I investigate the relationship of assessment qualities and purposes on student and teacher responses across a variety of cultural and social contexts. My research brings to bear psychometric knowledge on the social psychological factors of assessment. My research has shown that teacher and student beliefs are (1) contingent on assessment quality, (2) consistent with cultural values and priorities, and (3) play a significant part in explaining adaptive and maladaptive outcomes. Further, my research has shown that improvement is best achieved through high-quality assessment practices and systems that provide rich feedback to both test-users and test-takers and that this outcome is contingent on ensuring low-stakes consequences are attached to assessments. I hold positions at Umea University, Sweden, Thammasat University, Thailand and Hong Kong. I am a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science.


  • How do undergraduates perceive the use of assessment? A study in higher education
  • The Relationship of Graduate Attributes and Academic Ability: A Case Study of Foundation Certificate Students
  • Students’ formative assessment perceptions, feedback use and mathematics performance in secondary schools in Tanzania
  • Portuguese university students’ conceptions of assessment: taking responsibility for achievement
  • Community Education in New Zealand
  • Technologies and infrastructure: costs and obstacles in developing large-scale computer–based testing
  • Measuring connectedness to nature in preschool children in an urban setting and its relation to psychological functioning
  • Conducting Online Surveys in China
  • Swedish student perceptions of achievement practices: The role of intelligence
  • Chinese secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment and achievement emotions: endorsed purposes lead to positive and negative feelings
  • The Influence of Connectedness to Nature on Psychological Well-Being: Evidence from the Randomized Controlled Trial Play&Grow
  • Analysing Students’ Free Response Drawings: Perceptions of Assessment
  • Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment: A Global Phenomenon or a Global Localism
  • Motivational Profiles in TIMSS Mathematics
  • Bifactor Invariance Analysis of Student Conceptions of Assessment Inventory
  • Is Assessment for Learning Really Assessment?
  • Assessment as an emotional practice: Emotional challenges faced by L2 teachers within assessment
  • Students’ conceptions of eportfolios as assessment and technology
  • Retrospective case studies of successful Chinese learners of English: Continuity and change in self-identities over time and across contexts
  • Responding to Assessment for Learning
  • Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) in a Sample of Korean Immigrant Parents in New Zealand
  • Assessment as an emotional practice: Emotional challenges faced by L2 teachers within assessment
  • Effective Reporting for Formative Assessment: the asTTle case example
  • Evaluating Repeated Diary Study Responses: Latent Curve Modeling
  • Not playing the game: student assessment resistance as a form of agency
  • Assessment for learning in the Hong Kong assessment reform: A case of policy borrowing
  • Teacher rating versus measured academic achievement: Implications for paediatric research
  • Relationships between parenting practices and perceptions of child behaviour among Korean immigrant mothers and fathers
  • School readiness screening and educational achievement at 9–10 years of age
  • Student self-assessment: why do they do it?
  • Investigating students' perceived cognitive needs in university academic reading: a latent variable approach
  • A comparative study of two interventions to support reading comprehension in primary-aged students
  • Reflecting on personal data in a health course: Integrating wearable technology and ePortfolio for eHealth
  • Middle leaders’ perceptions and actions on assessment: the technical, tactical and ethical
  • Value, practice and proficiency: Teachers’ complex relationship with assessment for learning
  • The Impact of Undergraduate Research Journals on the Scholarly World: Present but Small
  • Cross-cultural study of test effort in PISA
  • Student Conceptions of Assessment: Regulatory Responses to Our Practices
  • Manipulating the consequences of tests: how Shanghai teens react to different consequences
  • Understanding Change in Self-reported Undergraduate Attributes: A Repeated Measures Survey of Students in Education
  • An Analysis of an Assessment Tool for 5-year Old Students Entering Elementary School: The School Entry Assessment Kit
  • Teacher assessment literacy in practice: A reconceptualization
  • Using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate cross-cultural research: identifying and understanding non-invariance
  • Teachers’ conceptions of assessment: Comparing two inventories with Ecuadorian teachers
  • Understanding Chinese university student conceptions of assessment: cultural similarities and jurisdictional differences between Hong Kong and China
  • Comparing OECD PISA Reading in English to Other Languages: Identifying Potential Sources of Non-Invariance
  • Tensions between knowledge transmission and student-focused teaching approaches to assessment purposes: Helping students improve through transmission
  • Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle)-using simultaneous linear programming to give teachers tests that they want
  • A avaliação sob o ponto de vista dos estudantes: o uso de desenhos para a análise de concepções de avaliação [Assessment from the students’ point of view: the use of drawings to analyze conceptions of assessment]
  • Better Questions for Higher Order Objectives: Improving the Quality of Assessment in Higher Education
  • Assessment from the Chinese university student perspective
  • Comparing university student conceptions of assessment: Brazilian and New Zealand beliefs.
