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Figure 6

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modified on 2017-10-18, 16:22
Figure 6 | Settled sediment thickness (m) as a function of distance from the source are shown with 1 black (average) and 2 red (maximum) lines computed in numerical Experiments III under eddy impact using two vertical mixing schemes: KL1068 (bold) and PP8167 (thin). Cyan lines 3 show the averaged (solid) and maximum (dashed) thickness of sediments settled during the other 10 days of SPM release, when the impact of the eddy vanished. Yellow symbols 4 show JGOFS77,78,79,80 sediment trap rates and their location in Eastern Pacific. Symbols 5,6 show visual and measured data from 15 sediment traps collected in BIE50,51, while empty diamonds show BIE trap values scaled by suspended mass ratio R=31.8 over 10 days between this numerical experiment (454,756t) and in-situ BIE trials , when 1,427t of sediments were dispersed during 19 days at a rate of 4.2 kg·s-1 by a six-meter-wide “benthic disturber” that was towed in 49 parallel rows within a 3300 m × 150 m polygon) 51.Green line 3 indicates the natural sedimentation rate at two A5 stations 53. High_Res_Figure 6 ( and Table 3 are available on-line via Supplementary Info. Figure was plotted using MATLAB R2015b ( The map in this figure was generated by MATLAB R2015b with M_Map (a mapping package,


European Commission's Framework 7 Programme project - Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation (MIDAS), Grant No 603418.