Outsourced services_PKP 2019.pdf (1.33 MB)

Outsourced services: The other actors in the production of Latin American scientific journals

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posted on 2020-06-08, 20:31 authored by Ivonne Lujano VilchisIvonne Lujano Vilchis, Julio Santillán-AldanaJulio Santillán-Aldana, Victoria Yance Yupari

It was identified that the outsourced services with the highest demand are three: implementation of scientific journal management platforms (Open Journals Systems), metadata marking in articles (Scielo and Redalyc) and, implementation of digital identifiers.

The need to professionalize and internationalize editorial management processes in scientific journals, in addition to lowering costs in these processes, promotes the demand for outsourced services for various processes that must be met by the editors of scientific publications in Latin America.
