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R scripts from "Risks posed by invasive species to the provision of ecosystem services in Europe"

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R scripts corresponding to the publication "Risks posed by invasive species to the provision of ecosystem services in Europe":

01_variables.R : Preprocessing of variables used as predictors in Species Distribution Models

02_presences.R : Collation and cleaning of occurrence data for 94 invasive alien species of European concern

03_pseudoabsences.R : Creation of pseudoabsences to be used in Species Distribution Models

04_variable_selection.R : Correlation among variables and selection for modelling

05_modelling.R : Modelling the niche of 94 invasive alien species of European concern

06_prediction.R : Projecting the potential niche of 94 invasive alien species of European concern

07_validation.R : Validating model predictions using spatial blocks

08_variable_importance.R : Calculation of variance importance in the Species Distribution Models

09_ES_processing_maps.R : Pre-processing of ecosystem services (ES) maps

10_Cross_ES_IAS.R : Cross ES maps with 1) current observation of 94 IAS, and 2) maps of favorability for 94 IAS

11_Hotspots_Critical_maps.R : Elaboration of maps representing the density of hotspots and critical areas for each ES

12_IAS_ES_individual_maps.R : Creation of risk maps for each relevant combination between IAS and ES


This research was funded through the 2017–2018 Belmont Forum and BIODIVERSA joint call for research proposals, under the BiodivScen ERANet COFUND program, through the InvasiBES (, with the funding organisations: Spanish State Research Agency (MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE, PCI2018-092939 and PCI2018-092986), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF grant numbers 31003A_179491 and 31BD30_184114), French National Research Agency (ANR, ANR-18-EBI4-0001-06) and the US National Science Foundation (ICER-1852060).