
Stanmer Park outdoor navigational data

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modified on 2024-03-21, 12:26

This dataset contains omnidirectional 1440✕1440 resolution images taken using a Kodak Pixpro SP360 camera paired with RTK GPS information obtained using a simple RTK2B - 4G NTRIP kit and fused yaw, pitch and roll data recorded from a BNO055 IMU. The data was collected using a 4 wheel ground robot that was manually controlled by a human operator. The robot was driven 15 times along a route at Stanmer Park (shown in map.png). The route consists mostly of open fields and a narrow path through a forest and is approximately 700m long. The recordings took place at various days and times starting in March 2021, with the date and time indicated by the filename. For example ‘’ corresponds to a route driven on 20/03/2021 starting at 13:57:21 GMT. During the recordings the weather varied from clear skies and sunny days to overcast and low light conditions. Each recording consists of an mp4 video of the camera footage for the route, and a database_entries.csv file with the following columns:

  • Timestamp of video frame (in ms)
  • X, Y and Z coordinate (in mm) and zone representing location in UTM coordinates from GPS
  • Heading, pitch and roll (in degrees) from IMU. In some early routes, the IMU failed and when this occurs these values are recorded as “NaN”.
  • Speed and Steering angle commands being sent to robot at that time
  • GPS quality (1=GPS, 2=DGNSS, 4=RTK Fixed and 5=RTK Float)
  • X, Y and Z coordinates (in mm) fitted to a degree one polynomial to smooth out GPS noise
  • Heading (in degrees) derived from smoothed GPS coordinates
  • IMU heading (in degrees) with discontinuities resulting from IMU issues fixed

For completeness, each folder also contains a database_entries_original.csv containing the data before pre-processing. The pre-processing is documented in more detail in pre_processing_notes.pdf.


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