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Data of UK survey on visual perception screening post stroke

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modified on 2020-12-21, 12:04

The core constructs of the survey where “understanding of sensory vision/visual perception”; “current practice”; “barriers to practice”; “facilitators to practice” were explored.

Prior understanding of visual perception was measured in the first item “Do you consider any of the following to be visual perception functions?” followed by a list of domains of either sensory vision, visual perception, or visual neglect. Items related to sensory vision were visual acuity, visual fields, ocular movement, binocular vision, colour vision. Items related to sensory vision were hallucinations, perceptual organisation, motion perception, face perception, object recognition, word blindness, visual memory, visuospatial perception. One of the items on the list was “visual neglect”, which is considered an attentional processing deficit, rather than a visual perception deficit. Respondents then rated these domains according to how important screening for them in stroke survivors is. This was achieved using a 5-point Likert scale: “Not Important”, “Slightly Important”, “Moderately Important”, “Very Important” and “Extremely Important”.

In the following section, respondents were provided with operational definitions of visual perception, visual problems, and visual neglect (table 2) to ensure respondents interpreted subsequent questions in a similar way despite variation in prior knowledge. The main body of the survey consisted of items on current practice and clinician experience of screening for sensory vision and visual perception deficits (e.g., “Which information source do you use while screening for visual perception difficulties in a stroke survivor?”, and ”How challenging are the following barriers while screening for visual perception in stroke survivors?”). Non-identifiable demographic information about respondents was collected at the end of the survey, including years of experience, profession, country of residence, and clinical setting type.


Predicting daily life functioning from visual perception screening

Stroke Association

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TSA LECT 2015/02