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Data from Coiro & Seyfullah

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modified on 2024-03-08, 12:07

The scripts for generating the morphospaces (01.morphospace.R), the DTT plots (02.DTT_wholetree.R), the rate analyses (03.rates.R), the DTT plots over 100 posterior trees (04.DTT_100sample.R), and the time series analyses (05.Time_series.R) are included.

The 'data' folder containts all the data needed for running the scripts, namely:

- cond.tre = consensus tree file from Coiro et al. (2023).

- sample100 = sample of 100 trees from the posterior sample of Coiro et al. (2023).

- Matrix_20230214 = morphological matrix.

- FADLAD.csv = FADLAD data for the tip-only analysis.

- timeseries.csv = data for the time series analysis, including bootstrap median data for sum of variance and median centroid distance, Temperature, and CO2.

The 'data' folder also contains a nexus version of the Morphological matrix with characters annotated and readable by Mesquite (Matrix_ann_20230214)


FWF grant M3168