Data on research publications authored by Spanish institutions between 2016 and 2020 with their associated social media and altmetric mentions, and on researchers affiliated to Spanish institutions whose work is highly mentioned in social media and non-academic outlets.
Variables of the publications dataset:
id - Unique publication identifier
title - Full title of the publication
year - Year of publication
type - Document type
journal - Name of the journal
esi - ESI category of the publication
influscore - AAS value on March 3, 2021
news - Number of mentions in news media
blogs - Number of mentions in blogs
policy - Number of mentions in policy reports
patent - Number of mentions in patent
twitter - Number of mentions in Twitter
post_peer - Number of mentions in PubPeer and Publons
weibo - Number of mentions in Weibo
facebook - Number of mentions in Facebook
wikipedia - Number of mentions in Wikipedia
google - Number of mentions in Google+
linkedin - Number of mentions in LinkedIn
reddit - Number of mentions in Reddit
pinterest - Number of mentions in Pinterest
f1000 - Number of mentions in F1000
stack_overflow - Number of mentions in Stack Overflow
youtube - Number of mentions in YouTube
syllabus - Number of mentions in Open Syllabus Project
Variables of the top authors dataset:
name - Full name of the researcher
orcid - ORCID record
organization - Name of the institution of affiliation
publications - List of publication identifiers (id) connecting with the publications dataset