I have degrees in mathematics and biology (computational and experimental neuroscience), and extensive additional experience in using scientific programming to solve real-world problems and enhance knowledge sharing. I am passionate about using computational and mathematical tools to improve the quality of research and development, support evidence-based decision-making, and automate repetitive and error-prone data processes; while sharing this knowledge to help build capacity within the research workforce.


  • Adaptation without Plasticity.
  • Topography of claustrum and insula projections to medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus).
  • Short-Term Attractive Tilt Aftereffects Predicted by a Recurrent Network Model of Primary Visual Cortex
  • The Melbourne Safe Injecting Room Attracted People Most in Need of Its Service
  • Best practices for supervised machine learning when examining biomarkers in clinical populations
  • National and Provincial HIV Acquisition and Transmission Estimates and Patterns in Zimbabwe
  • Improving the Allocative Efficiency of the HIV Response Across the Care Cascade in Zimbabwe : Findings from a Modelling Analysis
  • ARDC FAIR Data 101 self-guided
  • Simulated in vivo electrophysiology experiments provide previously inaccessible insights into visual physiology
  • A virtual experiment improved students' understanding of physiological experimental processes ahead of a live inquiry-based practical class
  • The cost and impact of distributing naloxone to people who are prescribed opioids to prevent opioid‐related deaths: findings from a modelling study
  • Analyzing Geospatial Data to Efficiently Expand Coverage of TB Testing by GeneXpert in Vietnam
  • Review of the Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) using the SuperMIX cohort and linked data sets
  • The classification of neurodegenerative disease from acoustic speech data
  • MetaGenePipe: An Automated, Portable Pipeline for Contig-based Functional and Taxonomic Analysis
  • A pro-government disinformation campaign on Indonesian Papua
  • Metaphor - A workflow for streamlined assembly and binning of metagenomes
  • A virtual experiment improved students’ understanding of physiological experimental processes ahead of a live inquiry-based practical class
  • Cohort Profile: The Melbourne Injecting Drug User Cohort Study (SuperMIX).
  • Improving the Allocative Efficiency of the HIV Response Across the Care Cascade in Zimbabwe
  • Chapter 1 Best practices for supervised machine learning when examining biomarkers in clinical populations
  • Simulated in vivo Electrophysiology Experiments Provide Previously Inaccessible Insights into Visual Physiology.
  • Sciris: Simplifying scientific software in Python

Maria del Mar Quiroga's public data