
Alessio Rovere

Professor (Climatology; Geology not elsewhere classified)

Venice, Italy

I am a geoscientist working on past sea-level changes and the effects of current climate change on coastal environments. The focus of my research is understanding sea-level changes in the past through the measurement of past sea-level indicators and comparison with earth models to unravel the magnitude of eustatic, isostatic and tectonic processes. ​I have a parallel interest in modern coastal environments, where I investigate coastal erosion, extreme wave events, interactions between ecological and geological processes and trajectories of coastlines and nearshore environments under changing climates and sea levels.


  • A review of last interglacial sea-level proxies in the western Atlantic and southwestern Caribbean, from Brazil to Honduras
  • PALEO-SEAL: A tool for the visualization and sharing of Holocene sea-level data
  • Structure-from-Motion on shallow reefs and beaches: potential and limitations of consumer-grade drones to reconstruct topography and bathymetry
  • Introducing WALIS, the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines Version 1.0
  • New datings and elevations of a fossil reef in Lembetabe, southwest Madagascar: eustatic and tectonic implications
  • Coral reef structural complexity loss exposes coastlines to waves
  • A new global ice sheet reconstruction for the past 80 000 years
  • Supplementary data for: "The influence of reef isostasy, dynamic topography, and glacial isostatic adjustment on the Last Interglacial sea-level record of Northeastern Australia"
  • The World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (version 1.0)
  • Modeled storm surge changes in a warmer world: the Last Interglacial
  • Insights on the origin of multiple tsunami events affected the archaeological site of Ognina (south-eastern Sicily, Italy)
  • Influence of reef isostasy, dynamic topography, and glacial isostatic adjustment on sea-level records in Northeastern Australia
  • MIS 5e relative sea-level index points along the Pacific coast of North America
  • Geomorphological indicators
  • A Revised Estimate of Early Pliocene Global Mean Sea Level Using Geodynamic Models of the Patagonian Slab Window
  • Climate pacing of millennial sea-level change variability in the central and western Mediterranean
  • Introducing WALIS, the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines Version 1.0
  • Fossil Java Sea corals record Laurentide ice sheet disappearance
  • Reply to: Towards solving the missing ice problem and the importance of rigorous model data comparisons
  • Database of Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) Sea-level Indicators in Southeast Asia
  • Modeling coral reef terraces: The Last Interglacial at Cape Laundi (Sumba Island, Indonesia)
  • A review of Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the Western Atlantic and Southwestern Caribbean, from Brazil to Honduras
  • The Last Interglacial Sea Level database for the Western Mediterranean
  • Modeling coral reef terraces: The Last Interglacial at Cape Laundi (Sumba Island, Indonesia)
  • Coastal submersions in the north-eastern Adriatic during the last 5200 years
  • Assessing the relative accuracy of coral heights reconstructed from drones and structure from motion photogrammetry on coral reefs
  • Paleo sea level utilities (version 1.6)
  • Modeling coral reef terraces: The Last Interglacial at Cape Laundi (Sumba Island, Indonesia)
  • Constraining sea level variations in the Last Interglacial by modeling fossil coral reefs: A step forward in understanding the current rise?
  • Constraining sea level variations in the Last Interglacial by modeling fossil coral reefs: A step forward in understanding the current rise?
  • WALIS visualization interface
  • WALIS visualization interface
  • WALIS - The World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (Ver 1.0 review)
  • WALIS - The World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (Ver 1.0 final)
  • WALIS - The World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (Ver 1.0 final)
  • Revisiting Battistini: Pleistocene Coastal Evolution of Southwestern Madagascar
  • Database of Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) Sea-level Indicators in Southeast Asia
  • Last interglacial sea-level index points in the Western Mediterranean
  • Last interglacial (MIS 5e) sea-level proxies in southeastern South America
  • Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the Western Mediterranean
  • On the origin of multiple tsunami inundation of the archaeological site of Ognina (Sicily): Numerical models and field geological data
  • WALIS - Towards a global database of Last Interglacial sea-level proxies.
