Surya Prasath
Assistant Professor (Translational and applied bioinformatics)
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
- A segmentation model and application to endoscopic images DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31298-4_20
- Mucosal region detection and 3D reconstruction in wireless capsule endoscopy videos using active contours DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346847
- Multichannel texture image segmentation using local feature fitting based variational active contours DOI: 10.1145/2425333.2425411
- On a System of Adaptive Coupled PDEs for Image Restoration DOI: 10.1007/s10851-012-0386-3
- Texture image segmentation with smooth gradients and local information
- Automatic polyp detection in pillcam colon 2 capsule images and videos: Preliminary feasibility report DOI: 10.1155/2011/182435
- Awell-posed multiscale regularization scheme for digital image denoising DOI: 10.2478/v10006-011-0061-7
- Multichannel image restoration using combined channel information and robust M-estimator approach
- Multispectral image denoising by well-posed anisotropic diffusion scheme with channel coupling DOI: 10.1080/01431160903260965
- Well-posed inhomogeneous nonlinear diffusion scheme for digital image denoising DOI: 10.1155/2010/763847
- Color image segmentation based on vectorial multiscale diffusion with inter-scale linking DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11164-8_55
- Ringing artifact reduction in blind image deblurring and denoising problems by regularization methods DOI: 10.1109/ICAPR.2009.57
- Controlled inverse diffusion models for image restoration and enhancement DOI: 10.1109/ICETET.2008.69
- Edge detectors based anisotropic diffusion for enhancement of digital images DOI: 10.1109/ICVGIP.2008.68
- A hybrid convex variational model for image restoration DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2009.11.003
- Automatic Polyp Detection in Pillcam Colon 2 Capsule Images and Videos: Preliminary Feasibility Report DOI: 10.1155/2011/182435
- Controlled Inverse Diffusion Models for Image Restoration and Enhancement DOI: 10.1109/ICETET.2008.69
- Edge Detectors Based Anisotropic Diffusion for Enhancement of Digital Images DOI: 10.1109/ICVGIP.2008.68
- Multispectral image denoising by well-posed anisotropic diffusion scheme with channel coupling DOI: 10.1080/01431160903260965
- On a System of Adaptive Coupled PDEs for Image Restoration DOI: 10.1007/s10851-012-0386-3
- Ringing Artifact Reduction in Blind Image Deblurring and Denoising Problems by Regularization Methods DOI: 10.1109/ICAPR.2009.57
- Weighted laplacian differences based multispectral anisotropic diffusion DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2011.6050119
- Well-Posed Inhomogeneous Nonlinear Diffusion Scheme for Digital Image Denoising DOI: 10.1155/2010/763847
- Weighted and well-balanced anisotropic diffusion scheme for image denoising and restoration DOI: 10.1016/j.nonrwa.2013.10.004
- Ringing artifact reduction in blind image deblurring and denoising problems by regularization methods DOI: 10.1109/ICAPR.2009.57
- Weighted laplacian differences based multispectral anisotropic diffusion DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2011.6050119
- Well-posed inhomogeneous nonlinear diffusion scheme for digital image denoising DOI: 10.1155/2010/763847
- On a system of adaptive coupled PDEs for image restoration DOI: 10.1007/s10851-012-0386-3
- Multispectral image denoising by well-posed anisotropic diffusion scheme with channel coupling DOI: 10.1080/01431160903260965
- Edge detectors based anisotropic diffusion for enhancement of digital images DOI: 10.1109/ICVGIP.2008.68
- Controlled inverse diffusion models for image restoration and enhancement DOI: 10.1109/ICETET.2008.69
- Automatic polyp detection in pillcam colon 2 capsule images and videos: Preliminary feasibility report DOI: 10.1155/2011/182435
- A hybrid convex variational model for image restoration DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2009.11.003
- Radar shadow detection in synthetic aperture radar images using digital elevation model and projections DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.8.083628
- Feature fusion and label propagation for textured object video segmentation DOI: 10.1117/12.2052983
- Robust periocular recognition by fusing local to holistic sparse representations DOI: 10.1145/2523514.2523540
- Feature preserving anisotropic diffusion for image restoration DOI: 10.1109/NCVPRIPG.2013.6776250
- Texture image segmentation with smooth gradients and local information EID: 2-s2.0-84867706345
- Multichannel texture image segmentation using local feature fitting based variational active contours DOI: 10.1145/2425333.2425411
