
Mexican natural cities in 2020

This collection is shared privately
The purpose of this collection is to provide the data and the code to build natural cities and analyze the city size distribution in Mexico 2020. This collection is supplemental material to the article entitled Mexican natural cities in 2020: delimitation and city size distribution.

The collection contains the following compressed folders:
> - Original data derived from public resources saved in .gpkg format.
> - Processed data (union between polygons and population data and reprojection) of different types of city. Natural cities found by the City Clustering Algorithm by Convex Envelope Intersections (CCA-CEI) and proposal for a Natural City System 2020 (NCS2020).
> - Maps of cities of SUN2018 and NCS2020 at the national, state, and metropolitan area.
> - Descriptive statistics and power-law analysis of the size distribution of different types of city.

The collection contains the code files:
> - Preprocess and reproject geographic data. Obtain the natural cities through the CCA-CEI.
> - Calculates descriptive statistics and estimates the power law model using the proposal of Clausset et al. (2009). Calculate the Natural City System 2020 (NCS2020).
> - Draw the map of the cities of National Urban System (SUN2018) and Natural City System (NCS2020) at the national, regional and metropolitan area levels.

To reproduce the code, you must save all the files in the collection in a named "NaturalCities_Mexico" and unzip the folders there.


1.23 GB