  • Differential uplift of three Pliocene sea level indicator sites in southern Argentina driven by upwelling asthenosphere through the Patagonian slab window
  • A standardized database of Last Interglacial sea-level indicators in southeast Asia: Records from coral reef terraces in a tectonically complex region
  • A standardized database of Last interglacial (MIS 5e) sea-level indicators in Southeast Asia
  • Last interglacial sea-level proxies in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean
  • Sea-level trends across The Bahamas constrain peak last interglacial ice melt
  • A standardized database of Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) sea-level indicators in Southeast Asia
  • Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the western Mediterranean
  • Holocene GIA models and related plotting scripts for SE Asia
  • Paleo Sea Level Utilities
  • Models, data and python tools for the analysis of sea level data in the Spermonde Archipelago.
  • Could the Last Interglacial Constrain Projections of Future Antarctic Ice Mass Loss and Sea-level Rise?
  • Last interglacial (MIS 5e) sea-level proxies in southeastern South America
  • 3D mapping of Quaternary coral reef terraces on Curacao Island, Southern Carribean Sea
  • A Holocene Sea-Level database for Southeast Asia (WCRP-IOC 2017 Poster)
  • Holocene sea-level changes in Southeast Asia (EGU 2019 poster)
  • A map of seagrass, bacterial mats, former bacterial mats, and composite photo of Paleochori Bay, Milos, Greece
  • Fossil Microatoll radiocarbon and elevation records from the Spermonde Archipelago in SW Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2017
  • An Early Pliocene relative sea level record from Patagonia (Argentina)
  • Paleo sea level utilities (Ver.1.4)
  • Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) models
  • Elevation and age determination of Kodingareng Keke
  • Elevation and age determination of Suranti
  • Age determination of fossil microatolls from the Spermonde Archipelago
  • Elevation and age determination of Sanrobengi
  • Elevation and age determination of Tambakulu
  • WALIS help documents
  • WALIS help documents
  • The ‘wickedness’ of governing land subsidence: Policy perspectives from urban Southeast Asia
  • Database of last interglacial sea level proxies in the East Africa and Western Indian Ocean Region
  • Survey data, models and dated samples of the Pliocene shorelines of Camarones, Argentina.
  • Survey data, models and dated samples of the Pliocene shorelines of Camarones, Argentina.
  • The last interglacial sea-level record of New Zealand (Aotearoa) - WALIS database of sea-level indicators
  • A review of 100+ years last interglacial shoreline studies in New Zealand within the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS) database framework
  • A preliminary sea level database for SE Asia (EGU 2017 Poster)
  • A global database of submerged terraces
  • Elevation and age determination of Bone Batang
  • Late Holocene (0–6 ka) sea-level changes in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia
  • Hydrothermal areas, microbial mats and sea grass in Paleochori Bay, Milos, Greece
  • Please refer to full review
  • A Review of Last Interglacial Sea-Level Indicators in the Southern Western Atlantic: State-of-the-art and future perspectives
  • A Review of Last Interglacial Sea-Level Indicators in the Southern Western Atlantic: State-of-the-art and future perspectives
  • Hurricane Matthew in 2100: effects of extreme sea level rise scenarios on a highly valued coastal area (Palm Beach, FL, USA)
  • Structure-from-Motion on shallow reefs and beaches: potential and limitations of consumer-grade drones to reconstruct topography and bathymetry
  • Driving mechanisms of Holocene coastal evolution in the Bonifacio Strait (Western Mediterranean)
  • Juvenile corals underpin coral reef carbonate production after disturbance
  • Assessing the efficacy of nourishment of a Mediterranean beach using bimodal fluvial sediments and a specific placement design
  • Accuracy of sand beach topography surveying by drones and photogrammetry
  • Community composition predicts photogrammetry-based structural complexity on coral reefs
  • Higher than present global mean sea level recorded by an Early Pliocene intertidal unit in Patagonia (Argentina)
  • Pliocene‐Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Sea‐Level Estimates, Republic of South Africa With Implications for a 400 ppmv CO2 World
  • Holocene sea-level changes in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia: implications for vertical land movements
  • Last Interglacial Sea-Level Indicators in the Western Indian Ocean
  • Global storm surges during a past warm climate, the Last Interglacial
  • Pliocene-Pleistocene stratigraphy and sea-level estimates, Republic of South Africa with implications for a 400 ppmv CO2 world
  • Could the Last Interglacial Constrain Projections of Future Antarctic Ice Mass Loss and Sea-level Rise?
  • Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean
  • UAV derived orthomosaics of a rocky intertidal area, a coral reef area and a mangrove area in the Pacific coast of Colombia, eastern Pacific Ocean
  • Hydrothermal areas, microbial mats and sea grass in Paleochori Bay, Milos, Greece
  • Inception of the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS)
  • The World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS) an ongoing research effort to standardize sea-level proxy data from the Last Interglacial
  • Sea level and extreme waves in a past warmer world
  • SEASCHANGE - Holocene sea level changes in SE Asia
  • Habitat mapping of remote coasts: Evaluating the usefulness of lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles for conservation and monitoring
  • Holocene sea-level changes in Southeast Asia - Fieldwork in Indonesia and first results (EGU 2018 Poster)
  • Elevation measurements, sea level interpretations and dating details for South Africa Pliocene sites, supplement to: Hearty, Paul J; Rovere, Alessio; Sandstrom, Michael R; O'Leary, Michael J; Roberts, David; Raymo, Maureen E (submitted): Pliocene-Pleistocene stratigraphy and sea-level estimates, Republic of South Africa (RSA). Paleoceanography
  • Temperature measurements of samples from the Paleochori Bay, Milos, Greece
  • EGU 2019 PICO talk
  • Sea level in the last interglacial - QUIGS meeting 2019
  • SEAMIS Holocene sea level data analysis tools
  • Reef terrace levels surveyed during SCUBA dives
  • Water level logger measurements of Barrang Lompo
  • Living microatolls average
  • Water level logger measurements of Tambakulu
  • Water level logger measurements of Bone Batang
  • X-ray diffraction results of fossil microatolls from the Spermonde Archipelago
  • Water level logger measurements of Kodingareng Keke
  • Sea level and extreme waves in a past warmer world - University of PISA
  • Sea level and extreme waves in a past warmer world - University of PISA, Italy
  • Using marine and terrestrial surveys to reconstruct extreme paleo waves (presentation for the INQUA NEPTUNE workshop, September 2020)
  • Using marine and terrestrial surveys to reconstruct extreme paleo waves
  • Using marine and terrestrial surveys to reconstruct extreme paleo waves
  • Sea level and extreme waves in a past warmer world
  • Sea level in the last interglacial
  • MATLAB tools for the analysis of drone-derived Digital Elevation models
  • MATLAB tools for the analysis of drone-derived Digital Elevation models
  • MATLAB tools for the analysis of drone-derived Digital Elevation models
  • SEAMIS Holocene sea level data analysis tools
  • Holocene sea-level changes in Southeast Asia (INQUA 2019 Poster)
  • Maldives interpretation of marine terrace levels
  • Maldives marine terraces and global submerged terraces database
  • Water level logger measurements of Sanrobengi
  • Water level logger measurements of Suranti
  • Water level logger measurements of Panambungan
  • Sea level and extreme waves in a past warmer world - University of PISA, Italy
  • Sea level and extreme waves in a past warmer world
  • Inception of the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS)
  • Sea level and extreme waves in a past warmer world
  • Relative sea-level data from the SEAMIS database compared to ICE-5G model predictions of glacial isostatic adjustment
  • The indicative meaning calculator – quantification of paleo sea-level relationships by using global wave and tide datasets
  • Challenges and research priorities to understand interactions between climate, ice sheets and global mean sea level during past interglacials
  • Inception of a global atlas of sea levels since the Last Glacial Maximum
  • Holocene sea levels in Southeast Asia, Maldives, India and Sri Lanka: The SEAMIS database
  • Average terrace SIS age for South Africa Pliocene sites
  • Supplementary material to "Holocene and Common Era sea level changes in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia"
  • Can the Last Interglacial Constrain Projections of Future Antarctic Ice Mass Loss and Sea-level Rise?
