
Usha Iyer-Raniga

Professor (Built environment and design)

Melbourne, Australia

Professor Usha Iyer-Raniga is at the School of Property and Construction Management, RMIT University. Usha co-leads the One Planet Network’s Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme (SBC), United Nations 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (UN 10FYP SCP) aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 12. The work directly impacts SDG 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production. Usha has been invited as key note speaker and invited speaker at national and international conferences including COP 26 and COP 27, seminars and workshops. Her teaching portfolio extends to Asian countries. She has provided expertise to Austrade, APEC, national, state and local governments. She is reviewer, on editorial boards and scientific committee member for national and international referred journals and refereed conferences. She has served on not for profit boards. She has also served as a judge for various Awards.


  • A Methodological Framework for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Construction Projects Incorporating TBL and Decoupling Principles
  • Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling in the Circular Economy: A Review
  • Policy recommendations for the zero energy building promotion towards carbon neutral in Asia-Pacific Region
  • Sustainability in the Built Environment in the 21st Century: Lessons Learned from India and the Region
  • Recycling Perspectives of Circular Business Models: A Review
  • Motivations and drivers for adopting sustainability and circular business strategies in businesses in Victoria
  • Building materials in a circular economy
  • Mapping the Circular Economy Ecosystem of Victoria
  • Exploring PV Waste Management Solutions Using Circular Strategies
  • Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling in the Circular Economy: A Review
  • Infrastructure Financing for Climate Change Adaptation in Australia: Practitioners’ Perspectives
  • The circular economy operating and stakeholder model “eco-5HM” to avoid circular fallacies that prevent sustainability
  • Forest Degradation Under Global Change
  • Precursor considerations for new circular economy business models
  • Mapping sustainability indicators for circular built environment in the Global South
  • Highlighting the Design and Performance Gaps: Case Studies of University Buildings
  • Scenarios of energy reduction potential of zero energy building promotion in the Asia-Pacific region to year 2050
  • Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies Focusing on Small Island Developing States
  • Inclusive and resilient shelter guide: accounting for the needs of informal settlements in Solomon Islands
  • Circular design in the Global South
  • Sewage Management
  • Sustainability in Australian Universities: The Road to 2050
  • Food Security Challenges and Approaches
  • Sustainable Development
  • Contemporary Issues in Land Use Planning
  • Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Engagement for Embedding Sustainability
  • Closing the loopholes in circular economy definitions and assessments using ontological criteria, with a demonstration for Australia
  • Sustainable Buildings and Construction: Responding to the SDGs
  • Transitioning to a State-Wide Circular Economy: Stakeholder Perspectives
  • Construction Supply Chains and Their Role in Sustainability
  • Resilience of Poor and Vulnerable Against Disasters and Associated Economic Shock
  • Green Building
  • Global State of Play for Circular Built Environment
  • State of Play for Circular Built Environment in Gulf Cooperation Council
  • Evacuation centres
  • Transitioning to a state-wide circular economy: Major stakeholder interviews
  • Disaster resilient housing (Jackson).
  • Disaster resilient housing (Junior)
  • Globalization and Sustainability - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Emerging Issues
  • Precursor considerations for new circular economy business models
  • Mapping sustainability indicators for circular built environment in the Global South
  • Inclusive and resilient shelter guide: accounting for the needs of informal settlements in Solomon Islands
  • Circular building design methods and assessment
  • No Poverty
  • Inclusive and Disaster Resilient Shelter Guide Urban Informal Settlements, Honiara, Solomon Islands
  • Life Cycle Costing: Evaluate Sustainability Outcomes for Building and Construction Sector
  • Informal settlements and the threat of climate change
  • Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Academia: The Case of Indonesia
  • Comprehensiveness of circular economy assessments of regions: a systematic review at the macro-level
  • Integrating Interdisciplinary Thinking and Practice: A Case Study of a Victorian University in Australia
