Daniel Torres Salinas, was awarded a PhD in Scientific Documentation from the University of Granada. He works as a management technician at the University of Navarra, where he audits the scientific performance of the university. He is also a researcher in the field of bibliometrics and a member of the EC3 Group ( Evaluación de la Ciencia y la Comunicación Científica-Universidad de Granada – Evaluation of Science and Scientific Communication-University of Granada), regularly publishing in journals such as Scientometrics, JASIST and Profesional de la Información. He is a developer for various research evaluation tools such as científicacvn, I-UGR Rankings of Spanish universities and CIRC (Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas – Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals). He is co-founder and CEO of the recently created scientific consultancy spin-off EC3metrics. He frequently teaches courses on scientific communication, Web 2.0 and library research services and science.