  • A avaliação sob o ponto de vista dos estudantes: o uso de desenhos para a análise de concepções de avaliação [Assessment from the students’ point of view: the use of drawings to analyze conceptions of assessment].
  • A comparison of two methods of teaching reading comprehension
  • Assessment for learning and for accountability in classrooms: The experience of four Hong Kong primary school curriculum leaders
  • Assessment and Parents
  • Handbook of Human and Social Conditions in Assessment
  • Focusing on what you value: A considered approach to assessing ePortfolios
  • The future of assessment research as a human and social endeavour
  • The future of assessment as a human and social endeavour
  • Assessment of student achievement
  • A case study in whole-school innovation
  • Doctoral Education in Quantitative Research Methods: Some Thoughts about Preparing Future Scholars
  • The Future of Assessment as a Human and Social Endeavor: Addressing the Inconvenient Truth of Error
  • Chinese teachers’ conceptions of assessment for and of learning: Six competing and complementary purposes
  • Using self-assessment to improve student learning
  • Students’ use of online feedback in a first year tertiary biology course
  • What we know we don’t know about teacher education
  • Volume Conclusion: The future of assessment as a human and social endeavour
  • Improvement and accountability functions of assessment: Impact on teachers’ thinking and action
  • Toward an Understanding of Preservice English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Acceptance of Computer-Assisted Language Learning 2.0 in the People’s Republic of China
  • University English teacher assessment literacy: A survey-test report from China
  • Student self-assessment in the classroom
  • Teacher AfL perceptions and feedback practices in mathematics education among secondary schools in Tanzania
  • The effect of conceptions of assessment upon reading achievement: An evaluation of the influence of self-efficacy and interest
  • Analysis of New Zealand primary and secondary student peer- and self-assessment comments: applying Hattie and Timperley’s feedback model
  • Teachers’ reasons for using peer assessment: positive experience predicts use
  • Conceptions of assessment when the teaching context and learner population matter: compulsory school versus non-compulsory adult education contexts
  • The Future of Student Self-Assessment: a Review of Known Unknowns and Potential Directions
  • Accuracy in student self-assessment: directions and cautions for research
  • Evaluating the Quality of Higher Education Instructor-Constructed Multiple-Choice Tests: Impact on Student Grades
  • Setting students free with tablets: A multi-method evaluation of an educational technology intervention
  • The impact of conceptions of assessment on assessment literacy in a teacher education program
  • Student conceptions of feedback: Impact on self-regulation, self-efficacy, and academic achievement
  • A cyclical self-assessment process: towards a model of how students engage in self-assessment
  • Achievement emotions in higher education: A diary study exploring emotions across an assessment event
  • The validity of student self-assessment in the classroom
  • Volume Introduction--The human and social experience of assessment: Valuing the person and context
  • Socio-demographic differences in the impact of beliefs upon achievement-Non-invariance by sex, age, and ethnicity in conceptions of assessment upon achievement
  • Latent Curve Modeling to Understand Achievement Emotions
  • Avaliação no ensino superior: concepções múltiplas de estudantes brasileiros
  • The Gamma Hat index: Statistical Procedure
  • The impact of an assessment policy upon teachers' self-reported assessment beliefs and practices: A quasi-experimental study of Indian teachers in private schools
  • Learning about writing: A consideration of the recently revised asTTle: Writing
  • Using Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Evaluate Cross-Cultural Research
  • Investigating Senior Management Views of the Graduate Profile: Are we Assessing these Attributes?
