Peruvian BioKusharub Food Database _30 March_2023 myfood24.xlsx (259.66 kB)

Peruvian BioKusharu Food Database

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Version 3 2023-05-31, 00:12
Version 2 2023-05-05, 21:54
Version 1 2023-03-16, 00:53
posted on 2023-05-31, 00:12 authored by Carol Zavaleta-CortijoCarol Zavaleta-Cortijo, valeria morales, Rosa Silvera-Ccallo, Andrea Valdivia Gago, Rosalia Montero, Teresita Antazú, Connie Fernandez, Guillermo Lancha-Rucoba, Nerita Inuma Tangoa, Junior Chanchari Huiñapi, Marianella Miranda-Cuadros, Juan Pablo Aparco, Sarah Beer, Grace Williams, Janet E Cade, J. Jaime Miranda


As part of the Peruvian research study called: “ Does food biodiversity protect against malnutrition and favor the resilience to climate change-related events in Amazon Indigenous communities? A protocol for a mixed methods study” (see protocol published here),  we aimed to create a food-composition database to analyze the nutritional content of the dietary information collected. 

We partner with  myfood24® company to provide guidelines to complete a friendly online version of the database to calculate the nutritient content of macronutrients and micronutrients relevant to the main study, since we are focused on investigating anaemia, we were more interested in the nutrition content of iron in the food intake. This Peruvian BioKusharu food database is going to be used to analyze the food intake collected with a 24-hour recall tool among six Shawi communities to understand the iron intake in the diet.   We called this database BioKusharu, since Kusharu means food in the Shawi indigenous language, and Bio represents the biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazon.


Does household food biodiversity protect adults against malnutrition and favour the resilience of Shawi Indigenous households to climate change related events?

Wellcome Trust

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Climate Change and Indigenous Food System, Food Security, and Food Safety (Climate Change IFS3)

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

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