Road_Density_Lyon_Chicago_Kolkata_Singapore.pdf (558.92 kB)

Map of Road Density in Lyon, Chicago, Kolkata and Singapore

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posted on 2015-04-11, 17:27 authored by Eugene MoharebEugene Mohareb, Sybil DerribleSybil Derrible, Farideddin Peiravian

This figure is part of the article "Intersections of Jane Jacobs’ Conditions for Diversity and Low-Carbon Urban Systems: Global Look at Four Cities" published in the Journal of Urban Planning and Development [full citation to follow once the article is published]. The figure shows road density of the Grand Lyon (France), Chicago (Cook County – United States), Kolkata (India), and Singapore (Singapore). Darker grid shades relate to higher densities. The black circles represent an area of 500 km2 so as to be able to compare cities with one another. Because data for Kolkata is incomplete, we only show the part of the city within the 500km2 buffer, but the city naturally expands much further. The data was collected from OpenStreetMap in February 2015. In line with OpenStreetMap license agreement, any figure made using OpenStreetMap data has to be publicly available. Since the published article is not open access, we decided to make the figure publicly available here. 
