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Unraveling the causal genes and transcriptomic determinants of human telomere length

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modified on 2023-08-12, 10:04


Gene-level expression quantification for RNA-seq analysis
A tab-delimited GCT file with (Gene ID, Gene Name, TPM) tuples for all genes reported, with expression values in transcript per million (TPM) units, which were calculated from RNA-SeQC ( based on GENCODE release 26.
Description: gene symbol
Sample ID: TPM for each sample


Normalized TL for TRF-based TL analysis
The normalized smooth values of TRF length for each sample were computed using TeloTool (


Summary statistics for cis-eQTL analysis
The summary statistics of cis-eQTL mapping for placenta were computed using tensorQTL ( described by the following columns.
gene_id: ENSEMBL id for each gene
variant_id: unique ID for each SNP, combined by chromosome, base pair position on hg38, reference allele, and alternative allele
tss_distance: distance between the variant and the gene
ma_samples: number of samples carrying at least on minor allele
ma_count: number of minor alleles
maf: minor allele frequency of the variant
pval_nominal: The nominal p-value of the association between the variant and the gene
slope: effect size
slope_se: standard error


Summary statistics for trans-ancestral GWAS meta-analysis
The GWAS summary statistics of trans-ancestry GWAS meta-analyses for Singapore SCHS, TOPMed, and UKBB were derived from METAL ( described by the following columns.
SNP: unique ID for each SNP, combined by chromosome, base pair position on hg38, reference allele, and alternative allele
A1: effective allele, the allele to which the effect estimate refers
A2: non-effect allele
b: effect size
se: standard error
p: p-value of the association between the variant and the trait

Selected genes by different elastic net regression model
Gene: gene symbol of selected genes
Coeff:model coefficients