Gavin T. L. Brown
Professor (Other education not elsewhere classified; Education assessment and evaluation; Econometric and statistical methods)
Auckland, NZ
- How do undergraduates perceive the use of assessment? A study in higher education
- The Relationship of Graduate Attributes and Academic Ability: A Case Study of Foundation Certificate Students
- Students’ formative assessment perceptions, feedback use and mathematics performance in secondary schools in Tanzania
- Portuguese university students’ conceptions of assessment: taking responsibility for achievement
- Community Education in New Zealand
- Technologies and infrastructure: costs and obstacles in developing large-scale computer–based testing
- Measuring connectedness to nature in preschool children in an urban setting and its relation to psychological functioning
- Conducting Online Surveys in China
- Swedish student perceptions of achievement practices: The role of intelligence
- Chinese secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment and achievement emotions: endorsed purposes lead to positive and negative feelings
- The Influence of Connectedness to Nature on Psychological Well-Being: Evidence from the Randomized Controlled Trial Play&Grow
- Analysing Students’ Free Response Drawings: Perceptions of Assessment
- Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment: A Global Phenomenon or a Global Localism
- Motivational Profiles in TIMSS Mathematics
- Bifactor Invariance Analysis of Student Conceptions of Assessment Inventory
- Is Assessment for Learning Really Assessment?
- Assessment as an emotional practice: Emotional challenges faced by L2 teachers within assessment
- Students’ conceptions of eportfolios as assessment and technology
- Retrospective case studies of successful Chinese learners of English: Continuity and change in self-identities over time and across contexts
- Responding to Assessment for Learning
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) in a Sample of Korean Immigrant Parents in New Zealand
- Assessment as an emotional practice: Emotional challenges faced by L2 teachers within assessment
- Effective Reporting for Formative Assessment: the asTTle case example
- Evaluating Repeated Diary Study Responses: Latent Curve Modeling
- Not playing the game: student assessment resistance as a form of agency
- Assessment for learning in the Hong Kong assessment reform: A case of policy borrowing
- Teacher rating versus measured academic achievement: Implications for paediatric research
- Relationships between parenting practices and perceptions of child behaviour among Korean immigrant mothers and fathers
- School readiness screening and educational achievement at 9–10 years of age
- Student self-assessment: why do they do it?
- Investigating students' perceived cognitive needs in university academic reading: a latent variable approach
- A comparative study of two interventions to support reading comprehension in primary-aged students
- Reflecting on personal data in a health course: Integrating wearable technology and ePortfolio for eHealth
- Middle leaders’ perceptions and actions on assessment: the technical, tactical and ethical
- Value, practice and proficiency: Teachers’ complex relationship with assessment for learning
- The Impact of Undergraduate Research Journals on the Scholarly World: Present but Small
- Cross-cultural study of test effort in PISA
- Student Conceptions of Assessment: Regulatory Responses to Our Practices
- Manipulating the consequences of tests: how Shanghai teens react to different consequences
- Understanding Change in Self-reported Undergraduate Attributes: A Repeated Measures Survey of Students in Education
- An Analysis of an Assessment Tool for 5-year Old Students Entering Elementary School: The School Entry Assessment Kit
- Teacher assessment literacy in practice: A reconceptualization
- Using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate cross-cultural research: identifying and understanding non-invariance
- Teachers’ conceptions of assessment: Comparing two inventories with Ecuadorian teachers
- Understanding Chinese university student conceptions of assessment: cultural similarities and jurisdictional differences between Hong Kong and China
- Comparing OECD PISA Reading in English to Other Languages: Identifying Potential Sources of Non-Invariance
- Tensions between knowledge transmission and student-focused teaching approaches to assessment purposes: Helping students improve through transmission
- Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle)-using simultaneous linear programming to give teachers tests that they want
- A avaliação sob o ponto de vista dos estudantes: o uso de desenhos para a análise de concepções de avaliação [Assessment from the students’ point of view: the use of drawings to analyze conceptions of assessment]
- Better Questions for Higher Order Objectives: Improving the Quality of Assessment in Higher Education
- Assessment from the Chinese university student perspective
- Comparing university student conceptions of assessment: Brazilian and New Zealand beliefs.
