Science Update: Seagrass Meadows - Forests Under the Sea
This science update presents an analysis of seagrass extent change in NBEP’s study areas – Narragansett Bay, Little Narragansett Bay and the Coastal Salt Ponds. This reports contains data from 2006 through 2021 for Narragansett Bay and updates the information shared in the 2017 State of Narragansett Bay and Its Watershed. This is the first time NBEP is presenting seagrass extent change for the Little Narragansett Bay and the Coastal Salt Ponds and focuses on the complete datasets available from 2009 through 2021. The purpose of these documents is to inform our audience on seagrass acreage change in NBEP’s study areas, and to identify areas for further research. NBEP hopes that this update stimulates discussion among our partners and seagrass experts. The audience for this piece is anyone who is interested in seagrass extent, particularly environmental managers, members of community outreach groups, and the interested public.
Much of this update is based on the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program’s State of Narragansett Bay and Its Watershed, a huge effort by over 60 partners to describe the status and trends of Narragansett Bay. The current staff and partners wish to thank former staff and partners for their hard work creating the solid foundation on which we stand. Cover photo is a still image of seagrass from an underwater video captured by Bryan Oakley (Eastern Connecticut State University) and the RI Eelgrass Taskforce in Little Narragansett Bay during the 2021 Seagrass Survey.
Development of this document was funded by agreements CE00A00967 awarded by the EPA to Roger Williams University. Although the information in this document has been funded by the EPA, it has not undergone the EPA’s publications review process and therefore, may not reflect the views of EPA and no official endorsement is inferred. The viewpoints expressed do not necessarily represent those of Roger Williams University or EPA. Mention of trade names, commercial products, or causes do not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Files updated 2023 December 8 to reflect additional partner review.