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EEG data for binocular color fusion and rivalry recognition.rar (506.26 MB)

EEG data for binocular color fusion and rivalry recognition.rar

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modified on 2023-12-26, 04:22

EEG data about binocular color fusion and rivalry. It recorded EEG data from 10 subjects who viewed binocular color fusion and rivalry stimulus images. To avoid the influence of other factors (especially external light), the whole experiments were conducted in a dark room. Subjects were required to minimize physical activity during the experiment to void the effect of electromyography (EMG) on the EEG data. Ten subjects were labeled S1-S10. S1-S8 completed one time of experiment. S9-S10 completed six times of experiments (labeled 1-6). Their experiments repeated 2 times in the morning, afternoon, and evening in three days. Each experiment collected 48 trail data. Each trail presented binocular color fusion and rivalry stimulus images twice. A total of 960 (=8 subjects × 48 trials+2 subjects × 48 trials ×6 times) trials were recorded.