- Mucosal region detection and 3D reconstruction in wireless capsule endoscopy videos using active contours. EID: 2-s2.0-84903872594
- Mucosal region detection and 3D reconstruction in wireless capsule endoscopy videos using active contours DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346847
- A segmentation model and application to endoscopic images DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-31298-4_20
- A well-posed multiscale regularization scheme for digital image denoising DOI: 10.2478/v10006-011-0061-7
- Multichannel image restoration using combined channel information and robust M-estimator approach EID: 2-s2.0-79751507083
- Color image segmentation based on vectorial multiscale diffusion with inter-scale linking DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11164-8_55
- Robust Periocular Recognition by Fusing Sparse Representations of Color and Geometry Information DOI: 10.1007/s11265-015-1023-3
- Image Restoration with Fuzzy Coefficient Driven Anisotropic Diffusion DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20294-5_13
- Image Inpainting with Modified F-Transform DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20294-5_73
- Automatic Image Segmentation for Video Capsule Endoscopy DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-260-9_7
- Elastic body spline based image segmentation DOI: 10.1109/icip.2014.7025888
- Multi-focus image fusion using epifluorescence microscopy for robust vascular segmentation DOI: 10.1109/embc.2014.6944682
- Fast and globally convex multiphase active contours for brain MRI segmentation DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2014.04.010
- Radar shadow detection in synthetic aperture radar images using digital elevation model and projections DOI: 10.1117/1.jrs.8.083628
- Automatic Contrast Parameter Estimation in Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Restoration DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12580-0_20
- Automatic Contrast Enhancement for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos with Spectral Optimal Contrast-Tone Mapping DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2205-7_23
- Feature preserving anisotropic diffusion for image restoration DOI: 10.1109/ncvpripg.2013.6776250
- Ringing Artifact Reduction in Blind Image Deblurring and Denoising Problems by Regularization Methods DOI: 10.1109/icapr.2009.57
- Edge Detectors Based Anisotropic Diffusion for Enhancement of Digital Images DOI: 10.1109/icvgip.2008.68
- Controlled Inverse Diffusion Models for Image Restoration and Enhancement DOI: 10.1109/icetet.2008.69
- Multiscale Tikhonov-Total Variation Image Restoration Using Spatially Varying Edge Coherence Exponent PMID: 26394419
- Multiscale Tikhonov-Total Variation Image Restoration Using Spatially Varying Edge Coherence Exponent. PMID: 26394419
- Weighted laplacian differences based multispectral anisotropic diffusion DOI: 10.1109/igarss.2011.6050119
- A Durable Anatomy with Local Plasticity Enables Normal and Stress Hematopoiesis
- On compacton traveling wave solutions of Zakharov-Kuznetsov-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (ZK-BBM) equation
- Decision level integration of unimodal and multimodal single cell data with scTriangulate
- A two-stage filter for high density salt and pepper denoising
- Impulse denoising based on noise accumulation and harmonic analysis techniques
- Adaptive Thresholding Skin Lesion Segmentation with Gabor Filters and Principal Component Analysis
- Effects of Distance Measure Choice on K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier Performance: A Review
- Multiregion Multiscale Image Segmentation with Anisotropic Diffusion
- Near Lossless Compression for 3D Radiological Images Using Optimal Multilinear Singular Value Decomposition (3D-VOI-OMLSVD)
- Machine Learning for Detection of Correct Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Tip Position from Radiology Reports in Infants
- POCASUM: policy categorizer and summarizer based on text mining and machine learning
- On Numerical Implementation of the Laplace Equation-Based Image Inpainting
- Single Image Dehazing with Optimal Color Channels and Nonlinear Transformation
- Artificial intelligence in bronchopulmonary dysplasia- current research and unexplored frontiers
- CellDrift: inferring perturbation responses in temporally sampled single-cell data
- LungMAP Portal Ecosystem: Systems-Level Exploration of the Lung
- Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection Method Based on Adaptive Principal Curvature, Colour Normalisation and Feature Extraction with the ABCD Rule.
