7 files

Source Data: Spatial tuning of translational optic flow responses in hawkmoths of varying body size.

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modified on 2022-06-17, 13:37
The data from the population experiments (Figs. 2,3,S2) is split into two files: one for the asymmetric and one for the symmetric configuration (pop_data_sym & asym). The .mat file contains the individual animal's flight tracks (first column x coordinate, second column y coordinate), as well as the respective spatial frequency "conditions" (indicated by an index in "groups", and translated to the spatial wavelength of the grating in "conditions"). The extracted flight data is contained in the "data", and the data type is given by "labels".

The data from flight tracks in which individual hawkmoths were identified (Figs. 5,6,7) is split into two files: one for the asymmetric and one for the symmetric configuration (ind_data_sym & asym). The .mat file contains the size of each animal "all_anim_size" (col 1 = thorax width, 2 = animal length, 3 = inner wing length). The moths individual identity is provided by "all_IDs", and the spatial wavelength of the pattern by "all_spat_wavel", while the effective spatial frequency is given by "all_spat_freq" (calculated as the spatial frequency visible directly laterally of the average median position of the animal in the tunnel). The other variables give the 10% maximum speed (all_max_speed), the mean speed (all_avg_speed), the median lateral position in the tunnel (all_position), and the lateral position index (all_lateral_position), calculated as the amount of movement parallel and perpendicular to the main tunnel axis for each frame.

The data from the experiment in which a switch in pattern was presented midway down the tunnel (Figs. 4) is split into three files: the flight tracks and sigmoid fits are saved in the
switch_c1_tracks and c2 files, and the extracted parameters for both conditions in the switch_data file.
The switch_data file contains the parameters from fitting a sigmoid to the flight tracks for flights from a symmetric to an asymmetric configuration (combParamsStoA) and vice versa (AtoS), and the viewing angles based on the 10% divergence of the sigmoid fit from the baseline (viewingAngleStoA). The parameters contain the following data: col 1 = rate of change, 2 = 50% turnpoint, 3 = baseline before turning, 4 = maximum after turning, 5 = 10% deviation from baseline before turn, 6 = average flight speed before turn.