- A avaliação sob o ponto de vista dos estudantes: o uso de desenhos para a análise de concepções de avaliação [Assessment from the students’ point of view: the use of drawings to analyze conceptions of assessment].
- A comparison of two methods of teaching reading comprehension
- Assessment for learning and for accountability in classrooms: The experience of four Hong Kong primary school curriculum leaders
- Assessment and Parents
- Handbook of Human and Social Conditions in Assessment
- Focusing on what you value: A considered approach to assessing ePortfolios
- The future of assessment research as a human and social endeavour
- The future of assessment as a human and social endeavour
- Assessment of student achievement
- A case study in whole-school innovation
- Doctoral Education in Quantitative Research Methods: Some Thoughts about Preparing Future Scholars
- The Future of Assessment as a Human and Social Endeavor: Addressing the Inconvenient Truth of Error
- Chinese teachers’ conceptions of assessment for and of learning: Six competing and complementary purposes
- Using self-assessment to improve student learning
- Students’ use of online feedback in a first year tertiary biology course
- What we know we don’t know about teacher education
- Volume Conclusion: The future of assessment as a human and social endeavour
- Improvement and accountability functions of assessment: Impact on teachers’ thinking and action
- Toward an Understanding of Preservice English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Acceptance of Computer-Assisted Language Learning 2.0 in the People’s Republic of China
- University English teacher assessment literacy: A survey-test report from China
- Student self-assessment in the classroom
- Teacher AfL perceptions and feedback practices in mathematics education among secondary schools in Tanzania
- The effect of conceptions of assessment upon reading achievement: An evaluation of the influence of self-efficacy and interest
- Analysis of New Zealand primary and secondary student peer- and self-assessment comments: applying Hattie and Timperley’s feedback model
- Teachers’ reasons for using peer assessment: positive experience predicts use
- Conceptions of assessment when the teaching context and learner population matter: compulsory school versus non-compulsory adult education contexts
- The Future of Student Self-Assessment: a Review of Known Unknowns and Potential Directions
- Accuracy in student self-assessment: directions and cautions for research
- Evaluating the Quality of Higher Education Instructor-Constructed Multiple-Choice Tests: Impact on Student Grades
- Setting students free with tablets: A multi-method evaluation of an educational technology intervention
- The impact of conceptions of assessment on assessment literacy in a teacher education program
- Student conceptions of feedback: Impact on self-regulation, self-efficacy, and academic achievement
- A cyclical self-assessment process: towards a model of how students engage in self-assessment
- Achievement emotions in higher education: A diary study exploring emotions across an assessment event
- The validity of student self-assessment in the classroom
- Volume Introduction--The human and social experience of assessment: Valuing the person and context
- Socio-demographic differences in the impact of beliefs upon achievement-Non-invariance by sex, age, and ethnicity in conceptions of assessment upon achievement
- Latent Curve Modeling to Understand Achievement Emotions
- Avaliação no ensino superior: concepções múltiplas de estudantes brasileiros
- The Gamma Hat index: Statistical Procedure
- The impact of an assessment policy upon teachers' self-reported assessment beliefs and practices: A quasi-experimental study of Indian teachers in private schools
- Learning about writing: A consideration of the recently revised asTTle: Writing
- Using Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Evaluate Cross-Cultural Research
- Investigating Senior Management Views of the Graduate Profile: Are we Assessing these Attributes?
- Understanding undergraduate attributes: A pre-post test survey of student self-reports during academic year 2014
- Leading school-based assessment for educational improvement: Rethinking accountability
- Student conceptions of assessment across cultural and contextual differences: University student
- National Testing: Pitfalls and Promises—the NZ Perspective
- What is the purpose of higher education?: Comparing student and institutional perspectives for completing a bachelor’s degree in the 21 st century
- Understanding Eportfolios as Assessment in Higher Education
- Iranian university students’ conceptions of assessment: Using assessment to self-improve
- Assessing Assessment for Learning: Reconsidering the policy and practice
- The future of self-assessment in classroom practice: Reframing self-assessment as a core competency
- What supervisors expect of education masters students before they engage in supervised research: a Delphi study
- Student Beliefs about Assessment: Clues for Improved Outcomes
- Exploring the content of teachers’ feedback: What are teachers actually providing to students
- Reconsidering Assessment for Learning: Insights from human factors and social conditions.