  • Understanding undergraduate attributes: A pre-post test survey of student self-reports during academic year 2014
  • Leading school-based assessment for educational improvement: Rethinking accountability
  • Student conceptions of assessment across cultural and contextual differences: University student
  • National Testing: Pitfalls and Promises—the NZ Perspective
  • What is the purpose of higher education?: Comparing student and institutional perspectives for completing a bachelor’s degree in the 21 st century
  • Understanding Eportfolios as Assessment in Higher Education
  • Iranian university students’ conceptions of assessment: Using assessment to self-improve
  • Assessing Assessment for Learning: Reconsidering the policy and practice
  • The future of self-assessment in classroom practice: Reframing self-assessment as a core competency
  • What supervisors expect of education masters students before they engage in supervised research: a Delphi study
  • Student Beliefs about Assessment: Clues for Improved Outcomes
  • Exploring the content of teachers’ feedback: What are teachers actually providing to students
  • Reconsidering Assessment for Learning: Insights from human factors and social conditions.
  • The future of student self-assessment: Known unknowns and probable directions.
  • Exemplifying the Mixing of Research Methods: Triangulating on student drawings
  • Rethinking educational assessment: Tools, attitudes, purposes, and conditions that serve improvement
  • Prospective Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment: A cross-cultural comparison
  • Socio-emotional key competencies: Can they be measured and what do they relate to?
  • Asttle - A national testing system for formative assessment: How the national testing policy ended up helping schools and teachers
  • An introduction to educational assessment, measurement, and evaluation
  • Student self-assessment
  • New methods for new methods: A series of interviews with German academics
  • Preparing scientific researchers: Problems facing research methods instruction
  • Cultural differences in tertiary students’ conceptions of learning as a duty and student achievement
  • Exams, ranks and consequences: A considered reflection on education in China
  • A psychometric view of sociocultural factors in test validity: The development of standardised test materials for Māori medium schools in New Zealand/Aotearoa
  • Student conceptions of assessment across cultural and contextual differences: University student perspectives of assessment from Brazil, China, Hong Kong, and New Zealand
  • Teachers’ reasons for using self-assessment: a survey self-report of Spanish teachers
  • The effect of high-stakes examination systems on teacher beliefs: Egyptian teachers' conceptions of assessment
  • Beyond rhetoric: Leveraging learning from New Zealand's assessment tools for teaching and learning for South Africa
  • Assessing instructional leadership: A longitudinal study of new principals
  • Understanding outcome-based education changes in teacher education: evaluation of a new instrument with preliminary findings
  • Hong Kong tertiary students' conceptions of assessment of academic ability
  • Illustrating assessment: How Hong Kong university students conceive of the purposes of assessment
  • High-stakes examination preparation that controls teaching: Chinese prospective teachers' conceptions of excellent teaching and assessment
  • Academic difficulties encountered by East Asian international university students in New Zealand
  • Factors influencing early adolescents' mathematics achievement: High-quality teaching rather than relationships
  • Opportunities and obstacles to consider when using peer- and self-assessment to improve student learning: Case studies into teachers' implementation
  • An analysis of the factorial structure of the Teacher Communication Behavior Questionnaire with Brazilian high school science students
  • Tongan secondary students' conceptions of schooling in New Zealand relative to their academic achievement
  • Prospective teachers' conceptions of assessment: a cross-cultural comparison.
  • Understanding classroom feedback practices: A study of New Zealand student experiences, perceptions, and emotional responses
  • The Qualitative Secret within Quantitative Research: It’s not just about numbers
  • Concepções de avaliação de alunos universitários: Uma revisão da literatura
  • Teachers’ thinking about assessment: Juggling improvement and accountability
  • Student perspectives on subject outcomes in curriculum and instruction
  • The persistence of vision: an analysis of continuity and change
  • Student Evaluation of Curriculum Content for Effective Beginning Teaching.
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment in Chinese contexts: A tripartite model of accountability, improvement, and irrelevance
  • Teachers’ conceptions of assessment in Chinese contexts: A tripartite model of accountability, improvement, and irrelevance
  • Teacher's enacted curriculum: understanding teacher beliefs and practices of classroom assessment.