- scTriangulate, a game-theory based framework for optimal solutions of uni- and multimodal single-cell data
- Medical Imaging with Deep Learning for COVID- 19 Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Review
- Signal Approximations Based on Nonlinear and Optimal Piecewise Affine Functions
- Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Class Segmentation of Lung Confocal IF Images
- Generation of fashionable clothes using generative adversarial networks
- BREAK, MAKE and TAKE: an information retrieval approach
- Automatic Initial Boundary Generation Methods Based on Edge Detectors for the Level Set Function of the Chan-Vese Segmentation Model and Applications in Biomedical Image Processing
- Computational Nuclei Segmentation Methods in Digital Pathology: A Survey
- Optimal Nonlinear Signal Approximations Based on Piecewise Constant Functions
- Systematic review and usability evaluation of writing mobile apps for children
- Automatic body mass index detection using correlation of face visual cues
- A Fast Denoising Algorithm for X-Ray Images with Variance Stabilizing Transform
- Choosing Mutation and Crossover Ratios for Genetic Algorithms—A Review with a New Dynamic Approach
- Adaptive total variation L1 regularization for salt and pepper image denoising
- Correction: OpinionML—Opinion Markup Language for Sentiment Representation Symmetry 2019, 11, 545
- An adaptive method for image restoration based on high-order total variation and inverse gradient
- Scientometric analysis of social science and science disciplines in a developing nation: a case study of Pakistan in the last decade
- Location Verification Technique for Cluster Based Geographical Routing in MANET
- Improving seller–customer communication process using word embeddings
- Multiscale Gradient Maps Augmented Fisher Information Based Image Edge Detection
- An adaptive image inpainting method based on euler's elastica with adaptive parameters estimation and the discrete gradient method
- Compression artifacts reduction with multiscale tensor regularization
- Dynamic Increased Capacity Approach Steganography in Spatial Domain
- DeepImmuno: Deep learning-empowered prediction and generation of immunogenic peptides for T cell immunity
- Brain tissue volume estimation to detect Alzheimer’s disease in magnetic resonance images
- In situ mapping identifies distinct vascular niches for myelopoiesis
- Comparison of Various Machine Learning Models to Identify Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Tip Position from Radiology Reports
- Recent developments in computational color image denoising with PDEs to deep learning: a review
- Skin lesion segmentation method for dermoscopic images with convolutional neural networks and semantic segmentation
- Computational 2D and 3D Medical Image Data Compression Models
- On a hybrid lossless compression technique for three‐dimensional medical images
- DeepImmuno: deep learning-empowered prediction and generation of immunogenic peptides for T-cell immunity
- Microvasculature segmentation of arterioles using deep CNN
- Automatic disease stage classification of glioblastoma multiforme histopathological images using deep convolutional neural network
- Deep CNN Segmentation for Epifluorescence Microscopy Images
- Automatic Disease Stage Classification of Brain Glioblastoma Multiforme Histopathological Images using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Image denoising by anisotropic diffusion with inter-scale information fusion
- Glioma Subtypes Clustering Method using Histopathological Image Analysis
- Design and Construction of a Light-Detecting and Obstacle-Sensing Robot for IoT—Preliminary Feasibility Study
- An Improved Genetic Algorithm with a New Initialization Mechanism Based on Regression Techniques
- A Review on CT and X-Ray Images Denoising Methods
- Distance and Similarity Measures Effect on the Performance of K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier - A Review
- Validation of Tsallis Entropy In Inter-Modality Neuroimage Registration
- Confocal vessel structure segmentation with optimized feature bank and random forests
- Deep learning based computer-aided diagnosis for neuroimaging data: focused review and future potential
- Color image denoising by chromatic edges based vector valued diffusion
- App Review Series: Radiology Pocket Game
- Review of Computational Methods on Brain Symmetric and Asymmetric Analysis from Neuroimaging Techniques
- A Probabilistic Fusion Framework for 3-D Reconstruction Using Heterogeneous Sensors
- Victory sign biometrie for terrorists identification: Preliminary results
- On Spatial Relations for Non-small Cells Lungs Cancer Interpretation
- Classification and gender recognition from veiled-faces
- Image Restoration With Total Variation and Iterative Regularization Parameter Estimation
- Quantum Noise Removal in X-Ray Images with Adaptive Total Variation Regularization
- Improving the generalization of disease stage classification with deep CNN for Glioma histopathological images
- Near-light perspective shape from shading for 3D visualizations in endoscopy systems
- 3D workflow for segmentation and interactive visualization in brain MR images using multiphase active contours
- An Algorithm for Data Hiding in Radiographic Images and ePHI/R Application
- Measuring Bone Density Connectivity Using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Images
- SentiML ++: an extension of the SentiML sentiment annotation scheme
- Enhanced Multi-View Point Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Clustering for Clinical Documents Analysis
- Glioblastoma multiforme tissue histopathology images based disease stage classification with deep CNN
- Magnetic energy-based feature extraction for low-quality fingerprint images
- On Selecting the Appropriate Scale in Image Selective Smoothing by Nonlinear Diffusion
- Regularization Parameter Selection in Image Restoration with Inverse Gradient: Single Scale or Multiscale?