- The future of student self-assessment: Known unknowns and probable directions.
- Exemplifying the Mixing of Research Methods: Triangulating on student drawings
- Rethinking educational assessment: Tools, attitudes, purposes, and conditions that serve improvement
- Prospective Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment: A cross-cultural comparison
- Socio-emotional key competencies: Can they be measured and what do they relate to?
- Asttle - A national testing system for formative assessment: How the national testing policy ended up helping schools and teachers
- An introduction to educational assessment, measurement, and evaluation
- Student self-assessment
- New methods for new methods: A series of interviews with German academics
- Preparing scientific researchers: Problems facing research methods instruction
- Cultural differences in tertiary students’ conceptions of learning as a duty and student achievement
- Exams, ranks and consequences: A considered reflection on education in China
- A psychometric view of sociocultural factors in test validity: The development of standardised test materials for Māori medium schools in New Zealand/Aotearoa
- Student conceptions of assessment across cultural and contextual differences: University student perspectives of assessment from Brazil, China, Hong Kong, and New Zealand
- Teachers’ reasons for using self-assessment: a survey self-report of Spanish teachers
- The effect of high-stakes examination systems on teacher beliefs: Egyptian teachers' conceptions of assessment
- Beyond rhetoric: Leveraging learning from New Zealand's assessment tools for teaching and learning for South Africa
- Assessing instructional leadership: A longitudinal study of new principals
- Understanding outcome-based education changes in teacher education: evaluation of a new instrument with preliminary findings
- Hong Kong tertiary students' conceptions of assessment of academic ability
- Illustrating assessment: How Hong Kong university students conceive of the purposes of assessment
- High-stakes examination preparation that controls teaching: Chinese prospective teachers' conceptions of excellent teaching and assessment
- Academic difficulties encountered by East Asian international university students in New Zealand
- Factors influencing early adolescents' mathematics achievement: High-quality teaching rather than relationships
- Opportunities and obstacles to consider when using peer- and self-assessment to improve student learning: Case studies into teachers' implementation
- An analysis of the factorial structure of the Teacher Communication Behavior Questionnaire with Brazilian high school science students
- Tongan secondary students' conceptions of schooling in New Zealand relative to their academic achievement
- Prospective teachers' conceptions of assessment: a cross-cultural comparison.
- Understanding classroom feedback practices: A study of New Zealand student experiences, perceptions, and emotional responses
- The Qualitative Secret within Quantitative Research: It’s not just about numbers
- Concepções de avaliação de alunos universitários: Uma revisão da literatura
- Teachers’ thinking about assessment: Juggling improvement and accountability
- Student perspectives on subject outcomes in curriculum and instruction
- The persistence of vision: an analysis of continuity and change
- Student Evaluation of Curriculum Content for Effective Beginning Teaching.
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment in Chinese contexts: A tripartite model of accountability, improvement, and irrelevance
- Teachers’ conceptions of assessment in Chinese contexts: A tripartite model of accountability, improvement, and irrelevance
- Teacher's enacted curriculum: understanding teacher beliefs and practices of classroom assessment.
