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Deep learning of cross-species single-cell landscapes identifies conserved regulatory programs underlying cell types

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modified on 2022-09-25, 05:22

Despite extensive efforts to generate and analyze reference genomes, genetic models to predict gene regulation and cell fate decisions are lacking for most species. Here, we generated whole-body single-cell transcriptomic landscapes of zebrafish, Drosophila and earthworm. We then integrated cell landscapes from eight representative metazoan species to study gene regulation across evolution. Using these uniformly constructed cross-species landscapes, we developed a deep-learning-based strategy, Nvwa, to predict gene expression and identify regulatory sequences at the single-cell level. We systematically compared cell-type-specific transcription factors to reveal conserved genetic regulation in vertebrates and invertebrates. Our work provides a valuable resource and offers a new strategy for studying regulatory grammar in diverse biological systems.


This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China grant 31930028, 31871473, 31922049, 91842301, 32000461, T2121004; National Key Research and Development Program grant 2018YFA0800503, 2018YFA0107804, 2018YFA0107801; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (G.G.); Alibaba-Zhejiang University Joint Research Center of Future Digital Healthcare.