  • Holocene and Common Era sea level changes in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia
  • QUIGS workshop 2019
  • Success story: an ERC starting-grant perspective on proposal writing and budget planning
  • (Figure 5) Difference in elevation between shoreline measured in the field and nearest point in literature maps
  • Late Quaternary sea-level changes and early human societies in the central and eastern Mediterranean Basin: An interdisciplinary review
  • Emergence and evolution of Santa Maria Island (azores)- The conundrum of uplifted islands revisited
  • Resilience of the Marine Animal Forest
  • Wave models for Eleuthera, Northern Bahamas, supplement to: Rovere, Alessio; Casella, Elisa; Harris, Daniel L; Lorscheid, Thomas; Nandasena, Napayalage A K; Dyer, Blake; Sandstrom, Michael R; Stocchi, Paolo; D'Andrea, William J; Raymo, Maureen E (2017): Giant boulders and Last Interglacial storm intensity in the North Atlantic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(46), 12144-12149
  • (Supplementary material) A spreadsheet structure for building compilations of MIS 5e (and older) sea-level data, and updating a formerly proposed one, supplement to: Rovere, Alessio; Raymo, Maureen E; Vacchi, Matteo; Lorscheid, Thomas; Stocchi, Paolo; Gómez-Pujol, Lluís; Harris, Daniel L; Casella, Elisa; O'Leary, Michael J; Hearty, Paul J (2016): The analysis of Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) relative sea-level indicators: reconstructing sea-level in a warmer world. Earth-Science Reviews, 159, 404-427
  • Tidal notches on Bonaire and coral dating of BON-39-A, supplement to: Lorscheid, Thomas; Felis, Thomas; Stocchi, Paolo; Obert, J Christina; Scholz, Denis; Rovere, Alessio (2017): Tides in the Last Interglacial: insights from notch geometry and palaeo tidal models in Bonaire, Netherland Antilles. Scientific Reports, 7(1)
  • Appendix B.1 - Relative sea level
  • Inception of the World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS) advancing knowledge of sea level changes in past warmer worlds
  • (Supplementary Table 2) Coastal erosion rates in the Mediterranean sea
  • Tides in the Last Interglacial: insights from notch geometry and palaeo tidal models in Bonaire, Netherland Antilles
  • The magnitude of a mid-Holocene sea-level highstand in the Strait of Makassar
  • Dynamic topography of the Atlantic Coastal Plain between 32° N and 38° N
  • (Figure 8) Misfit between observations and models for the elevation of the mid-Pliocene shoreline
  • (Table S1) Details on modern and paleo notch measurements
  • (Table S4) 230Th/U-dating of coral BON-39-A
  • Sea level in the last interglacial
  • New relative sea-level insights into the isostatic history of the Western Mediterranean
  • Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 degrees C anthropogenic warming and beyond
  • The park never born: Outcome of a quarter of a century of inaction on the sea-floor integrity of a proposed but not established Marine Protected Area
  • Detection of a dynamic topography signal in last interglacial sea-level records
  • Coral reef structural complexity provides important coastal protection from waves under rising sea levels
  • Very high resolution mapping of coral reef state using airborne bathymetric LiDAR surface-intensity and drone imagery
  • Fixed biological indicators
  • Drones as tools for monitoring beach topography changes in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean)
  • Ecological Change, Sliding Baselines and the Importance of Historical Data: Lessons from Combing Observational and Quantitative Data on a Temperate Reef Over 70 Years
  • Tidal notches in Mediterranean Sea: a comprehensive analysis
  • Through bleaching and tsunami: Coral reef recovery in the Maldives
  • Reply to comment by Evelpidu N., and Pirazzoli P. on “Tidal notches in the Mediterranean sea: A comprehensive analysis”
  • A review of the MIS 5e highstand deposits from Santa Maria Island (Azores, NE Atlantic): palaeobiodiversity, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography
  • Mid-Pliocene shorelines of the US Atlantic Coastal Plain — An improved elevation database with comparison to Earth model predictions
  • Coastal and marine geomorphology between Albenga and Savona(NW Mediterranean Sea, Italy)
  • Analysis of tidal notches in the Mediterranean Sea