  • Proposal of a tiered conceptual framework for sustainable design and planning of large-scale development projects in the metropolitan context
  • Net Zero Energy Building Policy: Benchmarking Australian Practices Against Some Asia Pacific Countries
  • Outdoor Thermal Comfort Assessment of Educational Precincts during Spring Time in Melbourne Australia
  • Showcasing ‘Real’ Green Buildings: A Case for Post Occupancy of University Buildings
  • Supporting global mobility staff through a community of practice
  • Sustainable Development Research in the Asia-Pacific Region - Education, Cities, Infrastructure and Buildings
  • The value of BIPV projects: a deliberative lifecycle cost benefit assessment
  • State of Play for Circular Built Environment in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • State of Play for Circular Built Environment in Europe
  • State of Play for Circular Built Environment in Africa
  • State of Play for Circular Built Environment in Asia
  • State of Play for Circular Built Environment in North America
  • 2018 Global Status Report - Towards a zero-emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector
  • Sustainability Assessment Through Internalization of Environment and Society
  • Circularity in the Built Environment: A Focus on India
  • Zero Energy in the Built Environment: A Holistic Understanding
  • Using the ReSOLVE framework for circularity in the building and construction industry in emerging markets
  • Integrating Teaching and Learning with Inter-Disciplinary Action Research in Support of Climate Resilient Urban Development
  • Beyond buildings: holistic sustainable outcomes for university buildings
  • Reflections for sustainability: Capitalising on stakeholder engagement for optimising outcomes
  • Low Carbon Developments in Practice: A Cross Border Experience
  • Future-proofing buildings: optimising facility management in building design to achieve high performance for occupants
  • A Lifecycle Cost-Benefit Analysis of Low-Carbon Powerhouses in Buildings in China
  • Thermal perceptions and microclimates of educational urban precincts in two different seasons in Melbourne
  • Sustainability in Universities in the Asia-Pacific Region: An Introduction
  • Identifying cost trend and affected cost factors for green office buildings in Australia
  • Mobility and access to transportation for the rural poor: examining the role of intermediate means of transport (IMTS) in Ghana
  • Transport and Accessibility Challenges Facing the Rural People Living Along Feeder Roads in Ghana
  • Reflections of a green university building: from design to occupation
  • Interdisciplinary Engagement in Higher Education: Opportunities Explored
  • Built Environment Curricula In The Asia-Pacific Region: Responding To Climate Change
  • Urban Living Labs: Explorations in a University Setting
  • Educating Built Environment Professionals in Developing Countries: Case Study from Indonesia
  • Substandard Housing Challenges: Case of Bangladesh Using Intrafamilial International Remittance
  • Built Environment Education for Sustainability and Climate Change Preparation
  • Accessibility and Transport Needs of Rural People in Ghana: How Relevant Are Appraisal Models
  • Circular Economy in the Built Environment: Supporting Emerging Concepts
  • Aligning Goals for Sustainable Outcomes: Case Study of a University Building in Australia
  • Resetting the Compass: Principles for Responsible Urban Built Environment Education (PRUE)
  • A Holistic View for Integrating Sustainability Education for the Built Environment Professions in Indonesia
  • Challenges in Aligning the Architecture Profession in Indonesia for Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Sustainability Balance
  • State of Play for Circular Built Environment in Oceania
  • Establishing a multi-pillar decision-making framework for supporting Triple Bottom Line sustainability assessment
  • Interdisciplinary teams for engaging in employability skills
  • State of play of circularity: A global snapshot
  • Sustainability in Construction Procurement
  • Transformative learning: innovating sustainability education in built environment
  • Is the global public willing to drink recycled water? A review for researchers and practitioners
  • An integrated approach to energy analysis in building design - the relocatable classroom project
  • Education for sustainability in the built environment: What are students telling US?
  • Daylighting in atrium spaces
  • Living traditions: India
  • Pathways to Industry: Work Practices of Undergraduate Students in Construction Programs in Australia
  • A context for participation in sustainable development
  • A greenhouse gas assessment of a stadium in Australia
  • Sustainable planning and design of large-scale metropolitan development projects
  • A Strategic Project Appraisal framework for ecologically sustainable urban infrastructure
  • Integrating Sustainability Education Into Existing And Built Environment Curriculum