- Contrasting Teacher's Espoused and Enacted Classroom Assessment: Exploring Hong Kong Chinese Teachers’ Conceptions of Assessment
- Personal accountability versus excuse-making: The impact of secondary students' conceptions of assessment on academic performance mediated by self-effcacy and interest
- Student evaluation of teaching, learning attitudes and academic performance: Perceptions from New Zealand high school students
- New Zealand prospective teacher conceptions of assessment and academic performance: Neither student nor practicing teacher
- Communicating test scores to teachers: moving from statistics to use
- 考试制度及其影响: 成本高, 挑战大-对中国教育的深度反思 [Exams, ranks and consequences: A considered reflection on education in China]
- Assessment for learning: Problems and suggestions for AfL 2.0
- Meta-analysis of the effects of educational programs for incarcerated juvenile offenders
- Assessment: Principles and practice
- Hong Kong principals' perceptions on changes in evaluation and assessment policies: They're not for learning
- Assessment for student improvement: understanding Hong Kong teachers’ conceptions and practices of assessment
- Beliefs that make a difference: Adaptive and maladaptive self-regulation in students’ conceptions of assessment
- Heightened conceptions of assessment as school accountability: Understanding the impact of improvement-oriented assessment resources on New Zealand teachers’ conceptions of assessment
- Pictures of assessment: Conceptions of assessment as drawn by students
- Contemporary educational assessment: Practices, principles, and policies
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Comparing primary and secondary teachers in New Zealand
- 'Drawing' out student conceptions: Using pupils' pictures to examine their conceptions of assessment
- Assessment practices in higher education in Brazil from the students' point of view
- Indigenous Language and Culture Education for Mainstream Teacher Education: Students' Knowledge and Attitudes
- Student perspectives of assessment: Considering what assessment means to learners
- Student conceptions of assessment by level of schooling: Further evidence for ecological rationality in belief systems
- The impact of training students how to write introductions for academic essays: An exploratory, longitudinal study
- Self-regulation of assessment beliefs and attitudes: A review of the students' conceptions of assessment inventory
- Queensland teachers' conceptions of assessment: The impact of policy priorities on teacher attitudes
- New Zealand and Queensland teachers' conceptions of curriculum: Potential jurisdictional effects of curriculum policy and implementation
- Secondary school students' conceptions of learning and their relationship to achievement
- Mixing interview and questionnaire methods: Practical problems in aligning data
- The validity of examination essays in higher education: Issues and responses
- Assessment policy and practice effects on New Zealand and Queensland teachers' conceptions of teaching
- Indigenous Language and Culture Education for Mainstream Teacher Education: Students' Knowledge and Attitudes
- Student perspectives on assessment : what students can tell us about assessment for learning
- Ecological rationality in teachers' conceptions of assessment across samples from Cyprus and New Zealand
- Students' conceptions of assessment: Factorial and structural invariance of the SCoA across sex, age, and ethnicity
- The benefits of regular standardized assessment in childhood education: Guiding improved instruction and learning
- Teachers' conceptions of excellent teaching and its relationships to self-reported teaching practices
- Teacher beliefs about feedback within an assessment for learning environment: Endorsement of improved learning over student well-being
- Assessment and evaluation
- Improvement, accountability, and irrelevance: The three faces of Chinese and Hong Kong teachers conceptions of assessment
- Disclosure, accuracy, peer effects, and other practical problems with involving students in peer and self assessment
- Analyzing the dimensionality of the Students' Conceptions of Assessment (SCoA) inventory
- An introduction to research with the teachers' conceptions of assessment: A western construct?
- Student and teacher participation in subject outcomes development
- Student perspectives on outcomes: Insights for course development within OBL and 335 frameworks
- Queensland teachers’ conceptions of teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment: Comparisons with New Zealand teachers
- Understanding teachers’ thinking about assessment: Insights for developing better educational assessments
- Secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment: a survey of four schools
- Accuracy in the Scoring of Writing: Study in Large-Scale Scoring of asTTle Writing Assessments
- Summary of teacher feedback from the secondary school calibration of asTTle reading and writing assessments for Curriculum Levels 4 to 6.
- Use of asTTle in secondary schools: Evaluation of the pilot release of asTTle V3
- An introduction to educational assessment, measurement and evaluation : improving the quality of teacher-based assessment
- Integrating teachers’ conceptions: Assessment, teaching, learning, curriculum, and efficacy
- Secondary school students' conceptions of assessment: A survey of four schools
- Assessment tools for teaching and learning (asTTle) Version 4, 2005: Manual
- Secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment
- Assessment of Student Number Strategy Development: A Case Study in the Use of Paper and Pencil Items.