  • Contrasting Teacher's Espoused and Enacted Classroom Assessment: Exploring Hong Kong Chinese Teachers’ Conceptions of Assessment
  • Personal accountability versus excuse-making: The impact of secondary students' conceptions of assessment on academic performance mediated by self-effcacy and interest
  • Student evaluation of teaching, learning attitudes and academic performance: Perceptions from New Zealand high school students
  • New Zealand prospective teacher conceptions of assessment and academic performance: Neither student nor practicing teacher
  • Communicating test scores to teachers: moving from statistics to use
  • 考试制度及其影响: 成本高, 挑战大-对中国教育的深度反思 [Exams, ranks and consequences: A considered reflection on education in China]
  • Assessment for learning: Problems and suggestions for AfL 2.0
  • Meta-analysis of the effects of educational programs for incarcerated juvenile offenders
  • Assessment: Principles and practice
  • Hong Kong principals' perceptions on changes in evaluation and assessment policies: They're not for learning
  • Assessment for student improvement: understanding Hong Kong teachers’ conceptions and practices of assessment
  • Beliefs that make a difference: Adaptive and maladaptive self-regulation in students’ conceptions of assessment
  • Heightened conceptions of assessment as school accountability: Understanding the impact of improvement-oriented assessment resources on New Zealand teachers’ conceptions of assessment
  • Pictures of assessment: Conceptions of assessment as drawn by students
  • Contemporary educational assessment: Practices, principles, and policies
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Comparing primary and secondary teachers in New Zealand
  • 'Drawing' out student conceptions: Using pupils' pictures to examine their conceptions of assessment
  • Assessment practices in higher education in Brazil from the students' point of view
  • Indigenous Language and Culture Education for Mainstream Teacher Education: Students' Knowledge and Attitudes
  • Student perspectives of assessment: Considering what assessment means to learners
  • Student conceptions of assessment by level of schooling: Further evidence for ecological rationality in belief systems
  • The impact of training students how to write introductions for academic essays: An exploratory, longitudinal study
  • Self-regulation of assessment beliefs and attitudes: A review of the students' conceptions of assessment inventory
  • Queensland teachers' conceptions of assessment: The impact of policy priorities on teacher attitudes
  • New Zealand and Queensland teachers' conceptions of curriculum: Potential jurisdictional effects of curriculum policy and implementation
  • Secondary school students' conceptions of learning and their relationship to achievement
  • Mixing interview and questionnaire methods: Practical problems in aligning data
  • The validity of examination essays in higher education: Issues and responses
  • Assessment policy and practice effects on New Zealand and Queensland teachers' conceptions of teaching
  • Indigenous Language and Culture Education for Mainstream Teacher Education: Students' Knowledge and Attitudes
  • Student perspectives on assessment : what students can tell us about assessment for learning
  • Ecological rationality in teachers' conceptions of assessment across samples from Cyprus and New Zealand
  • Students' conceptions of assessment: Factorial and structural invariance of the SCoA across sex, age, and ethnicity
  • The benefits of regular standardized assessment in childhood education: Guiding improved instruction and learning
  • Teachers' conceptions of excellent teaching and its relationships to self-reported teaching practices
  • Teacher beliefs about feedback within an assessment for learning environment: Endorsement of improved learning over student well-being
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Improvement, accountability, and irrelevance: The three faces of Chinese and Hong Kong teachers conceptions of assessment
  • Disclosure, accuracy, peer effects, and other practical problems with involving students in peer and self assessment
  • Analyzing the dimensionality of the Students' Conceptions of Assessment (SCoA) inventory
  • An introduction to research with the teachers' conceptions of assessment: A western construct?
  • Student and teacher participation in subject outcomes development
  • Student perspectives on outcomes: Insights for course development within OBL and 335 frameworks
  • Queensland teachers’ conceptions of teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment: Comparisons with New Zealand teachers
  • Understanding teachers’ thinking about assessment: Insights for developing better educational assessments
  • Secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment: a survey of four schools
  • Accuracy in the Scoring of Writing: Study in Large-Scale Scoring of asTTle Writing Assessments
  • Summary of teacher feedback from the secondary school calibration of asTTle reading and writing assessments for Curriculum Levels 4 to 6.
  • Use of asTTle in secondary schools: Evaluation of the pilot release of asTTle V3
  • An introduction to educational assessment, measurement and evaluation : improving the quality of teacher-based assessment
  • Integrating teachers’ conceptions: Assessment, teaching, learning, curriculum, and efficacy
  • Secondary school students' conceptions of assessment: A survey of four schools
  • Assessment tools for teaching and learning (asTTle) Version 4, 2005: Manual
  • Secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment
  • Assessment of Student Number Strategy Development: A Case Study in the Use of Paper and Pencil Items.