  • Liveable Homes: A vehicle for facilitating the uptake of sustainability measures in new homes
  • Reducing your environmental footprint: Mornington Peninsula shire council case study
  • Sustainability for Broiler Sheds: An Australian Study
  • Sustainability: Think today and tomorrow, Efficient use of Materials in Buildings
  • Learning through sharing: beyond the traditional North-South learning models for a circular built environment
  • Rethinking Building Practices: Interventions in Building Design, Constructions, Cost Effectiveness and Resource Efficiency - THE SDG House - United Nations Human Settlements Programme - Executive Summary
  • Integrating built heritage and sustainable development: Can assessment tools be used to understand the environmental performance of existing buildings with heritage significance?
  • Embodied energy analysis of fixtures, fittings and furniture in office buildings
  • Benchmarking the implementation of continuing professional development in the Victorian construction industry
  • Retrofitting the existing for the future: Improving the energy consumption of existing residential building stocks with heritage values
  • Strategies for the implementation of continuing professional development for SMEs in construction
  • Residential Building Sustainability Rating Tools in Australia
  • A whole of life approach to improve the energy efficiency of the retail sector: An Australian case study
  • Applying Black Swan Theory for achieving sustainability in the built environment
  • Characterizing building renovations in the residential sector in Victoria, Australia
  • Embedding sustainability education in a built environment curriculum
  • Everlasting shelters: life cycle energy assessment for heritage buildings
  • A framework for understanding the environmental impact of buildings in Australia
  • Mainstreaming Sustainable Housing for All
  • Reinterpreting the value of built heritage for sustainable development
  • Data quality as an antecedent for commercial viability of circular economy business models: a case study
  • Sustainable built asset management
  • Excelling the uptake of LEED India - Integrating lessons learnt from the development of green star
  • Sustainability education in the engineering and built environment curriculum: The case of Asia-Pacific
  • Sustainability rating tools - a snapshot study
  • Sustainable built environments
  • Life-cycle energy analysis of buildings: A case study
  • Curriculum innovation in transnational teaching: A pilot study
  • Analysing the life-cycle energy of an Australian residential building and its householders
  • Reviewing the framework for dealing with urban environmental problems
  • A design support tool for climate change adaptation
  • A hybrid life cycle assessment method for construction
  • Innovation in integrating sustainability education into engineering and built environment curriculum: The case for asia-pacific
  • Greening heritage housing: Understanding homeowners' renovation practices in Australia
  • Evaluation of whole life cycle assessment for heritage buildings in Australia
  • Financing-Infrastructure-for-Climate-Change-Adaptation-in-Developing-East-Asia
  • Life cycle assessment of e-waste management system in Australia: Case of waste printed circuit board (PCB)
  • Circularity in the built environment teaching and learning guidebook
  • Circular Business Model Value Dimension Canvas: Tool Redesign for Innovation and Validation through an Australian Case Study
  • Residential building sustainability rating tools in Australia
  • Circular Business Model Value Dimension Canvas: Tool Redesign for Innovation and Validation through an Australian Case Study
  • Student Perceptions of Environmental Education in India
  • The Transition to a Circular Built Environment in Australia: An Analysis of the Jurisdictional Policy Framework
  • How eco-champions solve the triple-bottom-line challenge
  • Partnership in the Built Environment for Realizing the 2030 Agenda: A Soft Systems Model Incorporating Systems Theory and the Circular Economy
  • 21st Century Slavery - The Various Forms of Human Enslavement in Today's World
  • A conceptual model for integrating circular economy in the built environment: An analysis of literature and local-based case studies
  • Integrative Approaches in Urban Sustainability - Architectural Design, Technological Innovations and Social Dynamics in Global Contexts [Working Title]
  • Land-Use Management - Recent Advances, New Perspectives, and Applications [Working Title]
  • Circular Business Model Frameworks: A Review
  • Integrated approach for sustainability assessment and reporting for civil infrastructures projects: delivering the UN SDGs
  • An exploration of drivers for small businesses to implement environmental actions in Victoria, Australia
  • Agricultural Economics and Agri-Food Business

Usha Iyer-Raniga's public data