- LISA: Lightweight context-aware IoT service architecture
- Development of a Web Based Image Annotation Tool for Lung Immunofluorescent Confocal Images
- On Computerizing the Ancient Game of Ṭāb
- Structure tensor adaptive total variation for image restoration
- Total Variation L1 Fidelity Salt-and-Pepper Denoising with Adaptive Regularization Parameter
- OpinionML—Opinion Markup Language for Sentiment Representation
- Distorted Image Reconstruction Method with Trimmed Median
- An Improved BPDF Filter for High Density Salt and Pepper Denoising
- Video denoising with adaptive temporal averaging
- An adaptive image inpainting method based on the modified mumford-shah model and multiscale parameter estimation
- Multiscale Structure Tensor for Improved Feature Extraction and Image Regularization
- On Video Based Human Abnormal Activity Detection with Histogram of Oriented Gradients
- New Features for Eye-Tracking Systems: Preliminary Results
- A Skin Lesion Segmentation Method for Dermoscopic Images Based on Adaptive Thresholding with Normalization of Color Models
- An Image Inpainting Method Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median
- Image Denoising with Overlapping Group Sparsity and Second Order Total Variation Regularization
- On Convergent Finite Difference Schemes for Variational - PDE Based Image Processing
- Adaptive diffusion constrained total variation scheme with application to `cartoon + texture + edge' image decomposition
- Color image denoising by chromatic edges based vector valued diffusion
- Multiscale tikhonov-total variation image restoration using spatially varying edge coherence exponent
- Weighted and well-balanced anisotropic diffusion scheme for image denoising and restoration
- On time adaptive critical variable exponent vectorial diffusion flows and their applications in image processing
- Brain MRI Segmentation with Fast and Globally Convex Multiphase Active Contours
- Robust Periocular Recognition By Fusing Sparse Representations of Color and Geometry Information
- Polyp Detection and Segmentation from Video Capsule Endoscopy: A Review
- Csang: continuous scale anisotropic Gaussians for robust linear structure extraction
- Video haze removal and poisson blending based mini-mosaics for wide area motion imagery
- A Study on Nuclei Segmentation, Feature Extraction and Disease Stage Classification for Human Brain Histopathological Images
- Image Inpainting with Modified F-Transform
- Automatic Image Segmentation for Video Capsule Endoscopy
- Image Restoration with Fuzzy Coefficient Driven Anisotropic Diffusion
- Radar shadow detection in synthetic aperture radar images using digital elevation model and projections
- Automatic Contrast Enhancement for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos with Spectral Optimal Contrast-Tone Mapping
- Automatic Contrast Parameter Estimation in Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Restoration
- Multi-focus image fusion using epifluorescence microscopy for robust vascular segmentation
- Methods on Skull Stripping of MRI Head Scan Images—a Review
- Analysis of adaptive forward-backward diffusion flows with applications in image processing
- Automatic Mucosa Detection in Video Capsule Endoscopy with Adaptive Thresholding
- Cell nuclei segmentation in glioma histopathology images with color decomposition based active contours
- Color Image Restoration with Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Model Driven Nonlocal Filter
- Adaptive Nonlocal Filtering for Brain MRI Restoration
- Mixed Noise Removal Using Hybrid Fourth Order Mean Curvature Motion
- Feature fusion and label propagation for textured object video segmentation
- Feature preserving anisotropic diffusion for image restoration
- Elastic body spline based image segmentation
- Multiscale tensor anisotropic filtering of fluorescence microscopy for denoising microvasculature
- Firefly_InteractiveSeg_AIPR16_poster.pdf
- Assisted Ground truth generation using Interactive Segmentation on a Visualization and Annotation Tool
- CSANG: Continuous Scale Anisotropic Gaussians for Robust Linear Structure Extraction
- Computerized Dura Mater laminae analysis of fluorescence microscopy images
- Computerized microvasculature dura mater structure extraction and analysis of fluorescence microscopy imagery
- Multi-scale directional vesselness stamping based segmentation for polyps from wireless capsule endoscopy
- Automatic segmentation of cerebral hemispheres in MR human head scans
- Feature extraction and disease stage classification for Glioma histopathology images
- Color image processing by vectorial total variation with gradient channels coupling
- Methods on Skull Stripping of MRI Head Scan Images-a Review.
