The development of spinal surgery training model.pdf (1.89 MB)

The development of spinal surgery training model

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-01-05, 11:03 authored by Obaidallah Elshafiey; Mohammad Haroon; Muhammad Afif Lotfi, M MoghavvemiM Moghavvemi

Training new surgeons in spinal surgery is both challenging and costly, often relying on expensive models that concentrate on specific aspects of the procedure. The preparation process for surgical students is lengthy before they gain hands-on experience with actual patients. This research, however, introduces an innovative model crafted to drastically change the surgeon training.

This model utilizes nondestructive evaluation techniques to offer real-time feedback during simulated surgeries. Its primary objective is to evaluate and analyze the pressure exerted on the spine throughout the surgical process. By embedding an array of sensors within the model and scrutinizing the collected data, the model can precisely identify the nature and magnitude of pressure applied during the operation. Collaborations with medical experts are integral to establishing safe and optimal pressure thresholds.

Simulations are meticulously conducted and compared against empirical measurements to gauge the accuracy and feasibility of diverse sensor types and model designs. Through rigorous exploration, the force-sensing-resistor (FSR) sensor emerges as a promising candidate. Its ease of fabrication and adaptability to the model structure make it particularly favorable.

This newly developed spinal cord surgery model offers a cost-effective, straightforward, and efficient platform that has the potential to significantly reduce the time and expense associated with training aspiring surgeons. Its implementation could markedly enhance medical care for patients grappling with spinal cord issues, ultimately elevating the efficacy of treatment methods in this critical domain.
