Sett and Random point data.xlsx (16.88 kB)

Ecological factors influencing the selection of sett location by the Asian badger Meles leucurus

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modified on 2021-10-11, 05:40
Habitat variables were analyzed from microhabitats. so each sett and random point was at the center of a buffer with a radius of 5.64 m.
We measured coverage of foliage layer and coverage of plant type (Table 1). The foliage layer was classified as ground vegetation (0–1 m); understory vegetation (1–2 m); mid-story vegetation (2–8 m); sub-overstory vegetation (8–20 m); and overstory vegetation (20–30 m). The plant types were categorized as shrubs and trees. These coverage variables were measured in the 5.64 m radius area on point with four categories as fallows: 0 (percentage coverage=0%), 1 (1–33%), 2 (34–66%) and 3 (67–100%). The distance from the nearest structure (a rock or tree) for a given sett site is considered an important habitat variable. We determined whether a structure existed within 2 m from the sett point. For rocks, the minimum volume to affect structural ability was 2 m3 based on previous study.

The preferences of badgers in forest type were analyzed using GIS in an area within a 100 m radius from sett point. Forest type was classified as coniferous, deciduous, mixed and non-forests. The non-forest areas included human disturbances such as road, houses, arable lands and meadow.