- Letter to the Editor: Brief history of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): from electric fishes to microcontrollers
- Random forests for dura mater microvasculature segmentation using epifluorescence images
- Multiquadric spline-based interactive segmentation of vascular networks
- A study on feature extraction and disease stage classification for Glioma pathology images
- On Optimal Multi-Sensor Network Configuration for 3D Registration
- Heterogeneous Multi-View Information Fusion: Review of 3-D Reconstruction Methods and a New Registration with Uncertainty Modeling
- Vascularization features for polyp localization in capsule endoscopy
- HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using motif texture patterns and spatial features with random forests
- Design of a Novel Servo-motorized Laser Device for Visual Pathways Diseases Therapies Based on Neuroplasticity
- Color image denoising by chromatic edges based vector valued diffusion
- maxATAC: genome-scale transcription-factor binding prediction from ATAC-seq with deep neural networks
- CellDrift: Inferring Perturbation Responses in Temporally-Sampled Single Cell Data
- Controlled inverse diffusion models for image restoration and enhancement
- Global dissipative solutions for generalized forward-backward diffusion equations
- On Convergent Finite Difference Schemes for Variational PDE Based Image Processing
- Computerized Dura Mater laminae analysis of fluorescence microscopy images
- On a coupled PDE model for image restoration
- Weighted laplacian differences based multispectral anisotropic diffusion
- Automatic polyp detection in pillcam colon 2 capsule images and videos: Preliminary feasibility report
- Multichannel texture image segmentation using local feature fitting based variational active contours
- Awell-posed multiscale regularization scheme for digital image denoising
- A segmentation model and application to endoscopic images
- Multispectral image denoising by well-posed anisotropic diffusion scheme with channel coupling
- A hybrid convex variational model for image restoration
- Edge detectors based anisotropic diffusion for enhancement of digital images
- Ringing artifact reduction in blind image deblurring and denoising problems by regularization methods
- Color image segmentation based on vectorial multiscale diffusion with inter-scale linking
- Robust periocular recognition by fusing local to holistic sparse representations
- Mucosal region detection and 3D reconstruction in wireless capsule endoscopy videos using active contours.
- On Convergent Finite Difference Schemes for Variational PDE Based Image Processing
- Well-Posed Inhomogeneous Nonlinear Diffusion Scheme for Digital Image Denoising
- LRAP: Layered Ring Based Adaptive and Personalized Usability Model for Mobile Commerce Apps
- DIBS: distance- and intensity-based separation filter for high-density impulse noise removal
- Second Order Monotone Difference Schemes with Approximation on Non-Uniform Grids for Two-Dimensional Quasilinear Parabolic Convection-Diffusion Equations
- Ensemble Learning for Data-Driven Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Global Trends and Collaborations in Dengue Virus Research: A Scientometric and Bibliometric Overview (1872–2019)
- Global Trends in Poliomyelitis Research: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1857–2019
- Artificial intelligence image-based prediction models in IBD exhibit high risk of bias: A systematic review
- Color image restoration by filtering methods: a review
- Multiscale Gradient Maps Augmented Fisher Information-Based Image Edge Detection
- Multiscale Gradient Maps Augmented Fisher Information-Based Image Edge Detection
- Deep learning-based IDH1 gene mutation prediction using histopathological imaging and clinical data
- Robust Increased Capacity Image Steganographic Scheme
- Robust Increased Capacity Image Steganographic Scheme
- Hyperspectral image restoration using noise gradient and dual priors under mixed noise conditions
- Vision Transformers and CNN-Based Knowledge-Distillation for Histopathological Image Classification