
Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater

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Version 2 2019-11-18, 19:01
Version 1 2019-11-18, 18:54
posted on 2019-11-18, 19:01 authored by Tunde OlarinoyeTunde Olarinoye, Tom GleesonTom Gleeson, Vera Marx, Stefan Seeger, Rouhollah Adinehvand, Andreas Hartmann, Vincenzo Allocca, Bartolome Andreo, James Apaéstegui, Christophe Apolit, Bruno Arfib, Augusto Auler, Juan Antonio Barberá, Timothy Bechtel, Stephane Binet, Daniel Bittner, Matej Blatnik, Terry Bolger, Pascal Brunet, Jean-Baptiste Charlier, Zhao Chen, Gabriele Chiogna, Gemma Coxon, Pantaleone De Vita, Joanna Doummar, Jannis Epting, Matthieu Fournier, Nico Goldscheider, John Gunn, Fang Guo, Jean Loup Guyot, Liz Hidalgo Sanchez, Nicholas Howden, Peter Huggenberger, Brian Hunt, Pierre-Yves Jeannin, Guanghui Jiang, Greg Jones, Herve Jourde, Ivo Karmann, Oliver Koit, David Labat, Bernard Ladouche, Isabella Serena Liso, Zaihua Liu, Nicolas Massei, Naomi Mazzilli, Matias Mudarra, Mario Parise, Junbing Pu, Nataša Ravbar, Antonio Santo, Vianney Sivelle, Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund, Martin Sauter, Jannes Kordilla, Zoran Stevanovic, Cameron Wood, Stephen Worthington, Andreas Hartmann
World Karst Spring hydrograph (WoKaS) database is a compilation of karst spring discharge observations from across the globe. The database consist of over 400 spring discharge datasets which were collected from researchers, national hydrological databases and agencies in different countries and some of the datasets were digitized from published articles. The WoKaS database aims to serve as resourceful tool which will promotes large-scale karst hydrological studies, improves management, protection, process and comparative understanding of the karst aquifer systems.


Emmy Noether-Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG; grant number HA 8113/1-1)


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