5 files

Assessing nitrate groundwater hotspots in Europe reveals a severely inadequate designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones

posted on 2023-10-11, 12:13 authored by João SerraJoão Serra

Supplementary data for "Assessing nitrate groundwater hotspots in Europe reveals a severely inadequate designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones"

  • Predictors.rar: (post-processed) annual predictors for 1961-2019 [Format: raster]
  • RF_dataset_2000_2019.rar: dataset with the monitoring stations across Europe + predictors [Format: Rds file]
  • RF_model.rar: contains different data formats of (i) decadal metrics (1992-2003, 2004-2019, 1992-2019) including mann-kendal test [Format: csv], (ii) hypertuned RF model with each iteration (hyperparameters and RMSE) [Format: csv], (iii) partial dependence plots for selected predictors [Format: csv], (iv) hyper-tuned RF model [Format: Rds], (v) RF model predictions for the period 1961-2019 [Format: csv] and (vi) in [Format: raster]
  • Scenario_analysis.rar: contains different data formats of (i) scenario simulations for the historical (1961-1990) and present (2000-2019) scenarios for the period 1992-2019 [Format: raster]
  • Uncertainty_analysis.rar: contains the uncertainty analysis for different N predictors [Format: raster]