  • A comprehensive analysis of tidal notches in the Mediterranean Sea, supplement to: Antonioli, Fabrizio; Lo Presti, Valeria; Rovere, Alessio; Ferranti, Luigi; Anzidei, Marco; Furlani, Stefano; Mastronuzzi, Giuseppe; Orru, Paolo E; Scicchitano, Giovanni; Sannino, Gianmaria; Spampinato, Cecilia R; Pagliarulo, Rossella; Deiana, Giacomo; de Sabata, Eleonora; Sansò, Paolo; Vacchi, Matteo; Vecchio, Antonio (2015): Tidal notches in Mediterranean Sea: a comprehensive analysis. Quaternary Science Reviews, 119, 66-84
  • Sr isotope ages based on inner leaches for South Africa Pliocene sites
  • Multiproxy assessment of Holocene relative sea-level changes in the western Mediterranean: Sea-level variability and improvements in the definition of the isostatic signal
  • The analysis of Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) relative sea-level indicators: Reconstructing sea-level in a warmer world
  • Budget of Primary Production and Dinitrogen Fixation in a Highly Seasonal Red Sea Coral Reef
  • Palaeo-sea-level and palaeo-ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies, and perspectives
  • Palaeo sea-level and ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies and perspectives
  • Eustatic and Relative Sea Level Changes
  • Mapping coral reefs using consumer-grade drones and structure from motion photogrammetry techniques
  • Paleo sea-level changes and relative sea-level indicators: Precise measurements, indicative meaning and glacial isostatic adjustment perspectives from Mallorca (Western Mediterranean)
  • Giant boulders and Last Interglacial storm intensity in the North Atlantic
  • MIS 5e relative sea-level changes in the Mediterranean Sea: Contribution of isostatic disequilibrium
  • Reply to Hearty and Tormey: Use the scientific method to test geologic hypotheses, because rocks do not whisper
  • Submerged reef terraces in the Maldivian Archipelago (Indian Ocean)
  • Supplementary material to "Palaeo sea-level and ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies and perspectives"
  • GPS raw data of control points from the Liguria Region, Borghetto Santo Spirito, Italy
  • A tectonic influence on seafloor stability along Australia's North West Shelf
  • Maps of coastal and marine geomorphology between Albenga and Savona (NW Mediterranean Sea, Italy), supplement to: Rovere, Alessio; Casella, E; Vacchi, Matteo; Parravicini, V; Firpo, M; Ferrari, Maud C O; Morri, Carla; Bianchi, Carlo Nike (2015): Coastal and marine geomorphology between Albenga and Savona (NW Mediterranean Sea, Italy). Journal of Maps, 11(2), 278-286
  • Reprint of “Evaluating change in seagrass meadows: A time-framed comparison of Side Scan Sonar maps”
  • Spatial distribution of the paleo-shorelines in Lesvos Island. Evidence of differential coastal uplift in the area?
  • Scarp points of the Atlantic Coastal Plain between 32° N and 38° N
  • GPS raw data of Ground control points from the Liguria Region, Borghetto Santo Spirito, Italy
  • Seafloor integrity down the harbor waterfront: The coralligenous shoals off Vado Ligure (NW Mediterranean)
  • The value of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: A natural capital assessment
  • An updated database of Holocene relative sea level changes in NE Aegean Sea
  • The Challenge of Managing Marine Biodiversity: A Practical Toolkit for a Cartographic, Territorial Approach
  • From Geoheritage to Sustainable Development: Strategies and Perspectives in the Beigua Geopark (Italy)
  • Underwater geomorphology of the rocky coastal tracts between Finale Ligure and Vado Ligure (western Liguria, NW Mediterranean Sea)
  • Relative sea level change at the archaeological site of Pyrgi (Santa Severa, Rome) during the last seven millennia
  • Evaluating change in seagrass meadows: A time-framed comparison of Side Scan Sonar maps
  • Seafloor integrity down the harbor waterfront: the coralligenous shoals off Vado Ligure (NW Mediterranean)
  • Geo-environmental cartography of the Marine Protected Area “Isola di Bergeggi” (Liguria, NW Mediterranean Sea)
  • Combining geomorphologic, biological and accessibility values for marine natural heritage evaluation and conservation
  • Abiotic and Biotic Links Work Two Ways: Effects on the Deposit at the Cliff Foot Induced by Mechanical Action of Date Mussel Harvesting (Lithophaga lithophaga)
  • A method to measure three-dimensional substratum rugosity for ecological studies: an example from the date-mussel fishery desertification in the north-western Mediterranean
  • Spatial distribution of sea-level markers on Lesvos Island (NE Aegean Sea): Evidence of differential relative sea-level changes and the neotectonic implications
  • Study of wave runup using numerical models and low-altitude aerial photogrammetry: A tool for coastal management
