- Climate resilient seaports
- Energy supply measures to reduce regional carbon intensity: opportunities and constraints
- Imagining the unimaginable: Synthesis of essays on abrupt and extreme climate change
- Implications of climate change for shipping: Ports and supply chains
- Integrating Teaching and Learning with Inter-Disciplinary Action Research in Support of Climate Resilient Urban Development
- Land tenure and urban climate resilience in the South Pacific
- Unpacking the Pacific Urban Agenda: Resilience Challenges and Opportunities
- Climate Resilient Urban Development
- Seaport resilience to climate change: mapping vulnerability to sea-level rise
- Urban sustainability: problems facing the 'local' approach to carbon-reduction strategies
- Assessing carbon flow at the local scale
- Toolkits for regional sustainable development
- Framework for the construction of local CO2 inventories
- Assessing the employment implications of a sustainable energy system: A methodological overview
- City-regions and the development of sustainable energy-supply systems
- In support of urban adaptation: a participatory assessment process for secondary cities in Vietnam and Bangladesh
- Climate change and the visitor economy in the uplands
- Imagining the unimaginable: Synthesis of essays on abrupt and extreme climate change
- Framing climate change adaptation learning and action: The case of Lahore, Pakistan
- Climate change, equity and the Sustainable Development Goals: an urban perspective
- Post-tsunami resettlement in Sri Lanka and India: Site planning, infrastructure and services
- The employment implications of a low-carbon economy
- Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation: The Importance of Framing
- Adaptation and mitigation in urban areas: Synergies and conflicts
- Perceptions of Climate Vulnerability, Tenure Security and Resettlement Priorities: insights from Lami Town, Fiji Islands
- The role of tourism in a changing climate for conservation and development. A problem-oriented study in the Kailash Sacred Landscape, Nepal
- The climate learning ladder. A pragmatic procedure to support climate adaptation
- The climate change challenge: linking vulnerability, adaptation, and mitigation
- Bulk mineral flows and the sustainable development of the north west of England
- Frame divergence in climate change adaptation policy: Insights from australian local government planning
- Climate change and cities
- Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate
- The prospects for improved energy efficiency in the UK residential sector
- Changes to climate and visitor behaviour: Implications for vulnerable landscapes in the north west region of England
- Reducing residential carbon intensity: The new role for English local authorities
- Resilience: A Bridging Concept or a Dead End? "Reframing" Resilience: Challenges for Planning Theory and Practice Interacting Traps: Resilience Assessment of a Pasture Management System in Northern Afghanistan Urban Resilience: What Does it Mean in Planning Practice? Resilience as a Useful Concept for Climate Change Adaptation? The Politics of Resilience for Planning: A Cautionary Note
- The role of spatial risk assessment in the context of planning for adaptation in UK urban areas
- Potential applications of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions
- Framing adaptation to climate-related extreme events
- Adaptation strategies for climate change in the urban environment: Assessing climate change related risk in UK urban areas
- The impact of the 2009 heat wave on Melbourne's critical infrastructure
- Using subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) extreme rainfall forecasts for extended-range flood prediction in Australia
- Managing the flow of construction minerals in the north west region of England: A mass balance approach
- Impact and adaptation opportunities for European agriculture in response to climatic change and variability
- Adapting to water scarcity in a changing climate: The role of institutions in transborder settings
- Cross-border organisations as an adaptive water management response to climate change: The case of the Guadiana river basin
- The Benefits of Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration for Urban Community Resilience in a Time of Climate Change and COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Benefits of Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration for Urban Community Resilience in a Time of Climate Change and COVID-19 Pandemic
- Community profiling to support inclusive urban community-based climate adaptation: experiences of a survey-based approach in urban informal settlements in Honiara, Solomon Islands
- Localized nature-based solutions for enhanced climate resilience and community wellbeing in urban informal settlements