
Sokol Lleshi

Assistant Professor of Political Science (Economics; Education; Comparative government and politics; Social change; Sociological methodology and research methods)

University of New York Tirana, Albania

I am an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of New York Tirana in Albania. I am particularly interested in processes of institutional emergence and transformation in politicized settings, and the role of memory politics in post-authoritarian regime legitimation. Currently, I am working on a research project centered at the intersection of organizational studies and affectivity as a tool of knowledge production. My work on memory politics, late state socialism and cultural intelligentsia, sources of ethno-nationalism in the Western Balkans, and the effect of party organization on political representation is forthcoming and has been published in Routledge, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Europe-Asia Studies, European Politics and Society, SAGE Research Methods Cases, Stan Rzeczy/State of Affairs: Social Theory East Central Europe.


  • 10.1285/i20398573v3n1p241

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