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GWAS summary statistics of 36 dairy traits

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modified on 2019-04-26, 17:45
GWAS summary statistics for 36 dairy production, reproduction and body conformation traits, including Milk yield, Fat yield, Protein yield, Fat percentage, Protein percentage, Net merit, Productive life, Somatic cell score, Age at first calving, Days to first breeding, Daughter pregnancy rate, Heifer conception rate, Cow conception rate, Sire calving ease, Daughter calving ease, Sire stillbirth, Daughter stillbirth, Final score, Stature, Strength, Dairy form, Foot angle, Rear legs (side view), Body depth, Rump angle, Rump width, Fore udder attachment, Rear udder height, Udder depth, Udder cleft, Front teat placement, Teat length, Rear legs (rear view), Feet and legs composite, and Rear teat placement.