- The complexity of teachers’ conceptions of assessment: tensions between the needs of schools and students
- Technology for school-based assessment and assessment for learning: Development principles from New Zealand
- An introduction to educational assessment, measurement and evaluation
- Students' conceptions of assessment and mathematics: Self-regulation raises achievement
- Assessment literacy training and teachers’ conceptions of assessment
- Integrating teachers' conceptions : assessment, teaching, learning, curriculum and efficacy
- Conceptions of Assessment: Implications for Classroom Practice
- Conceptions of curriculum: A framework for understanding New Zealand's curriculum framework and teachers' opinions
- Formative evaluation of an educational assessment technology innovation: Developers' insights into Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle)
- Integrating teachers'conceptions: Assessment, teaching, learning curriculum and efficacy
- Student information literacy: Psychometric validation of a self-efficacy report
- A national teacher-managed, curriculum-based assessment system: Assessment Tools for Teaching & Learning (asTTle)
- Inverse biliteracy: Case of secondary age Samoan born students
- Overall summary of teacher feedback from the calibrations and trials of the asTTle reading, writing, and mathematics assessments
- Teachers’ self-reported assessment practices and conceptions: Using structural equation modelling to examine measurement and structural models
- The reliability of essay scores: The necessity of rubrics and moderation
- Unintended consequences of using tests to improve learning: How improvement-oriented resources heighten conceptions of assessment as school accountability
- Modeling Strategic Decoding Behaviors in Early Readers
- Teachers' conceptions of feedback (TCoF) inventory (Version 1)
- Teacher Assessment Practices Inventory (T-APrI)
- Teachers' conceptions of teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment: Comparing Queensland with New Zealand
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Implications for policy and professional development
- Measuring attitude with positively packed self-report ratings: Comparison of agreement and frequency scales
- New Zealand and Queensland teachers' conceptions of learning: Transforming more than reproducing
- An introduction to multi-battery factor analysis: Overcoming method artefacts
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Validation of an abridged version
- Cognitive processes in asTTle the SOLO taxonomy
- Accuracy in the scoring of writing: Studies of reliability and validity using a New Zealand writing assessment system
- Searching informational texts: Text and task characteristics that affect performance
- Use of interactive-informal assessment practices: New Zealand secondary students' conceptions of assessment
- Tongan students' attitudes towards their subjects in New Zealand relative to their academic achievement
- Conceptions of Assessment: Understanding What Assessment Means to Teachers and Students
- Student information literacy: psychometric validation of a self-efficacy report.
- Teachers' instructional conceptions: How learning, teaching, curriculum, assessment, and self-efficacy interconnect
- An exploration of secondary school teachers' conceptions of assessment: A TLRI Study 1
- Students’ conceptions of assessment: Links to outcomes
- The more I enjoy it the less I achieve: The negative impact of socio-emotional purposes of assessment and feedback on academic performance
- Scoring of a nationally representative sample of student writing at Level 5—6 of the New Zealand English Curriculum: Use and refinement of the asTTle progress indicators & tasks
- Integrating LEP students into the school
- Assessing an Essential Skill: Finding Information in the Library.
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment (TCoA) inventory (Versions 1-3)
- Standard Setting for asTTle Reading: A Comparison of Methods
- Writing at Level 5-6 of the New Zealand English Curriculum: Development of Progress Indicators & Tasks
- Review of Language policy in schools: A resource for teachers and administrators
- School based assessment methods: Development and implementation
- Students' conceptions of assessment (SCoA) inventory (Versions 1-6)
- Bilingual literacy and academic success among Samoan born students in a New Zealand secondary school
- Report on teacher feedback from the first calibration of mathematics assessments
- Teacher evaluation of the reading level 4 assessments: Summary
- Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle) Manual (Version 4, 2005)
- Level of schooling effects on student conceptions of assessment: The impact of high-stakes assessments on secondary students’ beliefs
- Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Map: Levels 2—6
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment: A four-purpose model.
- Finding details, main ideas, & good sources: How information literate are NZ students?
- Learning: Styles or strategies?
- Student information literacy self-efficacy report (SILSER)
- Information literacy curriculum and assessment: Implications for schools from New Zealand
- Review of Quebec’s aboriginal languages: History, planning and development, by Jacques Maurais (Ed.)
- Teachers’ instructional conceptions: Assessment’s relationship to learning, teaching, curriculum, and teacher efficacy
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment (TCoA) inventory
- The New Zealand English curriculum.
- Book Review (Language policy in schools: A resource for teachers and administrators)
- The advantages and disadvantages of state-wide and/or national testing.
