Benavides-Cabra et al - Supplemental Data 2.pdf (1.13 MB)

Benavides-Cabra et al - SD2 - Identification of ammonoids collected in this study

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modified on 2023-09-12, 13:37

Stratigraphic distribution of marine vertebrates of the Arcillolitas abigarradas Member (Paja Formation) from the Villa de Leiva – Sáchica - Sutamarchán region, Boyacá, Colombia

Cristian D. Benavides-Cabra ; María E. Páramo-Fonseca ; Héctor D. Palma-Castro ; José A. Narváez-Rincón ; Maria Paula Ramos-Clavijo

The taxonomic identification of ammonoid specimens collected during the description of the
stratigraphic sections is presented here as a supplemental document. We determined the taxonomy
of the ammonoid specimens based on the works of Bürgl (1956), Etayo-Serna (1968) and (1979),
Wright (1996), and Kakabadze and Hoedemaeker (2004). All the ammonoid specimens mentioned
in this document are part of the paleontological collections of the Departamento de Geociencias,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.