6 files

Dataset for "When optimal feedback control is not enough: feedforward strategies are required for optimal control with active sensing."

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modified on 2016-11-04, 09:53
exp1_err.csv: reaching error (in centimeter) for all subject (n=8) and all trials (n = 996)

exp1_suc.csv: success (binary) for all subject (n=8) and all trials (n = 996)

exp1_traj.csv: trajectories for last 12 blocks (12 trials per each block) of the movement for all subject (n=8) and all directions (n=12). 
- column 1: subject id
- column 2: starting angle
- column 3: 1-axis along the visibility modulation direction, 2-vertical to axis1, 3-alpha level
- columns 4-end: data

exp2_err.csv: reaching error (in centimeter) for all subject (n=10) and all trials (n = 350)

exp2_suc.csv: success (binary) for all subject (n=10) and all trials (n = 350)

exp2_traj.csv: trajectories for last 50 trials for all subject (n=10) with three different sensitivities. 
- column 1: subject id
- column 2: sensitivity (1-lowest, 3-highest)
- column 3: 1-horizontal, 2-vertical
- column 4-end: data


Wellcome Trust and Royal Society (Noreen Murray Professorship in Neurobiology to DW)