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Xenopus laevis head movement kinematics: Dataset

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modified on 2017-01-11, 14:37
Datasets underlying the following paper:

Hänzi, Sara, and Straka, Hans: "Developmental changes in head movement kinematics during swimming in Xenopus laevis tadpoles." Journal of Experimental Biology (2016): doi:10.1242/jeb.146449.

For permissions and methods please see the paper.

The mat file entitled kinematicsDataShare contains two variables; the kinematics data struct contains the main data from the videos. There are fields specifying the filename (fn), the developmental stage (stage), the temperature at which the behavior was recorded (temp), left and right eye positions (leftEye and rightEye, each has a subfield for the x and y coordinate), the timestamp of each frame (ts), the head angle relative to some arbitrary external reference (angleEye, already corrected for jumps between quadrants), the index of the animal (animalIndex), and a struct for converting pixels to mm (sizeCalibration), and comments.

There is an additional variable, called anatomicalMeasures, which is also a struct containing filenames, the animal's index (which is the same as in the kinematics), and measurements of the different anatomical parameters indicated as pixel. As described in the methods of the paper, every measure was repeated in 4 different frames of the same animal, and the mean was taken as the final value.

The second file is called fictiveSwimmingDataShare.mat and contains a struct called fictiveSwimming with fields of filename, developmental stage, length of the animal, and the frequency data (i.e. the frequency of fictive swimming calculated from electrophysiological recordings of a ventral root).


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(STR 478/3-1), Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (01 GQ 1407)