This file set contains (version 3) information, and analysis files, related to morphological data matrices collected from literature (including some we published) to sum up some principal features of these matrices, mainly how tree(un)like they are.
Version 3 includes
XLXS-File OverviewTablessummarising general signal information (behaviour under parsimony and NJ tree-building in relation to matrix and individual Delta Values, a measure for treelikeness.
Content of 7z-Archives
Cycadales.7zincludes the matrices of Stevenson (Mem. NY Bot. Garden, 57: 8–55, 1990) and my extension of it (Grimm GW. 1999. Diploma thesis. Eberhard Karls Universität) including extinct (potential) cycads as well as some inference based on them.
Important note: When using the NEXUS-formatted matrix files cite the original literature. Cite this collection, if you want to refer to results/inferences done by me (links below) or included here.
Matrices are provided in NEXUS format (*.nex), trees in NEWICK (*.tre – single tree; *.tree[s] – tree collections) and networks in Splits-NEXUS format (*.nxs; *.dist; use SplitsTree to open and view files): MPT = most-parsimonious tree samples, BioNJ = neighbour-joining tree fulfilling the least-squares optimality criterion, MD = neighbour-net splits graphs using simple (Hamming) mean morphological pairwise distances, NJBS and PBS = NJ and parsimony bootstrap pseudoreplicates.