
João Serra


  • Challenges and solutions in identifying agricultural pollution hotspots using gross nitrogen balances
  • Climate-resilient and smart agricultural management tools to cope with climate change-induced soil quality decline
  • Nitrogen Footprints and the Role of Soil Enzymes
  • Development of a groundwater contamination index based on the agricultural hazard and aquifer vulnerability: Application to Portugal
  • Contrasting Considerations among Agricultural Stakeholders in Japan on Sustainable Nitrogen Management
  • Is irrigation water an overlooked source of nitrogen in agriculture?
  • How much can changes in the agro-food system reduce agricultural nitrogen losses to the environment? Example of a temperate-Mediterranean gradient
  • Nitrogen inputs by irrigation is a missing link in the agricultural nitrogen cycle and related policies in Europe
  • Assessing Agricultural Systems using Emergy Analysis: A Review
  • Assessing nitrate groundwater hotspots in Europe reveals a severely inadequate designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones
  • Assessing nitrate groundwater hotspots in Europe reveals an inadequate designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones
  • Exploring the agricultural (Ground)Water-Nitrogen nexus: Are we using the right tools?

João Serra's public data