
Paul Baxter

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (Autonomous Systems) (H671 - Robotics; H670 - Robotics & cybernetics; I140 - Human-computer interaction)


  • Cognitive architectures for human-robot interaction
  • The Impact of Robot Tutor Nonverbal Social Behavior on Child Learning
  • A bioinspired angular velocity decoding neural network model for visually guided flights
  • Robot education peers in a situated primary school study: Personalisation promotes child learning
  • Providing a robot with learning abilities improves its perception by users
  • Cognitive Architectures for social human-robot interaction
  • Socially contingent humanoid robot head behaviour results in increased charity donations
  • A touchscreen-based 'sandtray' to facilitate, mediate and contextualise human-robot social interaction
  • Safe Human-Robot Interaction in Agriculture
  • Emergence of turn-taking in unstructured child-robot social interactions
  • Social robot tutoring for child second language learning
  • Heart vs hard drive: Children learn more from a human tutor than a social robot
  • The Robot Who Tried Too Hard
  • The chatbot strikes back
  • Children comply with a robot's indirect requests
  • What a robotic companion could do for a diabetic child
  • Robots Providing Cognitive Assistance in Shared Workspaces
  • Studying Table-Top Manipulation Tasks
  • Cognitive architecture for human–robot interaction: Towards behavioural alignment
  • Higher Nonverbal Immediacy Leads to Greater Learning Gains in Child-Robot Tutoring Interactions
  • From characterising three years of HRI to methodology and reporting recommendations
  • Comparing Robot Embodiments in a Guided Discovery Learning Interaction with Children
  • SPARC: Supervised Progressively Autonomous Robot Competencies
  • Supervised autonomy for online learning in human-robot interaction
  • Child-robot interaction in the wild
  • Leveraging Human Inputs in Interactive Machine Learning for Human Robot Interaction
  • When is it Better to Give Up?
  • Head Pose Estimation is an Inadequate Replacement for Eye Gaze in Child-Robot Interaction
  • Teaching robots social autonomy from in situ human guidance
  • Engaging Learners in Dialogue Interactivity Development for Mobile Robots
  • Requirements for Robotic Interpretation of Social Signals “in the Wild”: Insights from Diagnostic Criteria of Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Co-workers & collaborators

Marc Hanheide

Marc Hanheide

Huatian Wang

Huatian Wang

Paul Baxter's public data