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Sumoylation regulates EXO1 stability and processing of DNA damage

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Version 7 2015-10-09, 22:49
Version 6 2015-10-09, 22:49
Version 5 2015-10-08, 16:52
Version 4 2015-10-08, 16:52
Version 3 2015-10-08, 16:51
Version 2 2015-07-28, 23:30
Version 1 2015-08-03, 00:00
posted on 2015-10-09, 22:49 authored by Serena Bologna, Veronika Altmannova, Emanuele Valtorta, Christiane Koenig, Prisca Liberali, Christian Gentili, Dorothea Anrather, Gustav Ammerer, Lucas Pelkmans, Lumir Krejci, Stefano Ferrari

DNA double-strand break repair by the error-free pathway of homologous recombination (HR) requires the concerted action of several factors. Among these, EXO1 and DNA2/BLM are responsible for the extensive resection of DNA ends to produce 3′-overhangs, which are essential intermediates for downstream steps of HR. Here we show that EXO1 is a SUMO target and that sumoylation affects EXO1 ubiquitylation and protein stability. We identify an UBC9-PIAS1/PIAS4-dependent mechanism controlling human EXO1 sumoylation in vivo and demonstrate conservation of this mechanism in yeast by the Ubc9-Siz1/Siz2 using an in vitro reconstituted system. Furthermore, we show physical interaction between EXO1 and the de-sumoylating enzyme SENP6 both in vitro and in vivo, promoting EXO1 stability. Finally, we identify the major sites of sumoylation in EXO1 and show that ectopic expression of a sumoylation-deficient form of EXO1 rescues the DNA damage-induced chromosomal aberrations observed upon wt-EXO1 expression. Thus, our study identifies a novel layer of regulation of EXO1, making the pathways that regulate its function an ideal target for therapeutic intervention.