- The evaluation of asTTle in schools: The power of professional development
- New Zealand education students' conceptions of assessment and academic performance
- Cognitive processes in asTTle: The SOLO taxonomy
- Beliefs that make a difference: Students' conceptions of assessment and academic performance
- Item signature study: Report on the characteristics of reading texts and items from calibration 3
- New Zealand teachers' conceptions of assessment: A multi-dimensional, hierarchical model.
- Numeracy item signature study: A theoretically derived basis
- Student self reported study skills: A survey of Year 11 students.
- Student beliefs about learning: New Zealand students in Year 11
- Item signature study: Report on the characteristics of reading texts and items from calibration 1
- Validation Evidence of asTTle Reading Assessment Results: Norms and Criteria
- Bilingual literacy & academic success among Samoan born students in a NZ secondary school
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment
- Report on teacher feedback from the third calibration of writing assessments
- Reporting assessment information to teachers: Report of Project asTTle outputs design
- Information Skills: How Information Literate Are New Zealand Children?
- Assessment in English
- The feasibility of expanding the assessment resource banks to incorporate English
- Contrasting teacher’s espoused and enacted classroom assessment: Exploring Hong Kong Chinese teachers’ conceptions of assessment
- New Zealand and Louisiana practicing teachers’ conceptions of feedback: Impact of Assessment of Learning versus Assessment for Learning policies?
- Essential skills assessments. Information skills teachers manual
- Locating categories and sources of information: How skilled are New Zealand children?
- Assessing an essential skill: Finding information in the library
- Information skills in the New Zealand curriculum: A blueprint for education?
- Information skills: How well can New Zealand students find information?
- Students' Conceptions of Assessment—Version II
- Students’ Conceptions of Assessment—Version V
- Students' Conceptions of Assessment--Version 1A to 1D
- Teacher Communication Behavior Questionnaire--Brazilian Portuguese Version
- Teachers' conceptions of feedback: Results from a national sample of New Zealand teachers
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Developing a model for teachers in Hong Kong
- Personal accountability versus excuse-making: The impact of secondary students' conceptions of assessment on academic performance mediated by self-efficacy and interest
- New Zealand teachers’ conceptions of the purpose of assessment: Phenomenographic analyses of teachers’ thinking
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Comparing measurement models for primary & secondary teachers in New Zealand
- Student Conceptions of Feedback: A study of New Zealand secondary students
- Queensland teachers' conceptions of teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment: Comparisons with New Zealand teachers
- Summary of teacher feedback from the secondary school calibration of asTTle reading and writing assessments for curriculum levels 4 to 6
- The persistence of vision: an analysis of continuity and change in conceptions of assessment within a teacher education program
- Assessment for student improvement: Understanding Hong Kong teachers’ conceptions and practices of assessment
- Association of Neonatal Hypoglycemia With Academic Performance in Mid-Childhood
- Experiences of parents whose children participated in a longitudinal follow‐up study
- A critical approach to eportfolios in higher education: How research may inform change and adoption
- They can’t tell the difference: A first evaluation of an Outcome-Based Learning innovation in teacher education
- Assessment policies, resources, and strategies for learning
- Conceptions of Assessment and Feedback Project: TLRI final report
- How Chinese higher education students perceive and engage in self-assessment within the Integrated Quality Assessment (IQA) system: Threats to the validity of IQA self-assessment
- Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle) manual: Version 2, 2003
- Project asTTle manual: English literacy 2002
- “My teacher's judgement matters more than mine": Comparing teacher and student perspectives on self-assessment practices in the classroom
- What is effective English teaching: Perceptions from New Zealand high school students
- Teachers’ conceptions of assessment: Developing a model for teachers in Hong Kong
- Teacher’s enacted curriculum: Understanding teacher beliefs and practices of classroom assessment
- Assessment of Key Competencies: A Proposal for Inclusion in e-asTTle (asTTle Advisory Rep. #19)
- New Zealand students’ test-taking motivation: an experimental study examining the effects of stakes
- Changes in Chinese students' academic emotions after examinations: Pride in success, shame in failure, and self‐loathing in comparison
- The past, present and future of educational assessment: A transdisciplinary perspective
- Assessments cause and contribute to learning: If only we let them
- The relationship between subconstructs of empathy and general cognitive ability in the context of policing
- University students' strategies and criteria during self-assessment: instructor's feedback, rubrics, and year level effects
- Changes in Chinese students' academic emotions after examinations: Pride in success, shame in failure, and self-loathing in comparison
- New Zealand students' test-taking motivation: an experimental study examining the effects of stakes
- Leading school-based assessment for educational improvement: rethinking accountability
- Self-Assessment