  • The complexity of teachers’ conceptions of assessment: tensions between the needs of schools and students
  • Technology for school-based assessment and assessment for learning: Development principles from New Zealand
  • An introduction to educational assessment, measurement and evaluation
  • Students' conceptions of assessment and mathematics: Self-regulation raises achievement
  • Assessment literacy training and teachers’ conceptions of assessment
  • Integrating teachers' conceptions : assessment, teaching, learning, curriculum and efficacy
  • Conceptions of Assessment: Implications for Classroom Practice
  • Conceptions of curriculum: A framework for understanding New Zealand's curriculum framework and teachers' opinions
  • Formative evaluation of an educational assessment technology innovation: Developers' insights into Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle)
  • Integrating teachers'conceptions: Assessment, teaching, learning curriculum and efficacy
  • Student information literacy: Psychometric validation of a self-efficacy report
  • A national teacher-managed, curriculum-based assessment system: Assessment Tools for Teaching & Learning (asTTle)
  • Inverse biliteracy: Case of secondary age Samoan born students
  • Overall summary of teacher feedback from the calibrations and trials of the asTTle reading, writing, and mathematics assessments
  • Teachers’ self-reported assessment practices and conceptions: Using structural equation modelling to examine measurement and structural models
  • The reliability of essay scores: The necessity of rubrics and moderation
  • Unintended consequences of using tests to improve learning: How improvement-oriented resources heighten conceptions of assessment as school accountability
  • Modeling Strategic Decoding Behaviors in Early Readers
  • Teachers' conceptions of feedback (TCoF) inventory (Version 1)
  • Teacher Assessment Practices Inventory (T-APrI)
  • Teachers' conceptions of teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment: Comparing Queensland with New Zealand
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Implications for policy and professional development
  • Measuring attitude with positively packed self-report ratings: Comparison of agreement and frequency scales
  • New Zealand and Queensland teachers' conceptions of learning: Transforming more than reproducing
  • An introduction to multi-battery factor analysis: Overcoming method artefacts
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Validation of an abridged version
  • Cognitive processes in asTTle the SOLO taxonomy
  • Accuracy in the scoring of writing: Studies of reliability and validity using a New Zealand writing assessment system
  • Searching informational texts: Text and task characteristics that affect performance
  • Use of interactive-informal assessment practices: New Zealand secondary students' conceptions of assessment
  • Tongan students' attitudes towards their subjects in New Zealand relative to their academic achievement
  • Conceptions of Assessment: Understanding What Assessment Means to Teachers and Students
  • Student information literacy: psychometric validation of a self-efficacy report.
  • Teachers' instructional conceptions: How learning, teaching, curriculum, assessment, and self-efficacy interconnect
  • An exploration of secondary school teachers' conceptions of assessment: A TLRI Study 1
  • Students’ conceptions of assessment: Links to outcomes
  • The more I enjoy it the less I achieve: The negative impact of socio-emotional purposes of assessment and feedback on academic performance
  • Scoring of a nationally representative sample of student writing at Level 5—6 of the New Zealand English Curriculum: Use and refinement of the asTTle progress indicators & tasks
  • Integrating LEP students into the school
  • Assessing an Essential Skill: Finding Information in the Library.
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment (TCoA) inventory (Versions 1-3)
  • Standard Setting for asTTle Reading: A Comparison of Methods
  • Writing at Level 5-6 of the New Zealand English Curriculum: Development of Progress Indicators & Tasks
  • Review of Language policy in schools: A resource for teachers and administrators
  • School based assessment methods: Development and implementation
  • Students' conceptions of assessment (SCoA) inventory (Versions 1-6)
  • Bilingual literacy and academic success among Samoan born students in a New Zealand secondary school
  • Report on teacher feedback from the first calibration of mathematics assessments
  • Teacher evaluation of the reading level 4 assessments: Summary
  • Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle) Manual (Version 4, 2005)
  • Level of schooling effects on student conceptions of assessment: The impact of high-stakes assessments on secondary students’ beliefs
  • Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Map: Levels 2—6
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment: A four-purpose model.
