7 files

Exploring systematic orthographic crosslinguistic similarities to enhance foreign language vocabulary learning

Version 2 2021-09-22, 15:27
Version 1 2020-09-10, 11:11
posted on 2021-09-22, 15:27 authored by Nina Selina Hicks (-Müller)Nina Selina Hicks (-Müller)
This folder contains supplementary material for the article "Exploring systematic orthographic crosslinguistic similarities to enhance foreign language vocabulary learning" by Nina Selina Hicks in Language Teaching Research (accepted for publication September 2021), reporting results from an interventional study with 17 classes in the Canton of Berne as part of the MA Thesis (by Nina Selina Müller) submitted in January 2020 at the University of Fribourg (CH).

The .csv file "dataArticle2021" contains an abbreviated version of the data necessary to replicate the analysis reported in the article. The corresponding R Code and HTML output are available for download, containing the code and complete output of all computations reported.

The .xlsx document "Cognates German - English" contains a list of 801 word pairs exhibiting a systematic correspondence, which served as a basis for the development of the teaching material and test battery.

The .zip folder "Material for instructors" contains all teaching material including instructions, lesson plans, worksheet and games developed for the intervention and test battery, geared towards Grade 5 and 6 Swiss-German learners of English as a second foreign language.

The .zip folder "Experiment Mueller 2020" contains the code (written using jsPsych, de Leeuw) for the test procedure. An abbreviated exemplary version can be accessed via using the sample ID Z707.

The .pdf document "Items" contains the list of stimuli used for the three vocabulary learning activities as part of the test battery and includes the guideline applied for the scoring of the data.
