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Immune-endocrine links to gregariousness in wild house mice

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modified on 2019-10-15, 22:55
Data produced for "Immune-endocrine links to gregariousness in wild house mice" manuscript.

pcr_cx.csv file: Gene expression results for cortex.
pcr_hy.csv file: Gene expression results for hypothalamus

For the gene expression files, the results for all gene except B_Actin are expressed as normalized Ro (normalized to the B_Actin expression levels). B_Actin levels are raw (not normalized) Ro.

Dryad_other file: Contains the mass (in g), sex, age (in days), the average degree (number of partners), social phenotype, hair testosterone, progesterone and corticosterone in pg/mg hair (those columns are named testosterone, progesterone and corticosterone), serum corticosterone in ng/mL (column name serum_cort), the time to capture (in minutes) and the serum levels of the following cytokines: IFNg, IL1b and TNFa (expressed in pg/mL).

Please see methods section of manuscript for further details on how these were measured.


Swiss National Science Foundation grant # 31003A_176114

Chapman University Faculty Opportunity Fund

German Research Foundation award number CA 1870/1-1