  • Finding details, main ideas, & good sources: How information literate are NZ students?
  • Learning: Styles or strategies?
  • Student information literacy self-efficacy report (SILSER)
  • Information literacy curriculum and assessment: Implications for schools from New Zealand
  • Review of Quebec’s aboriginal languages: History, planning and development, by Jacques Maurais (Ed.)
  • Teachers’ instructional conceptions: Assessment’s relationship to learning, teaching, curriculum, and teacher efficacy
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment (TCoA) inventory
  • The New Zealand English curriculum.
  • Book Review (Language policy in schools: A resource for teachers and administrators)
  • The advantages and disadvantages of state-wide and/or national testing.
  • The evaluation of asTTle in schools: The power of professional development
  • New Zealand education students' conceptions of assessment and academic performance
  • Cognitive processes in asTTle: The SOLO taxonomy
  • Beliefs that make a difference: Students' conceptions of assessment and academic performance
  • Item signature study: Report on the characteristics of reading texts and items from calibration 3
  • New Zealand teachers' conceptions of assessment: A multi-dimensional, hierarchical model.
  • Numeracy item signature study: A theoretically derived basis
  • Student self reported study skills: A survey of Year 11 students.
  • Student beliefs about learning: New Zealand students in Year 11
  • Item signature study: Report on the characteristics of reading texts and items from calibration 1
  • Validation Evidence of asTTle Reading Assessment Results: Norms and Criteria
  • Bilingual literacy & academic success among Samoan born students in a NZ secondary school
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment
  • Report on teacher feedback from the third calibration of writing assessments
  • Reporting assessment information to teachers: Report of Project asTTle outputs design
  • Information Skills: How Information Literate Are New Zealand Children?
  • Assessment in English
  • The feasibility of expanding the assessment resource banks to incorporate English
  • Contrasting teacher’s espoused and enacted classroom assessment: Exploring Hong Kong Chinese teachers’ conceptions of assessment
  • New Zealand and Louisiana practicing teachers’ conceptions of feedback: Impact of Assessment of Learning versus Assessment for Learning policies?
  • Essential skills assessments. Information skills teachers manual
  • Locating categories and sources of information: How skilled are New Zealand children?
  • Assessing an essential skill: Finding information in the library
  • Information skills in the New Zealand curriculum: A blueprint for education?
  • Information skills: How well can New Zealand students find information?
  • Students' Conceptions of Assessment—Version II
  • Students’ Conceptions of Assessment—Version V
  • Students' Conceptions of Assessment--Version 1A to 1D
  • Teacher Communication Behavior Questionnaire--Brazilian Portuguese Version
  • Teachers' conceptions of feedback: Results from a national sample of New Zealand teachers
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Developing a model for teachers in Hong Kong
  • Personal accountability versus excuse-making: The impact of secondary students' conceptions of assessment on academic performance mediated by self-efficacy and interest
  • New Zealand teachers’ conceptions of the purpose of assessment: Phenomenographic analyses of teachers’ thinking
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Comparing measurement models for primary & secondary teachers in New Zealand
  • Student Conceptions of Feedback: A study of New Zealand secondary students
  • Queensland teachers' conceptions of teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment: Comparisons with New Zealand teachers
  • Summary of teacher feedback from the secondary school calibration of asTTle reading and writing assessments for curriculum levels 4 to 6
  • The persistence of vision: an analysis of continuity and change in conceptions of assessment within a teacher education program
  • Assessment for student improvement: Understanding Hong Kong teachers’ conceptions and practices of assessment
  • Association of Neonatal Hypoglycemia With Academic Performance in Mid-Childhood
  • Experiences of parents whose children participated in a longitudinal follow‐up study
  • A critical approach to eportfolios in higher education: How research may inform change and adoption
  • They can’t tell the difference: A first evaluation of an Outcome-Based Learning innovation in teacher education
  • Assessment policies, resources, and strategies for learning
  • Conceptions of Assessment and Feedback Project: TLRI final report
  • How Chinese higher education students perceive and engage in self-assessment within the Integrated Quality Assessment (IQA) system: Threats to the validity of IQA self-assessment
  • Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle) manual: Version 2, 2003
