design in the digital age
- Aiello, S., Osborne, M. S., Cochrane, T., Sevigny, C., Marriott, P., & Allen, J. (2023, 20 August). A strategy to enhance pre-performance clinical education and wellbeing. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Performance Science 2021, 17-20 August. Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
- A strategy to enhance pre-performance clinical education and wellbeing.
- Reality check
- Design-Based Research
- Heutagogical-based ICALL environment
- Exploring mobile mixed reality for critical thinking in nursing and healthcare education: A systematic review
- Mapping Professional Accreditation Pathways in Higher Education
- Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) data for Mapping Professional Accreditation Pathways in Higher Education
- Evolution of mobile learning
- Exploring social media use for healthcare professionals
- CHATGPT and Academic Integrity: Options for adapting assessment in semester 1 2023
- Design-based Research: An ethical framework to address pedagogical problems and innovation
- Exploring the intersection of digital pedagogies, reflexivity, and culture in religious education
- People, partnerships and pedagogies. Proceedings ASCILITE 2023
- The Future of Authentic Healthcare Education: Wearable, Immersive, Embodied, Connected and Generative AI Learning Environments
- Designs for our times: adapting assessment in an AI context
- Exploring Social Media Use for Healthcare Professionals
- Implementing Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for authentic healthcare education
- A model for nurturing a networked academic community: #ASCILITEMLSIG mobile learning special interest group
- Sorry Not Sorry from SoTEL Community of Online Pedagogy
- PJTEL Editorial 2022-2024
- Introduction to CMALT professional accreditation #ASCILITE2024
- Introduction to CMALT professional accreditation #ASCILITE2024
- Utilising learning analytics in teaching
- A Design-Based Research Framework to Guide Curriculum Design
- A Design-Based Research Framework to Guide Curriculum Design
- Designing a cMOOC for lecturer professional development in the 21st century
- Do 21st century students dream of electric sheep? a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies
- An Introduction to Educational Design Research: What is it and how do I get started?
- An Introduction to Educational Design Research: What is it and how do I get started?
- Beyond Pokémon Go
- Design Based Research Project Plan Template
- Design Based Research Project Plan Template
- DBR Case Study Template
- DBR Case Study Template
- Analysing Educational Design Research with Activity Theory
- Analysing Educational Design Research with Activity Theory
- Introduction to AdvanceHE Fellowship
- Introduction to CMALT Accreditation
- Introduction to CMALT Accreditation
- Do 21st Century Students Dream of Electric Sheep?
- Heutagogy and mobile social media
- Introduction to ePortfolios in Higher education
- Introduction to ePortfolios in Higher education
- Untitled Item
- ASCILITE2024 - How to get Involved 1
- #ASCILITE2024 - How to get Involved 2
- #ASCILITE2024 - How to get Involved 2
- (Re)defining Mobile Learning in the Post COVID-19 and GenAI Era
- Enhancing Clinical Education Training with Immersive Reality (XR)
- Heutagogy-based Human-AI Co-creation Practice
- Exploring Design-Based Research as a framework for addressing pedagogical problems faced by higher education
- Tips for Presenting at ASCILITE2024
- Exploring the Real Impact of ICT Tools on Secondary School Students’ Learning of Geography
- Designing for learning with mobile and social media tools