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Advanced assessment of ductile fracture in steel by X-ray computed tomography

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posted on 2013-11-05, 13:41 authored by Fabien LéonardFabien Léonard, Michael Daly, John K Sharples, Andrew H Sherry

This video illustrates the paper from Daly, Léonard, Sharples and Sherry presented at the Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Conference PVP2013 in Paris, France. The study focuses on the advanced characterisation of voids in ferritic steel by X-ray computed tomography (XCT): this paper describes preliminary work to characterise ductile tearing damage within the A508 Class 3 RPV ferritic steel using XCT and comparing the results to the Rice and Tracey local approach damage criterion using finite element.

Abstract of the paper:
"Ductile damage is characterised by the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids at initiating particles within the volume of high triaxial stresses and plastic strain ahead of a crack-tip or stress concentrator. To establish a more detailed understanding of the mechanism of ductile fracture in the A508 Class 3 ferritic RPV steels and to improve fracture models, the ductile damage was quantified below the fracture surface of tested compact test specimens using laboratory X-ray tomography imaging with sufficient resolution to image voids of approximately 10 μm in diameter. The average distribution of void volume fraction as a function of distance below the fracture surface was quantified, and the initiating and coalescence mechanisms were characterised. The highest void volume fraction was observed at the fracture surface and this tends to decrease as a function of distance below the fracture surface. This decrease is periodically perturbed by large voids associated with inclusions which are distributed throughout the microstructure and act as further nucleating sites at  low strains. This distribution of voids was correlated  with the local variations in stress triaxiality and  plastic strain derived from finite element analyses to  provide a relationship between experimental  observations and the Rice and Tracey model. These correlations aim to provide new data and understanding with which to calibrate mechanistically based models such as the Gurson Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN) model."


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