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Two-Phase Flow Oxidation of Valeraldehyde with O2 in a Microstructured Reactor

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-11-20, 00:00 authored by Tobias Baumeister, Hannes Kitzler, Klemens Obermaier, Stefan Zikeli, Thorsten Röder
Microstructured reactors are the ideal device for highly exothermic reactions. In this work, the highly exothermic two-phase reaction of valeraldehyde with oxygen to valeric acid was carried out in a microreactor. The used device from one-A Engineering Austria GmbH is designed for process development and intensification and can be applied in the scale-up process to small-scale commercial production. The atom economic oxidation of valeraldehyde is performed at 0 to 40 °C with a catalytic amount of manganese­(II) acetate. A continuous flow oxidation of aldehydes in such reactors can be a safe and beneficial alternative to commercial batch processes.