  • Project asTTle manual: English literacy 2002
  • “My teacher's judgement matters more than mine": Comparing teacher and student perspectives on self-assessment practices in the classroom
  • What is effective English teaching: Perceptions from New Zealand high school students
  • Teachers’ conceptions of assessment: Developing a model for teachers in Hong Kong
  • Teacher’s enacted curriculum: Understanding teacher beliefs and practices of classroom assessment
  • Assessment of Key Competencies: A Proposal for Inclusion in e-asTTle (asTTle Advisory Rep. #19)
  • New Zealand students’ test-taking motivation: an experimental study examining the effects of stakes
  • Changes in Chinese students' academic emotions after examinations: Pride in success, shame in failure, and self‐loathing in comparison
  • The past, present and future of educational assessment: A transdisciplinary perspective
  • Assessments cause and contribute to learning: If only we let them
  • The relationship between subconstructs of empathy and general cognitive ability in the context of policing
  • University students' strategies and criteria during self-assessment: instructor's feedback, rubrics, and year level effects
  • Changes in Chinese students' academic emotions after examinations: Pride in success, shame in failure, and self-loathing in comparison
  • New Zealand students' test-taking motivation: an experimental study examining the effects of stakes
  • Leading school-based assessment for educational improvement: rethinking accountability
  • Self-Assessment
  • Response to Responsible Research Assessment I
  • Students’ use of online feedback in a first-year tertiary biology course
  • Comparing four contemporary statistical software tools for introductory data science and statistics in the social sciences
  • Changing the Quality of Teachers' Written Tests by implementing an Authentic Assessment Teachers' Training Program
  • The contributions of intelligence and executive function to behaviour problems in school-age children born very preterm
  • Setting Standards With Multiple-Choice Tests: A Preliminary Intended-User Evaluation of SmartStandardSet
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Comparing two inventories with Ecuadorian teachers
  • Relationships between intelligence, executive function and academic achievement in children born very preterm
  • Portuguese university students' conceptions of assessment: taking responsibility for achievement
  • Students' conceptions of eportfolios as assessment and technology
  • Schooling Beyond COVID-19: An Unevenly Distributed Future
  • Using Self-Assessment to Improve Student Learning
  • Value, practice and proficiency: Teachers' complex relationship with assessment for learning
  • Does connectedness to nature improve the eating behaviours of pre-schoolers? Emerging evidence from the Play&Grow randomised controlled trial in Hong Kong
  • Toward an Understanding of Preservice English as a Foreign Language Teachers' Acceptance of Computer-Assisted Language Learning 2.0 in the People's Republic of China
  • Teacher AfL perceptions and feedback practices in mathematics education Chock for among secondary schools in Tanzania
  • Chinese secondary school students' conceptions of assessment and achievement emotions: endorsed purposes lead to positive and negative feelings
  • School readiness screening and educational achievement at 9-10 years of age
  • Experiences of parents whose children participated in a longitudinal follow-up study
  • Executive function and behaviour problems in school‐age children born at risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia
  • Different Approaches to requesting Consent for Routine data linkage in Neonatal follow-up (ACORN): protocol for a 2×2 factorial randomised trial
  • NIH Toolbox for assessment of neurocognitive and emotional-behavioural function in childhood: A systematic review
  • Introduction to motivational profiles in TIMSS mathematics
  • Cluster analysis results for TIMSS 2015 mathematics motivation by grade and jurisdiction
  • The relationship of motivation with achievement in mathematics
  • Methods in Feedback Research
  • Effective Reporting for Formative Assessment: The asTTle Case Example
  • Methodology: Cluster analysis of motivation variables in the TIMSS data
  • Cluster analysis findings over 20 years of TIMSS
  • Insights from motivational profiles in TIMSS mathematics
  • Volume introduction: The human and social experience of assessment: Valuing the person and context
  • STUDENT PERSPECTIVES OF ASSESSMENT Considering What Assessment Means to Learners
  • "DRAWING" OUT STUDENT CONCEPTIONS Using Pupils' Pictures to Examine Their Conceptions of Assessment
  • Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle) [Computer software]
  • An Integrated Approach to Assessment as a Co-ordinating Framework
  • 21st Century Learner Self-Report Feedback Inventories: A review and defence of psychometric approaches
  • Evaluating Change over Time: Tests and Measures
  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • In defence of psychometric measurement: a systematic review of contemporary self-report feedback inventories
