
Narragansett Bay Estuary Program

Earth sciences; Environmental sciences; Biological sciences

The Narragansett Bay Estuary Program is part of the National Estuary Program, established in 1987 as an amendment to the federal Clean Water Act administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This Program was designed for “estuaries of national significance” and Narragansett Bay was specifically identified to be given priority consideration by the EPA.

The NBEP is the only stakeholder-led nonprofit conservation organization working to catalyze scientific inquiry and collective action in the Narragansett Bay region. Our region includes the areas of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut that channel into Narragansett Bay, Little Narragansett Bay, and the Coastal Salt Ponds through the rivers, creeks, and groundwater. The landscape unites 2 million people across 113 communities in 3 states. It hosts diverse habitats that sustain wildlife and vital economies.


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