FINAL_Sample_LITT_REV.xlsx (96.85 kB)

Final Sample of articles included in systematic literature review sorted alphabetically and by journal

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modified on 2024-07-05, 15:59

This article seeks to identify and present an overview of how scholars have studied young people and news. Through a systematic literature review, relying both on qualitative and quantitative analytical approaches, we explore how scholars from the field of journalism and media and communication have studied youth methodologically, what kind of youth has gained most interest, and how this topic has been framed.

Petticrew and Roberts describe a systematic review as a study that aims to create a general overall picture of evidence in a topic area, which is needed to direct future research efforts (Petticrew & Roberts, 2006). Literature reviews, particularly systematic reviews, are useful to highlight research gaps, identifying what we know and what we need to know (Siddaway et al., 2019). As such, the goal of a systematic review is to shed light on how research can be skewed and to identify trends and patterns. This is important, because it illuminates how our knowledge is constructed and the power of scholars to give attention to specific geographical areas, certain age groups, and preferences.