  • The tension between impression management and learning: examining the impact of Chinese students’ academic integrity perceptions on self-assessment intentions
  • Challenges and opportunities in score reporting
  • The psychology of evaluation:
  • Evaluation in teacher training: An analysis of theoretical conceptions
  • Feedback and year level effects on university students’ self-efficacy and emotions during self-assessment: positive impact of rubrics vs. instructor feedback
  • Perspectives of adult offspring of participants recruited to a randomised trial in pregnancy: a qualitative study
  • The Relation of Students’ Conceptions of Feedback to Motivational Beliefs and Achievement Goals: Comparing Chinese International Students to New Zealand Domestic Students in Higher Education
  • Predicting formative feedback practices: improving learning and minimising a tendency to ignore feedback
  • Stability of executive function in children born at risk of neonatal hypoglycemia
  • Academic Success at Social Costs: An Exploratory Study on Social Networks of Chinese Students under Academic Streaming
  • Teaching advanced statistical methods to postgraduate novices: a case example
  • Principles and assumptions of psychometric measurement
  • STUDENT CONCEPTIONS OF ASSESSMENT ACROSS CULTURAL AND CONTEXTUAL DIFFERENCES University Student Perspectives of Assessment from Brazil, China, Hong Kong, and New Zealand
  • Cultural differences in tertiary students' conceptions of learning as a duty and student achievement
  • How Technology Assists the Feedback Process in a Learning Environment: A Review
  • Executive function and behaviour problems in school-age children born at risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia
  • Assessments cause and contribute to learning If only we let them
  • Different Approaches to requesting Consent for Routine data linkage in Neonatal follow-up (ACORN): protocol for a 2x2 factorial randomised trial
  • An Analysis of the Factorial Structure of the Teacher Communication Behavior Questionnaire with Brazilian High School Science Students
  • The qualitative secret within quantitative research: It’s not just about numbers
  • Socio-emotional Key Competencies: Can they be measured and what do they relate to?
  • Student Self-Assessment
  • The future of self-assessment in classroom practice: Reframing self- assessment as a core competency
  • Factors influencing early adolescents’ mathematics achievement: High-quality teaching rather than relationships
  • Illustrating assessment: how Hong Kong university students conceive of the purposes of assessment
  • Teachers' reasons for using peer assessment: positive experience predicts use
  • The Effect of Conceptions of Assessment upon Reading Achievement: An Evaluation of the Influence of Self-efficacy and Interest
  • Tensions between knowledge transmission and student-focused teaching approaches to assessment purposes: helping students improve through transmission
  • Setting students free with tablets: a multi-method evaluation of an educational technology intervention
  • Assessing instructional leadership: a longitudinal study of new principals
  • Concepções de avaliação de alunos universitários: uma revisão da literatura
  • Prospective Teachers' Conceptions of Assessment: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
  • The impact of training students how to write introductions for academic essays: an exploratory, longitudinal study
  • Dextrose gel prophylaxis for neonatal hypoglycaemia and neurocognitive function at early school age: a randomised dosage trial
  • In between Korean and New Zealander: Extrinsic success beliefs and well-being of Korean youth in New Zealand
  • The key competencies and components of teacher assessment literacy in digital environments: A scoping review
  • A broader view of research contributions: Necessary adjustments to DORA for hiring and promotion in psychology.
  • The tension between impression management and learning: examining the impact of Chinese students' academic integrity perceptions on self-assessment intentions
  • A broader view of research contributions: Necessary adjustments to DORA for hiring and promotion in psychology
  • Teachers' conceptions of assessment: implications for policy and professional development
  • How technology assists the feedback process in a learning environment: A review
  • Challenges and opportunities in score reporting: a panel of personal perspectives
  • Formative Evaluation of an Educational Technology Innovation: Developer's Insights into Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning
  • Supporting the Wellbeing of Those Left Behind: The Impact of Youth Development Programmes on Children in Highly Transient Schools
  • Authentic assessment training for university teachers
  • Swedish teacher conceptions of assessment: a focus on improving outcomes
  • Neonatal Hypoglycemia and Neurocognitive Function at School Age: A Prospective Cohort Study

Gavin T. L. Brown's public data