First and last reported value with total change.xlsx (84.56 kB)

Alcohol beverage household expenditure, taxation and government revenues in European and CIS countries

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posted on 2016-11-21, 20:46 authored by Mihajlo (Michael) JakovljevicMihajlo (Michael) Jakovljevic, Elena Varavikova, Otto Michael Lesch, Ana Pejcic
Data Report Methods:
Natural response of the national authorities to the huge medical and socioeconomic burden of alcohol use was tightened control over its manufacturing and distribution. Many nations adopted the strategy targeted at limiting access to alcoholic drinks by making them effectively more expensive to final consumer. Among a variety of polices developed to tackle these issues we decided to observe taxation approach and consecutive changes in governmental / budgetary revenues.

Official data released by World Health Organization’s Global Health Observatory Data Repository (European Region and broader (Russian) Commonwealth of Independent States observed) were downloaded from the links provided beneath: 
Data refer to the several key indicators of alcohol beverage industry revenues such as: Alcoholic  beverage tax revenue as a per cent of government revenue; Annual revenues from alcohol excise tax in millions US$ ; Alcohol expenditure as a per cent of total household expenditure; Revenues from taxes on consumption (excise duties and similar charges) other than Value Added Tax (VAT) - ethyl alcohol in millions EUR; Revenues from taxes on consumption (excise duties and similar charges) other than VAT - intermediate products in millions EUR; Revenues from taxes on consumption (excise duties and similar charges) other than VAT - still wine in millions EUR. Extraction of selected data from this public repository were provided in Table 1 and Table 2. Another source of used data was European Commission’s Taxation and customs union, Legislation section on Excise duties - Alcoholic beverages: Data were synthesized in a comparable manner with emphasis on first and last historically reported value to the transnational authorities such as WHO and European Commission for European union countries. Incremental gains and losses were calculated as annual and total net changes. Largest possible time horizon available was adopted and it ranged from 7 to 23 years on the set of total of 53 countries of broader WHO European Region. There was a large amount of missing data and therefore conclusions refer to a limited set of countries providing sufficiently detailed data for comparison. Extraction and synthesis of aforementioned public registries on alcohol is archived as an excel sheet at FigShare.


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