  • Crowdsourcing in the Quaternary sea level community: insights from the Pliocene
  • The Mid-Pliocene sea-level conundrum: Glacial isostasy, eustasy and dynamic topography
  • Mediterranean Sea biodiversity between the legacy from the past and a future of change
  • Bringing geoheritage underwater: Definitions, methods, and application in two Mediterranean marine areas
  • The use of nematodes in assessing ecological conditions in shallow waters surrounding a Mediterranean harbour facility
  • Submerged shorelines off the Gallinara Island (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean)
  • Assessing enigmatic boulder deposits in NE Aegean Sea: Importance of historical sources as tool to support hydrodynamic equations
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of re-establishing beaches artificially: Methodological and practical insights into the use of video transects and SCUBA-operated coring devices
  • Understanding relationships between conflicting human uses and coastal ecosystems status: A geospatial modeling approach
  • Characterization and evaluation of a marine protected area: 'Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo' (Sardinia, NW Mediterranean)
  • Spatial models to support the management of coastal marine ecosystems: A short review of best practices in Liguria, Italy
  • GPS raw data (control points and ground control points) from the Liguria Region, Borghetto Santo Spirito, Italy, supplement to: Casella, E; Rovere, Alessio; Pedroncini, Andrea; Mucerino, Luigi; Cusati, Luis Alberto; Vacchi, Matteo; Ferrari, Marco; Firpo, M (2014): Study of wave runup using numerical models and low-altitude aerial photogrammetry: A tool for coastal management. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 149, 160-167
  • Mid-Pliocene shorelines of the US Atlantic Coastal Plain, supplement to: Rovere, Alessio; Hearty, Paul J; Austermann, J; Mitrovica, Jerry X; Gale, J; Moucha, R; Forte, A M; Raymo, Maureen E (2015): Mid-Pliocene shorelines of the US Atlantic Coastal Plain - An improved elevation database with comparison to Earth model predictions. Earth-Science Reviews, 145, 117-131
  • The Last Interglacial Sea Level database for the Western Mediterranean
  • Differential uplift of three Pliocene sea level indicator sites in southern Argentina driven by upwelling asthenosphere through the Patagonian slab window
  • Supplementary material to "Holocene and Common Era sea level changes in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia"
  • Supplementary material to "Palaeo sea-level and ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies and perspectives"
  • Refining patterns of melt with forward stratigraphic models of stable Pleistocene coastlines
  • Do ice large sheets drive high sea level?
  • Supplementary Information and data for: "Quaternary and Pliocene sea-level changes at Camarones, central Patagonia, Argentina"
  • WALIS visualisation interface (v3.0)
  • DGPS and Echosounder data for Glass Window Bridge, Eleuthera, Bahamas.
  • DGPS and Echosounder data for Glass Window Bridge, Eleuthera, Bahamas.
  • Multi-decadal shoreline changes in Eastern Ghana—natural dynamics versus human interventions
  • MIS 5e coral reef simulations (using the REEF model) and their scoring spreadsheet
  • MIS 5e coral reef simulations (using the REEF model) and their scoring spreadsheet
  • Sea-level oscillations within the Last Interglacial: insights from coral reef stratigraphic forward modelling
  • A geoarchaeological review of Balzi Rossi, Italy: A crossroad of Palaeolithic populations in the northwest Mediterranean
  • Ongoing Multi-method Investigations of Last Interglacial Sea Level
  • Ongoing Multi-method Investigations of Last Interglacial Sea Level
  • WALIS dashboard: An online tool to explore a global paleo sea-level database
  • Quaternary and Pliocene sea-level changes at Camarones, central Patagonia, Argentina
  • Decoding the Interplay Between Tidal Notch Geometry and Sea‐Level Variability During the Last Interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) High Stand
  • Sea level oscillations within the Last Interglacial: insights from coral reef stratigraphic forward modelling
  • Quaternary and Pliocene sea-level changes at Camarones, central Patagonia, Argentina
  • Sea-level oscillations within the last interglacial: Insights from coral reef stratigraphic forward modelling
  • The 'wickedness' of governing land subsidence: Policy perspectives from urban Southeast Asia
  • The 'wickedness' of governing land subsidence: Policy perspectives from urban Southeast Asia

Alessio Rovere's public data