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Digital Showcase: Media Design School. Bachelor of Media Design faculty

The group exhibition features the research-active faculty of the Department of Media Design, showcasing a diverse array of works varying in medium, topic, practice, and research methods. Central to this exhibition is the exploration of an inherent interpersonal connection that develops between the creator and the subject. This connection gives rise to a fascinating dialogue within the craft itself, establishing an intricate interrelationship between the maker and their creation. The exhibited works delve into the cause-and-effect dynamics involving 'the persona,' 'the environment,' and the tools employed (the digital/computational tools), resulting in an iterative process where the outcome may deviate from the initial intent. This nuanced interpretation of artefact outcomes is emblematic of the influential discussions within the Bachelor of Media Design degree program, where students and lecturers routinely engage in discourse surrounding such creative processes.

In this specific exhibition, my creative work on Jiu Jitsu rolls was showcased. The Jiu Jitsu rolls were presented on a television screen, accompanied by legends and descriptions accessible on an iPad placed beside the TV.


Media Design School Internal Research Fund


Output Source

Leong, T., Chooi, D., Nicholls, S., Murray, J., Jannin, C., Lal, P., Boermans, L., & Janon, J. (2021). Bachelor of Media Design Faculty [Exhibition]. Digital Showcase Media Design School.

Degree Awarded

  • Not Applicable

Copyright Holder

Media Design School