
Clare McKenzie

Associate Director, Research & Learning, University of Wollongong Library (Library and information studies not elsewhere classified)

Wollongong, Australia

I have worked in a range of academic library environments, from academic support to library repository services and specialise in leading teams to achieve strategic and collaborative goals. I am currently the Associate Director, Research & Learning at the University of Wollongong (UOW) Library where I lead our client facing teams in innovative service development and delivery to the UOW community. I was a co-founder and Director of the International Librarians Network. The ILN was a not-for-profit organisation that ran a facilitated program from 2013-2017, aimed at helping librarians develop international networks. I believe strongly in the value of networking to further professional development and generate new ideas and opportunities and in 2016 along with my fellow co-founders, I was awarded a Library Journal Mover & Shaker Award for community building . You can find me on twitter as @ccmcknz.


  • Publications list is available at ORCID

Clare McKenzie's public data