- Response to Responsible Research Assessment I
- Students’ use of online feedback in a first-year tertiary biology course
- Comparing four contemporary statistical software tools for introductory data science and statistics in the social sciences
- Changing the Quality of Teachers' Written Tests by implementing an Authentic Assessment Teachers' Training Program
- The contributions of intelligence and executive function to behaviour problems in school-age children born very preterm
- Setting Standards With Multiple-Choice Tests: A Preliminary Intended-User Evaluation of SmartStandardSet
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Comparing two inventories with Ecuadorian teachers
- Relationships between intelligence, executive function and academic achievement in children born very preterm
- Portuguese university students' conceptions of assessment: taking responsibility for achievement
- Students' conceptions of eportfolios as assessment and technology
- Schooling Beyond COVID-19: An Unevenly Distributed Future
- Using Self-Assessment to Improve Student Learning
- Value, practice and proficiency: Teachers' complex relationship with assessment for learning
- Does connectedness to nature improve the eating behaviours of pre-schoolers? Emerging evidence from the Play&Grow randomised controlled trial in Hong Kong
- Toward an Understanding of Preservice English as a Foreign Language Teachers' Acceptance of Computer-Assisted Language Learning 2.0 in the People's Republic of China
- Teacher AfL perceptions and feedback practices in mathematics education Chock for among secondary schools in Tanzania
- Chinese secondary school students' conceptions of assessment and achievement emotions: endorsed purposes lead to positive and negative feelings
- School readiness screening and educational achievement at 9-10 years of age
- Experiences of parents whose children participated in a longitudinal follow-up study
- Executive function and behaviour problems in school‐age children born at risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia
- Different Approaches to requesting Consent for Routine data linkage in Neonatal follow-up (ACORN): protocol for a 2×2 factorial randomised trial
- NIH Toolbox for assessment of neurocognitive and emotional-behavioural function in childhood: A systematic review
- Introduction to motivational profiles in TIMSS mathematics
- Cluster analysis results for TIMSS 2015 mathematics motivation by grade and jurisdiction
- The relationship of motivation with achievement in mathematics
- Methods in Feedback Research
- Effective Reporting for Formative Assessment: The asTTle Case Example
- Methodology: Cluster analysis of motivation variables in the TIMSS data
- Cluster analysis findings over 20 years of TIMSS
- Insights from motivational profiles in TIMSS mathematics
- Volume introduction: The human and social experience of assessment: Valuing the person and context
- STUDENT PERSPECTIVES OF ASSESSMENT Considering What Assessment Means to Learners
- "DRAWING" OUT STUDENT CONCEPTIONS Using Pupils' Pictures to Examine Their Conceptions of Assessment
- Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle) [Computer software]
- An Integrated Approach to Assessment as a Co-ordinating Framework
- 21st Century Learner Self-Report Feedback Inventories: A review and defence of psychometric approaches
- Evaluating Change over Time: Tests and Measures
- Quantitative Research Methods
- In defence of psychometric measurement: a systematic review of contemporary self-report feedback inventories
- The tension between impression management and learning: examining the impact of Chinese students’ academic integrity perceptions on self-assessment intentions
- Challenges and opportunities in score reporting
- The psychology of evaluation:
- Evaluation in teacher training: An analysis of theoretical conceptions
- Feedback and year level effects on university students’ self-efficacy and emotions during self-assessment: positive impact of rubrics vs. instructor feedback
- Perspectives of adult offspring of participants recruited to a randomised trial in pregnancy: a qualitative study
- The Relation of Students’ Conceptions of Feedback to Motivational Beliefs and Achievement Goals: Comparing Chinese International Students to New Zealand Domestic Students in Higher Education
- Predicting formative feedback practices: improving learning and minimising a tendency to ignore feedback
- Stability of executive function in children born at risk of neonatal hypoglycemia
- Academic Success at Social Costs: An Exploratory Study on Social Networks of Chinese Students under Academic Streaming
- Teaching advanced statistical methods to postgraduate novices: a case example
- Principles and assumptions of psychometric measurement
- STUDENT CONCEPTIONS OF ASSESSMENT ACROSS CULTURAL AND CONTEXTUAL DIFFERENCES University Student Perspectives of Assessment from Brazil, China, Hong Kong, and New Zealand
- Cultural differences in tertiary students' conceptions of learning as a duty and student achievement
- How Technology Assists the Feedback Process in a Learning Environment: A Review
- Executive function and behaviour problems in school-age children born at risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia
- Assessments cause and contribute to learning If only we let them
- Different Approaches to requesting Consent for Routine data linkage in Neonatal follow-up (ACORN): protocol for a 2x2 factorial randomised trial
- An Analysis of the Factorial Structure of the Teacher Communication Behavior Questionnaire with Brazilian High School Science Students
- The qualitative secret within quantitative research: It’s not just about numbers
- Socio-emotional Key Competencies: Can they be measured and what do they relate to?
