Dr Tseen Khoo is a researcher interested in critical race studies, Asian Australian politics and culture, and the higher education sector. She is passionate about building constructive, collegial scholarly communities. Tseen is a Senior Lecturer in the Research Education and Development (RED) team, Graduate Research School, La Trobe University. Her previous role was as a Senior Advisor (Research Grant Development) at RMIT University (2011-2014), and she's had past lives as a Monash University Research Fellow (2004-2009) and University of Queensland Postdoctoral Fellow (2001-2004). Her writing and publications focus on research funding issues, early career researcher experiences, alternative academic streams, and racial diversity issues in Australia. Since its formal establishment in 2006, Tseen has been the convenor of the Asian Australian Studies Research Network (AASRN).


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Daniell Bendrups

Daniell Bendrups

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