
I Made Netra

Dr. I Made Netra, SS, M. Hum is a Doctor in Linguistics in Udayana University, a lecturer at English Department of Under Graduates Program and Linguistics of Post Graduates Study Programs in Udayana University. Subjects taught are Introduction of Micro and Macro Linguistics, English Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis, Functional Text Analysis, Translation in Different Registers, Theory of Linguistics (Semantics). Dr. I Made Netra, S.S., M.Hum is active in doing researches in Linguistics funded by both Higher Education of Ministry of National Education and PNBP of Udayana University. His research interest is macro linguistics including ethnopragmatics (natural semantic metalanguage and cultural scripts) and discourse analysis. Dr. I Made Netra, S.S., M.Hum concerns much in developing researches in macro linguistics synthesizing language and culture, language and ecology, language and society, language and gender, and so forth. So that he has ever achieved an award of the best resear

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