- Student Self-Assessment
- The future of self-assessment in classroom practice: Reframing self- assessment as a core competency
- Factors influencing early adolescents’ mathematics achievement: High-quality teaching rather than relationships
- Illustrating assessment: how Hong Kong university students conceive of the purposes of assessment
- Teachers' reasons for using peer assessment: positive experience predicts use
- The Effect of Conceptions of Assessment upon Reading Achievement: An Evaluation of the Influence of Self-efficacy and Interest
- Tensions between knowledge transmission and student-focused teaching approaches to assessment purposes: helping students improve through transmission
- Setting students free with tablets: a multi-method evaluation of an educational technology intervention
- Assessing instructional leadership: a longitudinal study of new principals
- Concepções de avaliação de alunos universitários: uma revisão da literatura
- Prospective Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
- The impact of training students how to write introductions for academic essays: an exploratory, longitudinal study
- Dextrose gel prophylaxis for neonatal hypoglycaemia and neurocognitive function at early school age: a randomised dosage trial
- In between Korean and New Zealander: Extrinsic success beliefs and well-being of Korean youth in New Zealand
- The key competencies and components of teacher assessment literacy in digital environments: A scoping review
- A broader view of research contributions: Necessary adjustments to DORA for hiring and promotion in psychology.
- The tension between impression management and learning: examining the impact of Chinese students' academic integrity perceptions on self-assessment intentions
- A broader view of research contributions: Necessary adjustments to DORA for hiring and promotion in psychology
- Teachers' conceptions of assessment: implications for policy and professional development
- How technology assists the feedback process in a learning environment: A review
- Challenges and opportunities in score reporting: a panel of personal perspectives
- Formative Evaluation of an Educational Technology Innovation: Developer's Insights into Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning
- Supporting the Wellbeing of Those Left Behind: The Impact of Youth Development Programmes on Children in Highly Transient Schools
- Authentic assessment training for university teachers
- Swedish teacher conceptions of assessment: a focus on improving outcomes
- Neonatal Hypoglycemia and Neurocognitive Function at School Age: A Prospective Cohort Study
- Editorial: Insights in assessment, testing, and applied measurement: 2022
- The Impact of Individual and School Factors on Girls' Mathematics Achievement in New Zealand: A Hierarchical Linear Modeling Analysis of Year 9 TIMSS 2019 Data
- Examination of Gender Differences in the Impact of Teaching Quality on Year 9 Students' Mathematics Interest in New Zealand: A Multi-Group Comparison of 2019 TIMSS Data.
- Secondary Students’ Perceptions of Teaching Quality and Teacher-Family Interaction: A Structural Equation Model
- “Everything you do is giving them feedback”: A phenomenographic study of teacher conceptions of feedback
- Understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on curriculum, instruction, and assessment in higher education: A systematic review
- Decoding Chinese undergraduates’ conceptions of assessment: a repeated measures replication study of the C-SCoA inventory
- NIH Toolbox for assessment of neurocognitive, motor and emotional-behavioral function in childhood: a systematic review