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A synthesis of meta-analyses on crop diversification at the global scale

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modified on 2018-12-17, 16:24
Agricultural diversification is often presented as a major lever to improve the sustainability of agro-ecosystems. To date, no study has provided a comprehensive synthesis of existing experimental results on crop diversification. Numerous meta-analyses have been conducted in the last two decades to assess the productive and environmental benefits resulting from a diversification of cropping systems. But, these studies generally focused on one or a very limited number of strategies and most often considered only one type of outcome. We present here a meta-synthesis containing the results of 99 meta-analyses estimating 2382 effect-sizes from the results of 3736 experimental studies worldwide. We also provide an extensive appraisal of the quality of each meta-analysis and a quantification of the redundancy of primary studies between meta-analyses. Our database hence provides (i) a quantification of the impacts of a variety of diversification strategies on crop production, the environment and economic profitability at the global scale and, (ii) a quality and redundancy assessment that may be used as a reference for future meta-synthesis.

The table ‘Effect_size’ contains the effect-sizes reported in the 99 selected meta-analyses. Two other tables pertain to the extraction and classification of meta-information on ‘Effect_Size’; ‘Description_Meta-analyses’ compiles the references and the publication information on each meta-analysis, and the ‘Primary_Studies’ table reports information on each of the 4972 primary studies (of which 3736 are unique) included in the 99 meta-analyses. The table ‘Quality’ reports the results of a comprehensive quality assessment for each of the 99 meta-analyses. Finally, the table ‘Definition_of_variable’ includes the definitions of all the attributes (column headers) of the other five tables. In the following, we present each table in more details.