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Electronic Properties and 13C NMR Structural Study of Y3N@C88

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journal contribution
posted on 2011-05-16, 00:00 authored by Wujun Fu, Jianyuan Zhang, Hunter Champion, Tim Fuhrer, Hugo Azuremendi, Tianming Zuo, Jianfei Zhang, Kim Harich, Harry C. Dorn
In this paper, we report the synthesis, purification, 13C NMR, and other characterization studies of Y3N@C88. The 13C NMR, UV−vis, and chromatographic data suggest an Y3N@C88 having an IPR-allowed cage with D2(35)-C88 symmetry. In earlier density functional theory (DFT) computational and X-ray crystallographic studies, it was reported that lanthanide (A3N)6+ clusters are stabilized in D2(35)-C88 symmetry cages and have reduced HOMO−LUMO gaps relative to other trimetallic nitride endohedral metallofullerene cage systems, for example, A3N@C80. In this paper, we report that the nonlanthanide (Y3N)6+ cluster in the D2(35)-C88 cage exhibits a HOMO−LUMO gap consistent with other lanthanide A3N@C88 molecules based on electrochemical measurements and DFT computational studies. These results suggest that the reduced HOMO−LUMO gap of A3N@C88 systems is a property dominated by the D2(35)-C88 carbon cage and not f-orbital lanthanide electronic metal cluster (A3N)6+ orbital participation.
